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flower (s) bus (es) (单数与复数)

在英语中,下列物品以复数形式出现; Do you wear glasses?

Where are the scissors? I need them.

可以说 a pair of scissors / a pair of trousers / a pair of pyjamas 等:

I need a new pair of jeans. 或 I need some new jeans.(而非a new jeans ) She’s a nice person. They are nice people. (而非nice persons ) people 是复数(即they ), 因此用people are / people have 等: A lot of people speak English. (而非speaks ) I like the people here. They are very friendly.

police 是复数:‘The police are here.’ ‘Why? What do they want?’

Exercises 65.1 写出下列单词复数形式。

1. flower flowers 5. umbrella ______________ 9. family ______________

2. boat ______________ 6. address ______________ 10. foot ______________

3. woman ______________ 7. knife ______________ 11. holiday ______________

4. city ______________ 8. sandwich ______________12. potato ______________ 6

5.2 看图完成句子。

1. There are a lot of sheep in the field.

2. George is cleaning his ______________.

3. There are three ______________ at the bus stop.

4. Jill has got two ______________.

5. There are a lot of ______________ in the river.

6. The ______________ are falling from the tree.

65.3 下列句子中,有些是对的,但是大多数是错的。改正错误的句子。 1. I’m going to buy some flowers. OK.

2. I need a new jeans. I need a new pair of jeans. OR I need some new jeans.

3.It’s a lovely park with a lot of beautiful tree. ____________________

4. There was a woman in the car with two mens. ______________________

5. Sheep eat grass. ________________________________

6. David is married and has three childs. _________________________

7. Most of my friend are student. __________________________

8. He put on his pyjama and went to bed. ___________________________ 9. We went fishing but we didn’t catch many fish. _______________________ 10. Do you know many persons in this town? ________________________

11. I like your trouser. Where did you get it? ________________________________ 12. The town centre is usually full of tourist. __________________________ 13. I don’t like mice. I’m afraid of them. ________________________ 14. This scissor isn’t very sharp. _______________________ 65.4 从括号中选择正确的词语完成句子。

1. It’s a nice place. Many people go there for a holiday. (go or goes?)

2. Some people ______________ always late. (is or are?)

3. The president is not popular. The people ______________ like him. (don’t or doesn’t)

4. A lot of people ______________ television every day. (watch or watches?)

5. Three people ______________ injured in the accident. (was or were?)
