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1. (怎样学英语) I’m writing to tell you that a __________ (比赛)for telling funny English stories __________________________(下周五下午在我校举行). _____________________________(我想参加) You know I love English stories very much.The competition will offer me ___________(一个机会) to enjoy funny stories. Besides,________________________________________________________(我可以利用这个机会来锻炼我的口语).So it would also be a good ________________(机会) for you to _____________(展示你的才华).If you are interested in it, let me know and I will send you more _________(信息)


2.I’m very glad to have received your e-mail. ________________________________________________________(现在我给你写信,给你提一些在高中如何学好英语的建议) First of all, you should listen to the teacher carefully and _____________________(上课记笔记)so that you can ___________________(复习功课) as soon as you can after class. _____________________(众所周知), vocabulary is of great importance. You should spend half an hour in the morning ______recite (背诵) words and ________(read) texts aloud. What’s more, try to ________________________________________(课下用英语和你同学交流). In this way you can improve your listening and _____________(口语)quickly. Last but not least, you should _____________________________(形成记笔记的习惯), _______ helps improve your written English and helps you go over/review the words and expressions_____you have learnt.

I hope these suggestions will be of use to you. Remember______________________________________. (有志者事竟成)

3. (致歉类)___________________________________________________(很抱歉这周末我不能去你家帮助Marry学汉语了),because my grandfather is ill and I’ll have to _____________________(照顾他).

________________________________(我可以建议我们推迟到下周日吗?)Please call me ________(如果可能)。________(除此之外),please tell Mary to write a passage about her recent ____________(学校生活) and I’ll check it _______________________________(我下次去你家的时候) ________________________________________(请原谅我不能去). I’m looking forward to your reply.

4. (怎样学汉语)Dear Betty,

I’m glad to receiv e your e-mail. In your e-mail, you said _________________________(你在学汉语上有困难) Don’t worry about it. I have some suggestions for you.

First of all, I think you should often watch or __________(听) Chinese programs,so you can ______________________(对汉语感兴趣). What’s more, ______(read) Chinese stories and learning Chinese songs are also good ways to learn Chinese well. Besides, you had better ______________________(交一些中国朋友). _______________(如果可能), you can visit Chinese families and even live with them for some t ime. Last but not least, don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Keep on practicing Chinese and never give up.

__________________________________________(世上无难事,只怕有心人). I’m sure you’ll learn Chinese well.

5.(高中生活)How time _______(时间飞快)!

It ______almost two months since I ________(进入高中)Our new teachers are very strict

_____us, _____their lessons are very ___(interest).

_____(此外) ,I have ________(交了许多朋友)here. Yi Xin , one of my ____(同学) ,is my best friend now. We often share our _____________________(想法和感受) ,which _______(help)me a lot. You know I become angry ______ myself _______(easy),especially when I ______(遭遇/陷入) some difficult lessons .

How about your school life ? I am look forward to_______________(收到来信) you soon.

6.(通知)In order to strengthen the good relationship between parents and children and

_______________________(尊敬老人), our school decided to _____(举行)an English speaking

contest_____the topic “ How to respect our parents”.

时间:11月6日下午3点;地点:校会堂the school meeting hall





_________________contest, there will be an award-giving ceremony.
