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液相色谱词汇中英文对照液相色谱词汇中英文对照高效毛细管电泳 high-performance capillary electrophoresis 归一化法normalization method 毛细管等电聚焦capillary isoelectric focusing 毛细管等速电泳 isotachophoresis 毛细管电色谱 capillary electrochromatography 毛细管电泳 capillary electrophoresis 毛细管电泳电喷雾质谱联用capillary electrophoresis -


芯片电泳 microchip electrophoresis 色谱法 chromatography 色谱峰 chromatographic peak 色谱峰区域宽度 peak width 色谱富集过样 samt injection of chromatography 色谱工作站chromatographic working station 色谱图 chromatogram 色谱仪chromatograph 色谱柱 chromatographic column

色谱柱 column

色谱柱切换技术 switching column technique 毛细管超临界流体色谱法 capillary supercritical fluid chromat 毛细管电泳基质辅助激光解吸电离质谱离线检测 off-line capillar 毛细管电泳离子分析capillary ion analysis

毛细管电泳免疫分析immunity analysis of capillary electropho

毛细管胶束电动色谱 micellar electrokinetic chromatography 毛细管凝胶电泳 capillary gel electrophoresis 毛细管凝胶柱capillary gel column 毛细管亲和电泳 affinity capillary electrophoresis 毛细管区带电泳 capillary zone electrophoresis 毛细管有效长度 the effective length of capillary electrophor 间接检测 indirect detection 间接荧光检测indirect fluorescence detection 间接紫外检测 indirect ultraviolet detection 检测器 detector 检测器检测限

detector detectability 检测器灵敏度 detector sensitivity 检测器线性范围 detector linear range 阴离子交换剂 anion exchanger 阴离子交换色谱法 anion exchange chromatography, AEC 高速逆流色谱法high speed counter-current chromatography

高温凝胶色谱法high temperature gel chromatography

高效液相色谱 -付里叶变换红外分析法high performance liquid ch

高效液相色谱法 high performance liquid chromatography 高效柱 high performance column 高压流通池技术 high pressure flow cell technique 高压输液泵 high pressure pump 高压梯度high-pressure gradient 高压液相色谱法 high pressure liquid chromatography 阴离子交换树脂 anion exchange resin 荧光薄层板 fluorescent thin layer plate 荧光检测器 fluorescence detector 荧光色谱法 fluorescence chromatography 迎头色谱法frontal chromatography 迎头色谱法 frontal method 硬(质)凝胶 hard gel 有机改进剂 organic modifier 有机相生物传感器

Organic biosensor 有效峰数 effective peak number EPN 有效理论塔板数 number of effective theoretical plates 有效塔板高度 effective plate height 有效淌度 effective mobility 淤浆填充法 slurry packing method 予柱 pre-column 在线电堆集on-line electrical stacking 在柱电导率检测 on-column electrical conductivity detection 噪声 noise

噪信比 noise -signal ratio

增强紫外 -可见吸收检测技术U V-visible absorption enhanced det

窄粒度分布 narrow particle size distribution 折射率检测器refractive index detector, RID 真空脱气装置 vacuum degasser

阵列毛细管电泳 capillary array electrophoresis 蒸发光散射检测器 evaporative light-scattering detector, ELSD 整体性质检测器 integral property detector 正相高效液相色谱法normal phase high performance liquid chro 正相离子对色谱法normal phase ion-pair chromatography 正相毛细管电色谱positive capillary electrokinetic chromatog 直接化学离子化direct chemical ionization GC-MS 直接激光在柱吸收检测 on-column direct laser detection 纸色谱法 paper chromatography 置换色谱法 displacement chromatography 制备色谱 preparative chromatography 制备色谱仪 preparative chromatograph 制备柱 preparation column 智能色谱chromatography with artificial intelligence 质量色谱 mass chromatography 质量型检测器 mass detector

质量型检测器 mass flow rate sensitive detector 中压液相色谱 middle-pressure liquid chromatography 重建色谱图reconstructive chromatogram 重均分子量 weight mean molecular weight 轴向扩散 longitudinal diffusion 轴向吸收池 absorption pool of axial direction 轴向压缩柱 axial compression column 柱端电导率检测 out- let end detection of electrical conductiv 柱负载能力 column loadability 柱后衍生化 post-column derivatization 柱老化 condition (aging) of column 柱流出物 (column) effluent 柱流失 column bleeding 柱内径 column internal diameter 柱前衍生化 pro-column derivatization 柱切换技术 column switching technique 柱清洗 column cleaning 柱容量 column capacity 柱入口压力 column inlet pressure 柱色谱法 column chromatography 柱上检测 on-line detection 柱渗透性 column permeability 柱寿命 column life 柱头进样 column head sampling 柱外效应 extra-column effect 柱温箱 column oven 柱效 column efficiency 柱压 column pressure 柱再生 column regeneration 柱中衍生化 on-column derivatization 注射泵syringe pump 转化定量法 trans-quantitative method 紫外 -
