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Quebec Day
The Flag of Quebec Province
In Canada,there are innumberable maple leaves, and the southeast part of Quebec province and Ontario province have the most beautiful and maximum maple. During the midmonth of march and the early april , people collect maple leaves and make syrup.
The Canadian red and white maple leaf flag is officially called The National Flag of Canada.
The Canadian flag shows a stylized red maple leaf with 11 points on a white bac kground, with red borders down each si de
Poutine is a lumpy potato sticks sprinkled with cheese, then doused with fragrant hot concentrated slippery meat sauce snacks. If you want to taste this delicious snack, head to Montreal for the first card yeah Square.
Maple fruit syrup
quite memorable food, how to eat a lot of ah, can according to individual be fond of eating, besmear is on snacks or rolling your be fond of drinking tea, buy that kind of packaging in the vessel, back to send to relatives, I feel very memorable.
.Lions' Gate Bridge
The Lions Gate Bridge, opened in 1938, known as the First Narrows bridge officially
Located in Vancouver, the Lions Gate Bridge National Historic Site of Canada is the longest suspension bridge in Western Canada with a total length (including approach spans) of 1517 metres
Three meals a day?
relatively simple, mainly eating toast, eggs, bacon, milk, juice, tablets porridge, corn flakes porridge.
Three meals a day?
Average winter and summer high tem peratures across Canada vary accordi ng to the location. Winters can be har sh in many regions of the country, pa rticularly in the interior and Prairie pr ovinces, which experience a continen tal climate. In noncoastal regions, sno w can cover the ground almost six m onths of the year (more in the north). Coastal British Columbia enjoys a tem perate climate, with a mild and rainy winter.
People like the taste of ethnic handicraft can also choose the Indians or the Eskimos do handicrafts, carved wooden ornaments, copper products, glass products, etc., strong national flavor and valuable.
Lunch: with a meal or snack, is relatively simple, generally have sandwiches, drinks, fruit.
Three meals a Dinner: day? comparative hearty,
the staple food for the chicken, beef, fish, pork chops, supplemented by potatoes, carrots, beans, bread, milk, beverages and other, like to use consomme (plus beans, small radish, etc.).
Coffee jelly pieces
The coffee jelly into pieces, into the glass, it is a cool feeling, and then on the decoration in the jelly mint leaves, and serve that show debut appearance.
Horseshoe Bay
Krystal Elena
Canada is a country in North America, extending from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northward into the Arctic Ocean. It is the world's second largest country by total area. Canada's common border with the United States to the south and northwest is the longest in the world. Canada is a federation composed of ten provinces and three territories. In turn, these may be grouped into regions: Western Canada, Central Canada, Atlantic Canada, and Northern Canada Toronto is the largest city in Canada and the provincial capital of Ontario.
Featured products
Smoked salmon, are made of smoked salmon, the taste is unique, can buy packaged slice, there are also some shellfish smoked products is also very good, also can buy back and try it.
Ice wine
• If you are fond of tasting wine, you can try the Canadian ice wine, brewed from is made from grapes raw materials, the grapes are made of long at the end of the grapes, is high-quality goods. When air temperature is below zero octave, Canada meets the frost, the water in the grape encounter cold tie, but inside of fructose and acidity or keep the original appearance, not broken. Only in this way can we make the sweet and strong wine. Is a rare specialty of Canada, is a reputation for 22 Canada's national drink.
Maple Syrup ! Festival
Maple Syrup Festvial
In Canada, people have deeply feelings of maple, they use it in the national flag and even in people’s living supplies. The maple not only has the ornamental value, but also because it can be used to make syrup for people to enjoy.
Canada Festival
Quebec Day 6.24
The Origin of Quebec Day
Quebec Day a festival of Quebec where is a French section in Canada. It is June 24th every year. The Quebec Festival has several hundred years of history. It was formerly known as Saint Jean Baptiste's day.
Quebec Day
The celebration Quebec Day
The St. Jean Baptiste day stem from the European traditional religious festival. During this time, the parade of high streets and back lanes in Montreal is very grand
1.Taste delicious food
2.Visit the Farmer's Market
3.Visit preparation of the maple syrup
4.enjoy the beautiful lush maple leaves.