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Module 1



( )1.------_____ are you, Linda?

------I am standing on the Great Wall and talking to you.

A. What

B. How

C. Where

( )2.It’s very cold. You should _____ your coat and hat before you leave.

A. put on

B. wear

C. dress

( )3. ------ I am going to America for my holidays.


A. Please go

B. Have a great time

C. Enjoy yourselves

( )4.----Hello, Dad! Can you ______ me?

----- Yes, I can. What are you doing, Tony?

A. hear

B. listen

C. listen to

( )5. Some students are playing football, and the others ______ basketball.

A. plays

B. is playing

C. are playing

( )6. Listen! She _____ in the next room. Her voice(声音) is so beautiful.

A. is eating

B. is singing

C. sleeping

( )7.Look!. They______ on the road fast.

A. run

B. are running

C. runs

( )8. A lot of people enjoy _____________ ballet.

A. watch

B. watching

C. seeing

( )9.-----Hi, Mike! I have good news for you. -------__________? What is it?

A. Who


C. Really

( )10. Please _________ the Great Wall. How great it is!

A. see

B. look at

C. look


Betty : Hi Mum, can you hear me?

Mum : Hello. Betty!Where are you now?

Betty : I’m _______________ the Great Wall of China and ___________-you. Mum : Really? That’s great.

Betty : We’re on a school trip.

Mum : What about the others? Are they with you?

Betty : Well, right now Tony is eating a delicious ice cream, Wang Hui is __________________ and Lingling is _________________ and postcards.

They are _____________ at the shop. And Daming is ____________ lunch


Mum : I’d like some postcards too, but please _______________________the Great Wall and ________________________________.

Betty : Ok. We’re enjoying the school trip a lot. Anyway, it’s time to________________. Bye, Mum!

Mum : Bye, Betty!


1./draɪv/ 2./ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/ 3./ˈpəʊstkɑːd/ 4./ˈrestərɒnt/

5./stɑːt/ 6./ˈbæleɪ/ 7./striːt/ 8./dres/ 9./ˈɒpərə/ 10./sliːp/ 11./ˈɡriːtɪŋ/ 12./naɪt/ 13./ˈkɒfi/ 14./ˈrɪəli/ 15./ˈfestɪvl/ 16./ˈredi/ 17./ˈdræɡən/ 18./ˈlæntən/ 19./ˈhæpən/ 20./trəˈdɪʃən/


run _____ stand_____ enjoy_____ talk_____

wait_____ buy______ tell______ listen ______ close______ swim ______ put______ take______

get______ have ______ begin______ shop______

lie______ eat _________ bring _______ watch_____


(1) 此时此刻(2) 穿衣服

(3) 喝下午茶(4) 去听歌剧
