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31 , I could not speak a word of the lan-
I was in a big strange city and knew nothing about it. because I 32
guage. After I had spent my first day in the town center, I decided to lose my way on my second day, that this was the better way of getting to know the strange city. I got on the first bus 33 , then got off it and walked on. The first two hours passed 35 was that the only word I knew of the language was the 36 38 39 . I shook my give him some in the morning, rode on it for several decided I had better 34
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1. $:11! »{i , ~ 1..~,JL- JlJ .'!.. ~,._t -t ~¥,f mc. ff.; M_,t, ;Ji ~iiE 1", ~ *h 1- ,D.1± 1- 1i- $:11! -f J: .iJ\- ~ 5t ~, *iA~ #: ;Ji ~ -Jf5 ,;~ J: ff.; ;Ji ~ iiE 1- , M- ,t ».. # fl , ,(J.. ;!Ji!, ,t ff.; 1± .'K ~,I; :kt~ ,f:Pllio 2. ~ ,J, :11!~ ti:!$ ~k, JlJ 2B ~ ~.re.$:11!-f J: xt E. :11! fl ff.;$~# 1- it.'!. ~"%'rt i;lJ, JlJ ~ K ~~-t-;t k,
---B. has been reached
so far.
D. are reached B. twice the size of D. twice as bigger as
C. as twice big as
. I'm not using it at present. ---A. Certainly, please do C. No, go ahead
~iliJ\:'filA:~(-='.> • ~
Jn(~ 6 JY.r>
28. Though they had several rounds of talks, no agreements A. have been reached C. were reached 29. This coat is A. twice big than that one.
his youth, the boss has decided not
B. In view of D. In case of
23. Yesterday the number of people invited to the party
fifty, but a number of them
[~iita.J'fa] :2017
~ 1 ~ 6
B, 1'ti=- 16: 30-18: 10.~ 1001t~l
*iat~:5t~ I ~C m;1¥1fil) f!Im JI ~C~pm;1¥1fil) ;1jiij:5t
:5t, ~i:i:tffl at
A. Catching C. To catch 27. I doubt A. that C. if
B. Caught
D. To be caught or not they could finish the task on time if they didn't set about it at once. B. what D. whether
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oFra Baidu bibliotek
21. I can't tell you village. A. the; the
way to the Wilsons' because we don't have ~ - - - Wilson here in the B. a; the D. the; a
- - -
B. were; was D. is; are the fact that she knows when to study and when to play.
A. result in C. fill in 25. -Will you go to Tom's 18th birthday party?
B. lie in
D. take in
-If you go, - - A. nor do I B. nor I do D. so I will
C. so will I 26.
the early flight, we ordered a taxi in advance and got up early.
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1h'M1;4ij:1J\Rfil 1 :5t,rPii:5t 10 :)j') }A rltl A,B, CD [ltl,t-JZl;Jffi rpm; ili !~:l:lA~ El 5lt 8"J iE 1iJH~~
30. ~Do you mind if I use your computer for a few minutes? B. Yes, of course D. No, you can't use it
%%-'.£(:_!:!; 10 1J\!MI;'HJ!J\!MI 1 %,mI% 10 %) l~ifmJt,~:JJiHliJtpg~,JA A,B,CD [J]1-Jil;r,mi:p:lil;l:f:\Jft11~~0
C. a; a
22. Last week he was caught stealing things in the store. to charge him. A. In spite of C. In charge of absent for different reasons. A. was; were C. are; is 24. The secret of her success may