植物生理学:第八节 病(虫)害与植物的抗病(虫)性

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Plant Pathogen: an organism (virus, bacteria, fungus) that ,
to complete a part or all of its life cycle, grows inside the plant and in so doing has a detrimental effect on the plant.
第八节 病(虫)害与植物的抗病(虫)性
The purpose: to understand the biochemical and molecular
mechanisms by which plants defend themselves against attack from microbial pathogens and invertebrate pests.
2. Nitric oxide (NO): is induced to produce during incompatible interactions in plants. Roles: NO and ROS play an synergistic role in the rapid activation
pathogen attack;
• Compatibility: Successful pathogen infection and
disease occur. If both the performed and induced plant response are ineffective.
1. Reactive oxygen species (ROS): Produced during the early stages of a plant resistance response.
3. Cell wall fortification: Extracellular basic hydroxyprolinerich glycopreoteins (HRGPs) contribute to fortifying the cell wall in 2 ways:
* Act as a signal to induce SA biosynthesis and expression of the genes
involved in certain cell protection mechanisms.
Localization of H2O2 accumulation, shown as e-dense deposits of cesium perhydroxide (arrows) in cells adjacent to avirulent Pseudomonas, 5h after bacterial inoculation into the intercellular airspace of lettuce leaves.
Sugar beet-root nematode interaction. (A) The central rows of sugar beet show severe damage from the endoparasitic cyst nematode Heterodera schachtii. (B) Mature female nematode bodies filled with eggs, attached to the sugar beet roots at the end of the pathogen’s life cycle.
Baidu Nhomakorabea
Proposed membrane protein topology of respitoty-burst oxidase (RBO) proteins encoded by genes isolated from Arabidopsis. Indicated are the 6 transmembrane domains, the putative positions of the 2 heme molecules (triangles), and the FAD and NAD(P)H binding sites.
of a wide repertoire of defense responses after pathogen attack.
NO is required for the HR to avirulent pathogens.
White arrows: HR; Black arrows: disease symptoms
Roles: * Be directly toxic to pathogens; * Contribute to the structural reinforcement of plant cell wall, make the
wall more resistant to microbial penetration and enzymatic degration;
• Induced defense response: On recognition of the attacking pathogen, defense mechanisms are activated such that the invasion remains localized.
• Incompatibility: The above 2 interactions that limit
一、植物防卫反应(Plant defense response)的生理生化 基础
• Performed defense response: plants possess performed structural barriers or toxic compounds that confine successful infection to specialized pathogen species.