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一、Ⅰ. Choice questions (there are 50 questions, 1 point for each question) (总题数:40,分数:40.00)

1.Thoracic vertebrae:

A.have transverse foramen

B.have costal fovea on the vertebral body laterally √

C.the articular facets are relatively sagittal

D.the end of the spinous process bifurcated

E.the vertebral foramen is larger and triangular

2.Inferior angle of scapula marks the level of

A.the 2th rib

B.the 6th rib

C.the 7th rib √

D.the spine of the 7th thoracic vertebra

E.the spine of the 10th thoracic vertebra

3.Which ligament associate with the lamina of vertebral arch adjacently?

A.anterior longitudinal ligament

B.posterior longitudinal ligament

C.interspinal ligament

D.ligamenta flava √

E.supraspinal ligament

4. Which artery is palpable deep to the ingunal ligament

A.anterior tibial a.

B.femoral a. √

C.politeal a.

D.profunda femoris artery

E.peroneal a.

5.Which muscle can flex the hip joint and extend the knee joint?


B.adductor longus

C.biceps femoris

D.quadriceps femoris √


6. The following structures pass through the infrapiriform foramen, EXCEPT

A.superior gluteal artery. √

B.sciatic nerve.

C.posterior femoral cutaneous nerve.

D.pudendal nerve.

E.internal pudendal vein and artery.

7. The following nerves which damaged may result in foot drop?

A.femoral n.

B.tibial n.

mon peroneal n. √

D.obturator n.

E.pudendal n.

8.The only innervation of the femoral nerve below the level of the knee is

A.the gracilis muscle

B.the tibialis anterior muscle

C.the adductor longus

D.the skin on the medial side of leg and foot √

E.the skin of the lateral side of leg and foot

9.The contents of the popliteal fossa, EXCEPT

A.tibial nerve

mon peroneal nerve

C.popliteal vein and its tributaries

D.popliteal artery and its branches

E.deep peroneal nerve √

10.The anterior tibial artery

A.is a branch of the femoral a.

B.begins at level of the lower border of the popliteus √

C.passes through the adduct canal.

D.accompanies the tibial nerve.

E.is palpable in the foot.

11.Regarding the femoral triangle

A.the femoral vein, artery, and nerve lie in the femoral sheath.

B.the femoral nerve lies most medially in the femoral triangle.

C.the lateral border of the femoral triangle is formed by the lateral border of sartorius muscle

D.the femoral canal lies medial to the femoral vein. √

E.at the apex of the femoral triangle, the femoral vessels pass into the popliteal fossa.

12.Which nerve passes through the quadrilateral foramen?

A.musculocutanous nerve

B.median nerve

C.ulnar nerve

D.radial nerve

E.axillary nerve √

13. Concerning the musculocutaneous nerve, which one is true?

A.it arises from medial cord of brachial plexus

B.it innervates triceps brachii

C.it supplies posterior group of muscles of arm

D.it innervates the coracobrachialis √

E.it acompanies with deep brachial vessels

14.The apex of axilla is bounded by

teral 1/3 of clavicle

B.medial border of scapula

teral border of first rib √

D.head of humerus

E.pectoralis major

15.Which nerve injured can lead to “claw hand”(爪形手)?

A.musculocutaneous nerve

B.median nerve

C.ulnar nerve √

D.axillary nerve

E.radial nerve

16.The maxillary sinuses open into
