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作为信息隐藏在计算机多媒体领域的一个重要应用,数字水印技术使得人们能够在多媒体信息中嵌入不可见的信息,并且在多媒体信息经过一定程度的处理之后,嵌入的水印信息不会丢失。数字水印技术为多媒体版权保护提供了一个崭新的方法,近年来在国际上引起了人们极大的兴趣和注意,得到广泛的研究和应用。论文中介绍了数字水印技术及其原理、特点以及目前的应用状况等等。并对数字水印算法模型、分类以及典型算法进行了简要的分析,然后利用了一种DCT 算法实现了数字水印的嵌入和提取,并使用剪切、压缩、添加噪声等几种攻击手段验证了水印的鲁棒性。


Image Watermarking Research and Implementation


The current rapid development of new IT technology, electronic commerce and the emergence of a large number of commercial multimedia services, making all kinds of multimedia data for copyright protection technology is very important. In recent years, many foreign scholars put forward a series of new information security thinking, particularly in intellectual property protection, anti-seize international information embedded comments raised new areas of prevention and protection measures. Information hiding and digital watermarking technology is a new digital media protection, it is the specific information (such as copyright information, secret information, etc.) embedded into the image, voice, video and text files and other digital media in order to achieve identification, annotation and copyright protection purpose, the same time, this information media of the host not attracted people's attention and has a particular recovery method, this information is illegal receiver should not be visible, can not be perceived.

Information hidden in the computer as an important area of multimedia applications, digital watermarking technology makes it possible to embed information in the multimedia information is not visible and multimedia information through a certain degree of processed, the embedded watermark information is not lost. Digital watermarking for multimedia copyright protection provides a new way, in recent years has attracted considerable international interest and attention, has been widely studied and applied. Paper introduces the digital watermarking technology and its principles, characteristics and the current application status, and so. And digital watermarking algorithm model, the typical algorithm for classification and a brief analysis, and then use a DCT algorithm of digital watermark embedding and extraction, and use the shear, compression, adding noise, means of verification of several attacks on the watermark robust.

Keywords: information hiding;watermark;DCT
