山西美食介绍 Special Food in Shanxi

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The way to make Sliced Noodles
• Main ingredients:flour,water.(the best proportion is 10:4.5) • Process: 1.Put the flour and water together to make a dough. 2.Use adequate amount of dough and change them into the cylindrical shape. 3.Use a knife to cut the cylindrical dough,after boiling for 3 minutes,you can enjoy the sliced noodles.
Sliced Noodles/Cut Noodles
• Because of its unique flavor,sliced noodles of Shanxi are known at home and abroad.Noodles are all cut by knife,so people name them sliced noodles or cut noodles.The noodles are thick in middle and thin in edge,and they are as slim as willow leaves.Soft and not thicky,the more chewing the more fragrant are the features of sliced noodles.
冠云平遥牛肉 平遥牛肉不加任何色 素,但色泽红润,茬口鲜 红,肉质鲜嫩,肥而不腻, 瘦而不柴,组织紧密,里 外软硬均匀,食之绵软可 口,咸淡适中,香味醇厚, 回味悠长。久食之,可抉 胃健脾,增进食欲。
Pingyao Beef
• Pingyao beef is broad and profound, • long history of Chinese food culture of the essence of Chinese, there is "sell swords to buy calves, sell edge to buy cattle, do a job with skill and ease" to beef processing are described, and the unique flavor, have long enjoyed a good reputation in Pingyao early in the Ming and Qing Dynasties beef has been exported to Asian each country, history in the late Qing Dynasty, the Empress Dowager Ci Xi through Pingyao, enjoy Pingyao beef, smell its fragrance and put their God, savor its taste and solution of the trapped, so as its Palace tribute.
Shanxi Aged Vinegar
• Shanxi aged vinegar is one of the four famous Chinese vinegar, its production has been more than 3000 years of history, known as "the best in all the land of vinegar" reputation.Shanxi aged vinegar to color, fragrant, alcohol, acid concentration, five big characteristics known to the world.August 7, 2011, Shanxi authorities say the local production safety can be assured of edible vinegar.In August 10, 2011, by the province of Shanxi vinegar industry associations to develop Shanxi aged vinegar product quality standards recently passed the national standard review, before predicting the end of the year will be formally promulgated.
Thank you!
平遥牛肉是博大精深、源 远流长的中国食文化的精 华之一,古汉时就有“卖 刀买犊,卖刃买牛,游刃 有余”的对牛肉加工的描 述,而风味独特、久负盛 名的平遥牛肉早在明清时 代就已远销亚洲各国,史 载清末,慈禧太后途经平 遥,享用平遥牛肉后,闻 其香而提其神,品其味而 解其困,故将其定为皇宫 贡品。
• 老子造醋的传说 圣人孔子来京都洛阳问礼,适逢老子在京都 洛阳居住,孔子便去拜访。当孔子谈及京都缺乏 森林,金· 水· 土五行缺木时,老子直言正虑 木· 火· 此事,只是尚无良策。孔子及由五行联想到五味, 苦辣酸甜咸中,酸味可补五行中木的缺乏,对人 体大为有益。老子一听,很为高兴。于是老子决 定在造醋。经过九九八十一次试验,终于造出了 醋。老子也因此被誉“醋祖”。当时醋造成后, 因量少,只做为贡品奉献于宫廷。传说中的老子 炼仙丹,济世救人,实则造醋食疗治病,最早把 醋用于治疗人体疾病。
Special Food in Shanxi
As a province where the main plant is wheat,Shanxi is famous for the food made of flour,and the culture of food made of flour is broad and profound in Shanxi.
• 山西老陈醋是中国四大名 醋之一,它的生产至今已 有3000余年的历史,素有 “天下第一醋”的盛誉。 山西老陈醋以色、香、醇、 浓、酸五大特征著称于世。 2011年8月7日,山西权威 部门称当地所产老陈醋安 全可靠可放心食用。2011 年8月10日,由山西省醋 产业协会制定的山西老陈 醋产品质量标准日前通过 国家标准评审,预计年底 前将会正式颁布。
• 女皇武则天饮醋疗疾 相传女皇武则天 有次龙体欠安,常常腹胀气滞,不思饮食, 御医们想尽了办法,也未能奏效,有位御 医因此还被砍了头。后来有一道士进献陈 醋,武则天吃后胃口大开,龙体转安,从 此以后,武则天御膳时总要放上一壶醋。
• (1)Digest fat and sugar(可消化脂肪和糖) • (2)Diuresis and purge(可利尿通便) • (3)To reduce salt (可减少盐分的摄取) • (4)To reduce blood pressure(可降低血压和 血清胆固醇)
• Main ingredients: Sorghum, bran, chaff and water(高粱、 麸皮、谷糠和水) • 以高粱为主的多种原料配比,以红心大曲 为主的优质糖化发酵剂,低温浓醪酒精发 酵,高温固态醋酸发酵,熏醅和新醋长期 陈酿,与其它名优食醋工艺的主要不同点 有四:
• 以曲带粮 • 曲质优良 小曲主要是根霉和酵母,麦曲主要是黄 曲霉,红曲主要是红曲霉. • 熏醅技术 • 突出陈酿 陈酿期一般为9~12个月,有的长达数 年之久.