
Local people would like a new road. Moreover, there are good economic reasons for building one.
2) 我们很可能会迟到。
We will most likely be late.
# likely, possible, probable
It is likely/possible/probable that…
Sb is likely to…
In countries where there are not many schools education is still a privilege.
bring in 产生(利益); 赚到;介绍; 引进; 推广; 吸收参加 收割; 收获逮捕; 宣判
bring out 揭露; 显示, 解释; 说明; 出版; 演出;使罢工;使免除 带(年轻女子)参加社交活动;使开花;说出; 暴露诱导; 引出
bring up 养育;提出;教养;使突然停止;提升;开赴前线 【律】使到法庭受审 [俗]呕吐
His greatest achievement
A popular book: 《 A Brief History of Time 》
时间简史 《 black hole 》
New Words
attitude likely
do without
cut off
moreover initiative
Examples: 1) The boy has a bad attitude towards his schoolwork. 2) His son's attitude to work made him angry. 3)像他表现出的这种态度表明对别人关心不够. Such an attitude as exhibited by him shows a lack of
新编实用英语综合教程1Unit 3 Asking for and giving directions

or instructions
Across: towards someone or something on the other
side of an area Come across: 偶遇
Straightforward: adj.
simple and easy to understand
adj.简单的, 明确的
2. How far is it from here to the library? 3. Is there a bus going there? 4. Am I going in the wrong direction? 5. Is the shopping mall far from here? 6. Excuse me, where is the nearest supermarket?
go across
Sample Conversation
A: Excuse me. I'm looking for the post office. B: OK. Go straight on, then turn left at the crossroads. It's about 100 meters on your left, next to the book store. You won’t miss it! A: Thanks! B: You're welcome.
Can you be my guide?
bakery police station
First Avenue

Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
Supplementary Reading
— 1977 — 1979
Became a professor of physics. Appointed Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge, a post once held by Isaac Newton.
For the vast majority of the population, life was nasty, brutish, and short.
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
Supplementary Reading
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
Supplementary Reading
A Brief History of Time One of his books to make his work accessible to the public.
Before Reading
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
After Reading
Supplementary Reading
After Reading
Supplementary Reading
Questions and Answers 1) What is the attitude of some people towards the changes brought about by science and technology? Some people would like to stop these changes and go back to what they see as a purer and simpler age. 2) What was life like before science and technology began to change our way of life?
新一代大学英语(提高篇)综合教程1 Unit 3教学课件iProduce

新一代大学英语(提高篇) 综合教程 Unit 3
Basic elementsSTEP 1
content Including date, itinerary, destinations, detailed description
of activities, meals, hotel and the inclusion or exclusion of
• Remember to use the words and expression learnt from the two texts.
• Upload your travel plan to the online course after finishing it.
新一代大学英语(提高篇) 综合教程 Unit 3
adventure surge put simply
realm handful
mutual utility
exclusive stability
plunge into
take shape
consume utmost occur to
新一代大学英语(提高篇) 综合教程 Unit 5
Presenting your ideas: STEPC1riteria for self-evaluation and peer-evaluation
新一代大学英语(提高篇) 综合教程 Unit 3
Presenting your ideas: Draw up the travel plan
Follow the example above and make a two-day travel plan, using the interview information in the part of “developing your ideas”.

Unit 3 Gifts
Background Information Discussion
Why to give gifts? The Chinese treat gift giving as something serious and usually will not do so without a good reason, especially between friends, family members, etc. They generally give gifts to thank others for their help or when they are invited to attend a party, a wedding ceremony, or to visit a teacher, a patient, etc. To Westerners, gift giving is not only a way to express thanks, but also a means of keeping a good relationship with others. Therefore it is common for family members, friends, couples, and so on, to exchange gifts.
Unit 3 Gifts
Background Information Discussion
Question 1: All of us must have sent gifts to or received them from our friends, family members, relatives, etc. What is the most memorable gift you have sent or received?
新编实用英语综合教程1 Unit 3

Follow the Samples
Sample 2 Tom is introducing Mr. Brown to Dr. Terry.
Tom: Mr. Brown, I’d like you to meet Dr. Patrick Terry. Mr. Brown: How do you do? Dr. Terry: How do you do? Tom: Dr. Terry is an economist. He just finished writing a book on North America and WTO. Mr. Brown: Oh? Do you work in the Finance Department, Chicago University, by any chance? Dr. Terry: Yes. How did you guess? Mr. Brown: I’ve read your another book on economic reform of Canada. It’s excellent.
Useful Sentences and Expressions
Follow the Samples
Sample 1 Mr. Smith is waiting at an International Airport for his son’s best friend, Jack, who comes to China for traveling for the firs time from Spain.
Follow the Samples
Sample1 Mr. Smith: Not at all. I heard a lot about you from Joe. I know you are good friends. Jack: Yes. We work in the same department and have a lot in common. Many colleagues say that we are like brothers. Mr. Smith: I’m so happy to hear that. And shall we go now? My car’s just outside the airport. My wife is waiting for us at home. Jack: Sure. Thank you so much

Third time
TGIF (Thank God It’s Friday)! What’s your 1)______ time gig (娱乐)? 2)______ and societies? 3)_______? Basketball? Come on, guys! We are the best of CUBA! (I love this game!) Prefer to stay in the dorm listening to 4)______? What’s that? Michael Learns to Rock or Backstreet Boys? 5)______ time again. Meet people and make new friends. Oh? You’d rather just 6)________? You won’t be bored anyhow ...
Che6ck up
TGIF (Thank God It’s Friday)! What’s your 1)_s_p_a_r_e_ time gig (娱乐)? 2)______ and societies? 3)_______? Basketball? Come on, guys! We are the best of CUBA! (I love this game!) Prefer to stay in the dorm listening to 4)______? What’s that? Michael Learns to Rock or Backstreet Boys? 5)______ time again. Meet people and make new friends. Oh? You’d rather just 6)________? You won’t be bored anyhow ...
新视野大学英语第三版第一册Unit3 PPT

She doesn’t like instant-messaging. When she has something to say, she will make a phone call. 她不喜欢发 即时消息。有话要说时,她就打电话。
1. The college campus, long a place of scholarship and frontiers of new technology, is being transformed into a new age of electronics by a fleet of laptops, smartphones and connectivity 24 hours a day. (Para. 1)
electronics: n. [U] 1) electronic equipment or equipment with electronic parts 电子设备;电子仪器 Storms, thunder and lightning can affect a car’s electronics. 暴雨和雷电会影响汽车的电子仪器。
3.In class, she takes notes with it, sometimes instant-messaging or emailing friends if the professor is less than interesting. (Para. 2)
Meaning: She takes notes with her laptop in class, and sometimes sends instant messages or emails to friends if the professor’s class or lecture is not interesting.

1.Read the dialogues and practice communicative tasks 2. Preview new words in Passage A Section II Read and Explore (4 periods) Passage A Clubs and Societies Step 1 Pre-reading Tasks (15 mins) 1. Greetings and a brief revision Ask one or two pairs (groups) to act out their own dialogues 2. Lead-in questions: 1) What do you usually do in your leisure time on campus? (open) 2) How do the students at Oxford spend their spare time? 3. 3) Can you name some clubs and societies at Oxford? Culture notes: 1) OUSU: OUSU is the Oxford University Student Union, a completely separate organization from the Oxford Union. It is there to support students from all the affiliated Oxford Colleges in a number of ways by, for example, offering various student support services such as the Student Advice S
《 超越英语专业篇综合教程1》教学课件U3

1 A: Hi, Betty. Are you used to your college life?
4 A: Oh, I was late for class yesterday and I am going to be
late again today. B: B:Yes. Everything has been fine for the past few weeks.
Task 4
2. I’d rather…
a. I’d rather you gave up the plan. b. I’d rather go swimming in my spare time in summer. c. I’d rather drink juice than beer.
3. … be keen on…
5. … take a fancy to…
a.She took a fancy to detective stories when she was young. b.Mr. Hill took a real fancy to Clara. c. He takes a fancy to a dress displayed in a shop window.
Task 3
Task 4
The following are some expressions for expressing preferences. Use them to make as many sentences as possible.
1. I prefer… 2. I’d rather… 3. … be keen on… 4. I’d like… 5. … take a fancy to… 6. I like… 7. … be fond of…

Unit 3 More Than WordsIn-Class Reading Communication Without Words不用话语的交流1 当你学一门外语时,你要学的不仅仅是词汇和语法。

Unit 3 Holiday Planning Lead-In LSP Dialogue Role Play Reading Exercises
some pig: an extraordinary pig. 注意pig用单数,some在这里
Unit 3 Holiday Planning
Lead-In LSP Dialogue Role Play Reading Exercises
handsome medal. A token of our amazement and our appreciation. Fern: I love you, Wilbur. Mr. Zuckerman: Well, what can I say about this pig that hasn’t already been said? I know a lot of you folks have come out to the farm, and you’ve seen the words. A lot of you have asked me, “How could this have happened?” I don’t know. But it has happened in a time when we really don’t see many miraculous things. Or maybe we do. Maybe they’re all right there around us, every day, and we just don’t know where to look.
综合英语教程1(第三版)unit课件 PPT

Notes to Conversation 1
Welcome aboard: a colloquial expression for greeting a new member
you guys : you two people I’ll leave you two here to talk about
Toilet dishes搞笑的艺 术游戏用品,把吃饭 的盘子做成马桶形状
sucker马 桶抽赌器
Snap circuits儿童
电子线路插板,可以 制作电子玩具
Robot vacuum
cleaner自动真 空吸尘器
Towel rack家
Weather station
Mthurmouigshaambobrectchdadn dodnee desclirnibees her mum’s actions
And gets us all up for work and school.
I shout at her and make her blue, But I still love her, that’s true. I love her with all my heart, And I hope that we will never part.
summarize her feelings/ attitudes towards her mum
Book 1-Unit 3
Notes to My Dad
Tottenham: one of the best local football teams in England giggle: funny activity/event that causes a viewer/onlooker to
凤凰高职英语综合教程1课件Unit 3

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Unit 3 Food and Eating
Text A Background Information
(2)法国“可持续”享受海鲜 美味的海鲜是法式大餐中不可或缺的菜肴,受到世界各地美食爱好者的 追捧。然而,多项研究报告称,由于人类的过度捕捞,海洋中的主要捕捞鱼类 到2050年可能会彻底绝迹。因此,一场“可持续海鲜运动”在包括法国在内 的多个欧洲国家展开。多位顶级大厨想出了旨在“治本”的应对办法——将那 些濒危鱼类从自己的菜单上剔除,代之以其他海鲜。 巴黎左岸的米其林星级餐厅奥古斯特2005年开业,现在濒危的蓝鳍金枪鱼 已经从它的菜单上消失,良姜清汤配鱿鱼丝、椰奶煮绿青鳕鱼片等成为餐厅向 高端消费者推介的创新美味。名厨阿伦·杜卡瑟则表示,“可持续海鲜运动” 旨在让大家明白地球的资源有限,“在拥有6000万人口的法国,如果每人每 年选择吃一点‘环境友好’型海鲜,那么获得拯救的濒危鱼类的数量将非常可 观。 ”
返回 目录
Unit 3 Food and Eating
Text A
Translation The Italians, it seems, take such things rather more seriously. For example, they’ve trained twenty policemen as tasters to help fight against fake extra virgin olive oil. They can taste the differences between those oils produced in Italy and ones produced abroad. Italy has also passed a law which establishes the official method, shape and size of pizza.

Paragraph(s) 5-10
Main idea
The writer points out and illustrates the favorable influence of some specific good manners on the receivers.
The writer concludes that good manners are infectious; meanwhile, she expresses her sincere wish for a polite society.
Detailed reading
2. We get lazy, and in our laziness we think that something like a simple “Thank you” doesn’t really matter. But it can matter very much. The fact is that no matter how nicely we dress, how beautifully we decorate our homes, or how lovely our dinner parties are, we can’t be truly stylish without good manners. 3. In fact, I think of good manners as a sort of hidden beauty secret. Haven’t you noticed that the kindest, most generous people seem to keep getting prettier? They become Cary Grant or Lauren Bacall right before our eyes. It’s funny how that happens, but it does.
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Book 1-Unit 3
Proverb A rolling stone gathers no moss.
A person who is always on the move has few possessions. E.g. someone who changes his/her job from time to time; some businesses keep changing what they trade in.
Book 1-Unit 3
Practice reading the sentences on page 31, and work individually to complete the task. Then check your answers.
Book 1-Unit 3
1. John doesn’t look his age. 2. He has the darkest complexion of any one in the family. 3. He’s got his father’s eyes. 4. He looks great in that red and blue striped sweatshirt. 5. Well, tomorrow will be quite a warm day, hazy sunshine in most places. 6. The girl takes after her mother. 7. It’s funny. He doesn’t look old enough to be her father. 8. Look, those two children look so much alike. They must be related.
Actual Words Spoken a. What size/shape/colour is it? b. What do you do for a living? c. What does it look like? d. I have no idea what sort of house that is. e. One thing that’s typically Chinese is the white and blue porcelain teapot. f. What do you call that thing about 10 centimeters long with two legs which can be used to draw circles?
More details about his father
The time has come for me to admit, Describing his feelings about That my Dad to me is quite a hit. his father I wouldn’t swap him for any other – Apart from which he’s married to my Mother
rhyming patterns. The sentence may in rhyming patternrunMy She’s always washing, ironing, cleaning through more than one Mum is aabb ccdd ddee Until the house is really gleaming. line describes her mum’s actions She gets up at five—that’s her rule—
Action: what they do together
I feel my Dad is getting old, Characteristics He’s fat and bald and feels the cold. of his father And when he dances it’s such a giggle, His feet don’t move but he gives a wiggle.
d. Describing someone’s skin colour.
e. The two children may come from the same family. f. The girl is like her mother in personality.
g. He looks younger than he actually is.
And gets us all up for work and school. I shout at her and make her blue, But I still love her, that’s true. I love her with all my heart, And I hope that we will never part.
a 1.
f 2. b 3. c 4. e 5. d 6.
Functions Asking people to provide you with extra information about the size/shape/colour of an object. Asking people to name an object. Asking about someone’s job. Asking people to describe the appearance of something. Describing a thing typical of a nation’s culture. Telling people that you are not able to imaging what the thing is.
Teaching Objectives
Topics and Functions • Describing names, jobs, backgrounds, and objects • Talking about family origins, vocations and professions • Talking about employment
Book 1-Unit 3
Which of the above sentences could most probably be used in the following situation?
7 4 3 2 8 6 1 5
a. Father and daughter look similar in age. b. Describing someone’s dress. c. The son looks like his father in a way.
summarize her feelings/ attitudes towards her mum Book 1-Unit 3
Notes to My Dad
Tottenham: one of the best local football teams in England giggle: funny activity/event that causes a viewer/onlooker to laugh in a silly way but he gives a wiggle: But in this sentence means “except that”. wiggle: move from side to side with short irregular twisting, clumsy motions He’s hardly with it as fashion goes: His clothes are not fashionable. mate: good friend hit: a success. Here, the boy regards his father a very successful person. swap: to exchange (one) for another Apart from which he’s married to my Mother: apart from the fact that he also loves his mother so much
My Mum
My mum has dyed auburn hair, It’s hard to believe she once was fair. describes her mum’s stanza She has her hair set every Sunday, physicallinepoems have A feature Many may not correlate But it’s always flat again by Monday. a sentence and a
Notes to Conversation 1
Welcome aboard: a colloquial expression for greeting a new member you guys : you two people I’ll leave you two here to talk about your work: I’m going to leave so that you two can talk about your work. Wheቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ you finish here: When you’re finished with each other
Book 1-Unit 3
Work in pairs: One student reads the functions and the other speaks out the sentences in Actual Words Spoken. Then check your answers.