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21. I'm talk ing to you. Jack. Please liste n to ____ carefully.

A. me

B. mine

C. you

D. yours

22. Both my pare nts were born ____ 1970.

A. at

B. in

C. on

D. to

23. Hurry up, ____ you will miss the pla ne.

A. and

B. but

C. so

D. or

24. --- _____ d o you play football?

---Once a week.

A. How much

B. How long

C. How ofte n

D. How far

25. We have a lovely room. It's one of _____ in the hotel.

A. nice

B. ni cer

C. n icest

D. the ni cest

26. --- Can you ride a horse?

---No, I ______ .

A. n eed n't

B. may not

C. can't

D. must n't

27. I kno cked on the door but _____ an swered.

A. somebody

B. no body

C. an ybody

D. everybody

28. Paul and I _____ tennis yesterday. He did much better tha n I.

A. play

B. will play

C. played

D. are play ing

29. Where's Tom? His mother ____ him now.

A. is look ing for

B. will look for

C. has looked for

D. looks for

30. --- Excuse me, could you tell me how _____ to Beiji ng Zoo?

---Well, you may take Bus No.27.

A. get

B. gets

C. gett ing

D. to get

31. My aunt is a writer. She _____ more tha n ten books since 1980.

A. writes

B. wrote

C. has writte n

D. will write

32. --- What were you doing this time yesterday?

---I ______ on the grass and draw ing a picture.

A. sit

B. sat

C. am sitti ng

D. was sitt ing

33. I will send you an e-mail as soon as I _____ in Can ada.

A. arrive

B. arrived

C. am arrivi ng

D. will arrive

34. Many accide nts _____ by careless drivers last year.

A. are caused

B. were caused

C. have caused

D. will cause

35. --- Do you know _____ tomorrow?

---At 8 o'clock.

A. whe n did she come

B. whe n she came

C. whe n will she come

D. whe n she will come




"ca n ' believe what I ' rtieari ng! r thought to myself. Jeff was the last can didate (候选

"I ' m sorry, Mike. I 人)for preside nt of Stude nt Coun cil. My best friend Tony came to me and


really thought you should be __36__.

Later that day, I happened to pass Jeff in the dining room. I offered him a __37

"Congratulations " and walked to my usual table. To my surprise, Jeff put his plate beside mine.

"I ' em,—I ' just won deri ng if you would …con sider coming to work on my team, "he

said 38 “ You are really smart, and you would be a great man


"I don ' t think so, " I replied, feeling unsure.

"Well,if you cha nge your mi nd, we are meet ing tomorrow, ”e said before moving to

ano ther


All that ni ght, I thought about __39__ from Jeff. Maybe bei ng


part of the elect ion process(选举过程)would give __40__ a cha

