








Safety and Security Procedures

Your safety and the security of your personal property are of the primary concern to those of us who welcome you as our guest. We urge you to take advantage of the following suggestions.

1.What should you do when a fire breaks out according to the passage?

A. Try your best to put out the fire.

B. Report fire to your leader first.

C. Leave the building through the safe exit.

D. Use the electric lift to leave as fast as possible.

2.What should you do with a suspicious-looking stranger who knocks at your door?

A. Pretend you are not in the room.

B. Send him to the police station.

C. Get in touch with the Front Desk.

D. Let him in to make sure of his identity.

3.Where might you see these suggestions?

A. At a gym.

B. At a hotel.

C. At a shop.

D. At a bank.


Kathy Fletcher and David Simpson have a son named Santi. He had a friend who sometimes went to school hungry. So Santi invited him to occasionally eat and sleep at his house.

That friend had a friend and that friend had a friend, and now when you go to dinner at Kathy and David’s house on Thursday night there might be 15 to 20 teenagers gathering around the table, and later there will be groups of them crashing in the

basement or in the few small bedrooms upstairs. The kids who show up at Kathy and David ’s have suffered the pains of modern poverty: homelessness, hunger, abuse. And yet by some miracle, hostile soil has produced beautiful flowers. Kids come from around the city. Spicy chicken and black rice are served. Cellphones are banned. The kids who call Kathy and David “Momma” and “Dad,” are polite and clear the dishes. Birthdays and graduations are celebrated. Songs are performed. Each meal we go around the table and everybody has to say something nobody else knows about them. Each meal the kids show their promise to care for one another.

The adults in this community give the kids the chance to present their gifts. “At my first dinner, Edd read a poem that I fi rst thought was from Langston Hughes, but it turned out to be his own. Kesari has a voice that somehow appeared from New Orleans jazz from the 1920s. Madeline and Thalya practice friendship as if it were the highest art form.”

“They give us a gift — complete intolerance of social distance. When I first met Edd, I held out my hand to shake his. He looked at it and said, “We hug here,” and we’ve been hugging since.”

Bill Milliken, a veteran youth activist, is often asked which programs turn around kid s’ lives. “I still haven’t seen one program change one kid’s life,” he says. “What changes people is relationships. Somebody is willing to walk through the shadow of the valley of adolescence with them.” Souls are not saved in bundles. Love is the necessary force.

4. Why do kids come to Kathy and David’s house on Thursdays?

A. To help the homeless at first hand.

B. To experience the feeling of home.

C. To learn about the modern poverty.

D. To plant beautiful flowers in poor soil.

5. Why isn’t the use of cel l phones allowed at Thursday dinners?

A. Kids need to tell stories about themselves.

B. Kids are expected to care more for each other.

C. Kids have to do house chores around the home.

D. Kids prepare songs for birthdays and graduations.

6. What gift did the writer get at a Thursday dinner?

A. The practice of the art form.

B. The pleasure of enjoying jazz.

C. The chance to listen to poems.

D. The zero distance between souls.

7. What does Bill mean in his words?

A. Love is the power to change a kid’s life.

B. Money is needed to start programs for kids.

C. A program can change a group of kid’s lives.

D. Kids change their relationships in a program.


University graduates Mallorie Brodie and Lauren Hasegawa, who invented a smartphone app that tracks construction defects for commercial builders, had a tiger by the tail.

Bridgit, which they founded in 2012, launched a cloud-based communications platform that helped manage defects on construction sites, which can delay projects and result in costly repairs if left unchecked. The smartphone application lets site supervisors take photos of cracks or damaged paint, share them with employees and track the problems to solution.

More than 600 subcontractors used the pilot version in many building sites before the commercial version, called Closeout, officially launched.

Feedback(反馈)was so good that they began to wonder: Why limit their invention to a specific industry? Why not turn it into some kind of a handy tool for consumers too? This became their dilemma. In other words, should they stay the course or look for wider applications of their app?

The experts polled all agreed Bridgit should stay focused on its original goal. Ms. Hasegawa and Ms. Brodie took that advice.

As more business customers signed on, it became clear that they made the right decision. Since then, the company’s growth has been rapid.

Earlier this year, Bridgit launched Closeout, which is designed so that even the least tech-savvy can use it easily. Today, the app is being used on sites across Canada and the United States and even by top general contractors.

In October, Bridgit was named to the Canadian Innovation Exchange’s top 20 list of Canada’s most innovative (创新的) companies working in digital media and information and communication technology .

But Ms. Hasegawa and Ms. Brodie are not resting on their glories. They have also been collecting feedback on Closeout from customers, and they’ll launch a new version in the spring. It will target not only general contractors but developers and building owners, too.

8.What does the underlined word "defects" in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

A. Style.

B. Process.

C. Drawback.

D. Material.

9.What did the two graduates decide to do when the pilot version was well received?

A. Turn to the ordinary consumer market.

B. Look for wider applications of their app.

C. Turn it into a widely-used tool for consumers.

D. Continue centering on the development in construction industry.

10.Who could be their potential customers?

A. Smartphone users.

B. Architects.

C. Computer programmers.

D. Photographers.

11.Which of the following might be the best title?

A. Graduates’ smartphone application takes off

B. Graduates’ smartphone application has a bright future

C. Graduates’ smartphone application meets with challenges

D. Graduates’ smartphone application plays an important role in our life


If you want to convince the boss you deserve a pay rise or promotion, the solution could be simple—eat the same food as they do. Psychologists have discovered managers are much more likely to instantly trust us if we choose the same dishes as them. During experiments, discussions over wages and work conditions were much more

successful if both sides chose to snack on the same treats. And shoppers were much more likely to buy a product advertised on TV by someone eating a similar food to them at the time.

The reason is thought to be so-called similarity attraction theory –w here people tend to like others who have similar tastes or habits to themselves. But this is believed to be one of the first studies highlighting the role of food in this relationship. Researchers at Chicago University in the US conducted a series of experiments to examine food’s role in earning trust.

In a test, participants were told to watch TV – where someone pretending to be a member of the public praised a certain product. The volunteers were given Kit Kat bars to nibble, while the TV people ate either a Kit Kat or grapes as they talked. The results showed viewers were much more likely to express an interest in buying the product if the TV showed the other person eating a Kit Kat too.

The researchers added, “Although similarity in food consumption is not a sign of whether two people will get along, we find consumers treat this as such. They feel more trusting of those who consume as they do. It means people can immediately begin to feel friendship and develop a bond, leading to smoother transactions from the start.’

Harley Street psychologist Dr Lucy Atcheson said it was already known that wearing similar clothes could instantly create trust. But this was the first report that food had the same effect. She said, “This is really interesting. It makes sense as people feel they have common ground and can trust the other person. That means negotiations are more likely to be successful.

12. According to the passage, customers are likely to buy a product from a dealer who______.

A. has the same taste as them

B. advertises his products on TV

C. reduces the price of his products

D. pays attention to the quality of his products

13. The experiments conducted by researchers at Chicago University show that ______.

A. people who have similar tastes to their boss’s earn more

B. bosses like employees that have the same taste as them

C. food plays an important role in earning people’s trust

D. people have less interest in buying products advertised on TV

14 What can be inferred from the passage?

A. People will get along with each other if they like to eat similar things.

B. People who eat similar food are more likely to trust each other.

C. The effect of wearing similar clothes hasn’t been proved by researchers.

D. People are more likely to make friends with those wearing the same clothes as them.

15. Which of the following sayings can be an example of the similarity attraction theory?

A. Honesty is the best policy.

B. All good things come to an end.

C. Where there is a will, there is a way.

D. Birds of a feather flock together.



Gratitude belongs to the category of advanced life skills because it can completely transform your life.

Help others turn away from negativity. If some people you know persist in talking about negative things all the time, find a wise way to tell them that you really don’t

for you because you appreci ate their efforts. In turn, you’ll have even more reasons to feel gratitude. When other people sense that you appreciate them, it changes your relationship with them.

asp ects created by that situation. Ask yourself: “What have I learned here? Will it benefit me in the future? When I look back on this experience a year later, what

will I be grateful for?”

Have a gratitude review. Do this as soon as you wake up in the morning and before

for in your life. If you start and end each day with gratitude, your whole life will shift in a more positive direction. It only takes a minute or two to allow gratitude fill your heart and mind.

A. See the big picture.

B. Show gratitude to others.

C. Actually, it is more than that.

D. Everyone loves to be appreciated.

E. Don’t get pulled in a negative talk.

F. Remember to count your blessings daily.

G. So you could be doing them a huge favor.




Did you ever have a dream? I’m not talking about a dream you have when you sleep.

my life's fortunes. After many revisions, a board game was developed. It was a(n)

Eventually, our company was dissolved.

will discourage his future dreams of a different life. But to me, maybe I didn't succeed

I had never transferred my dream into goal and then to action, there wouldn't have

final success. After many attempts, many failures, many lessons and many false starts,

only be a dream, success will arrive at last.

21.A. future B. life C. dream D. plan

22.A. factory B. farm C. car D. business

23.A. environment B. school C. family D. society 24.A. enjoyably B. previously C. constantly D. currently 25.A. destroy B. realize C. change D. create 26.A. exciting B. terrible C. dark D. embarrassing

27.A. canceled B. combined C. disappeared D. founded

28.A. Unfortunately B. Unlikely C. Unconsciously D. Unfairly 29.A. came into B. left out C. came back D. took in 30.A. optimistic B. negative C. difficult D. positive 31.A. needed B. devoted C. desired D. begged

32.A. by B. on C. over D. into

33.A. Unless B. If C. After D. Before 34.A. valuable B. successful C. useless D. cruel

35.A. analyses B. designs C. attempts D. revisions

36.A. took up B. look into C. run across D. put into 37.A. good B. better C. most D. bad

38.A. meaning B. point C. truth D. purpose 39.A. efforts B. achievements C. possibilities D. difficulties 40.A. heart B. existence C. action D. ambition



Tea is enjoyed all over the world as a comforting treat. First, choose the type of tea you want to drink. There are various types of tea that offer different health 41 (benefit) and flavors. Next, boil a pot of water and pour it over your tea. Allow your tea to soak thoroughly. Add milk and sugar to increase the flavor of bold teas or add honey 42 lightly flavored teas if desired.

Green tea is known for 43 (it) high level of a cancer-fighting chemical. 44,


2018届甘肃省民乐县第一中学高三压轴卷(一)数学(文) 试题 2018.5.19 姓名_______班级_______考号__________总分 一、选择题 1.已知集合{}1M x x =<,{} 20N x x x =-<,则( ) A .M N ? B .N M ? C .{ }1 M N x x =< D .{}0M N x x => 2.设()()()2i 3i 35i x y +-=++(i 为虚数单位),其中x ,y 是实数,则i x y +等于( ) A .5 B C .D .2 3.已知数据1x ,2x ,。。。,10x ,2的平均值为2,方差为1,则数据1x ,2x ,。。。,10x 相对于原数据( ) A .一样稳定 B .变得比较稳定 C .变得比较不稳定 D .稳定性不可以判断 4.设函数()()sin cos ,f x x x f x =-的导函数记为()f x ',若()()002f x f x '=,则0tan x =( ) A . -1 B . 1 3 C. 1 D .3 5.已知双曲线()22 2210,0x y a b a b -=>> F ,过点F 与x 轴垂直的直线与双曲 线的两条渐近线分别交于点M ,N ,若OMN △的面积为20,其中O 是坐标原点,则该双曲线的标准方程为( ) A .22 128x y -= B .22 148x y -= C .22 182 x y -= D .22 184 x y -= 6.某空间几何体的三视图如图所示,则该几何体的体积为( ) A .42π+ B .26π+ C .4π+ D .24π+ 7.执行如下图的程序框图,若输入a 的值为2,则输出S 的值为( ) A .3.2 B .3.6 C .3.9 D .4.9 8.等比数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,公比为q ,若639S S =, 则562S =,1a =( )


2020-2021学年甘肃省白银市靖远一中高二下期中化学试卷学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单选题 1.下列物质由于发生反应,既能使溴水褪色,又能使酸性KMnO 4溶液褪色的是 A.乙烷B.乙烯C.苯D.甲苯2.用分液漏斗可以分离的一组液体混合物是() A.溴和CCl 4 B.苯和溴苯C.硝基苯和水 D.汽油和苯3.洗涤做过银镜反应的试管,应选用下列试剂中的()A.浓氨水B.盐酸C.稀硝酸D.烧碱 4.只需用一种试剂即可将酒精、苯酚溶液、四氯化碳、己烯、甲苯五种无色液体区分开来,该试剂是() A.FeCl 3溶液B.金属钠C.酸性KMnO 4 溶液 D.溴水 5.某学生做乙醛的实验,取1mol·L-1的CuSO 4 溶液2mL和0.4mol·L-1的NaOH溶液4mL,在一个试管内混合后加入0.5mL40%的乙醛溶液加热至沸,无红色沉淀,实验失败的原因是( ) A.NaOH不够量B.CuSO 4 不够量C.乙醛溶液太少D.加热时间不够 1

6.将0.1mol两种气体烃组成的混合气完全燃烧后得3.36L (标况)CO2和3.6g水,对于组成判断正确的是() A.一定有甲烷B.一定有乙烯 C.一定没有甲烷D.一定没有乙烯 7.已知在甲醛、乙醛、丙醛组成的混合物中,氧元素的质量分数为37%,则氢元素的质量分数为() A.9% B.8.5% C.10.2% D.无法计算8.验证某有机物属于烃,应完成的实验内容是() A.只测定它的C、H比B.只要证明它完全燃烧后产物只有H2O和CO2 C.只测定其燃烧产物中H2O与CO2的物质的量的比值 D.测定该试样的质量及试样完全燃烧后生成CO2和H2O的质量 9.下列反应的生成物 ...为纯净物的是() A.CH4与Cl2光照B.氯乙烯加聚 C.乙烯和氯化氢加成D.丙烯和氯化氢加成 10.能够快速、微量、精确的测定相对分子质量的物理方法是 A.质谱B.红外光谱C.紫外光谱D.核磁共振谱11.为了鉴定卤代烃中所含有的卤素原子,现有下列实验操作步骤。正确的顺序是( ) ①加入AgNO3②加入少许卤代烃试样③加热④加入5mL4mol/LNaOH溶液⑤加入 5mL4mol/LHNO3溶液 A.②④③①⑤B.②④③⑤①C.②⑤③①④D.②⑤①③④12.下列实验结论不正确的是()


六安一中高三年级第一次月考 英语试题 时间:120分钟总分:150分 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B, C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What is the woman likely to be? A.A waitress B.A servant C.A nurse 2. How much would the man have to pay for the first concert only? A.$1 B.$2 C.$4 3. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? A.Teacher and student B. Husband and wife C.Doctor and patient 4. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In an office B. At their home C. In a restaurant 5. What will the man do this Saturday? A. He’s going to (he woman’s home B. He’s going to meet the woman’s family instead of her C. He s going to have dinner with the woman’s family in a restaurant 第二节(共l5小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白^每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6. Why does the man come here? A.To have atrip B.To visit his friend C.To give a performance 7.Which is more expensive? A.The man's hat B. The man's shirt C. The man's jacket


民乐一中2016—2017学年第一学期高三年级诊断考试 _地理_试卷 I卷 一.单项选择题(每小题只有一个选项正确,共22小题,每小题2分,共44分。)下图为某地区自然景观分布示意图,以及P、Q两区域的等高线图,读图回答1~3题。 1.下列关于图示地区的叙述正确的是() A.①②③中最适合发展耕作业的是② B.图示海域可能形成大渔场 C.图中植被分布变化反映了由沿海到内陆的地域分异规律 D.该地位于北半球 2.有关图中P处地貌的叙述正确的是() A.以流水沉积作用为主,最显著月份7月 B.分布于河流入海口处 C.形成与风力作用相关,最显著月份1月 D.组成物质大小混杂无分选 3.按照“地势平坦、取水方便、无水患洪灾之地建立聚落”的原则,聚落选址在Q地的最佳位置是() A.甲地 B.乙地 C.丙地 D.丁地 下图中XY线为地球自转线速度等值线,PQ为锋面。读图回答4~5题。

4.关于PQ半球位置及其锋面性质的说法,正确的是() A.北半球冷锋 B.北半球暖锋 C.南半球冷锋 D.南半球暖锋 5.关于PQ锋面雨区位置及移动方向的说法,正确的是() ①雨区位于PQ西北侧②雨区位于PQ东南侧 ③PQ锋面将向东南移动④PQ锋面将向西北移动 A.①③ B.②③ C.①④ D.②④ 读某地四种不同天气系统过境前后气压变化示意图。读图回答6~7题。 6.关于四种天气系统的判断, 正确的是() A.甲是暖锋过境 B.乙是高压过境 C.丙是低压过境 D.丁是冷锋过境 7.四种天气系统与其影响下可能出现的天气现象的组合正确的是() A.甲——台风 B.乙——我国北方夏季的暴雨 C.丙——长江流域的伏旱 D.丁——寒潮 下图中甲为某半球P地位置示意图,乙为P地降水量月分配柱状图,丙为月平均气温变化曲线图。读图回答8~9题。 8.P地降水量最多的季节是()


甘肃省靖远一中2017—2018学年下学期3月月考高 一物理试题 学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________ 一、单选题 1. 某质点从A到B做速率逐渐增大的曲线运动,轨迹如下图所示.现有四位同学在轨迹某处画出该质点的速度方向及加速度的方向,正确的是() A.B.C.D. 二、多选题 2. 如图所示,小车M在恒力F作用下,沿水平地面做直线运动,由此可判断( ) A.若地面光滑,则小车一定受三个力作用 B.若地面粗糙,小车也可以不受摩擦力作用 C.若小车做匀速运动,则小车一定受四个力的作用 D.若小车做匀速运动,则小车可能受三个力的作用 3. 如图所示为一个做匀变速曲线运动的质点的轨迹示意图,运动方向从A到E。已知在B点时的速度与加速度相互垂直,则下列说法中正确的是() A.D点的速率比C点的速率大 B.A点的加速度与速度的夹角大于90° C.A点的加速度比D点的加速度大 D.从A到D加速度与速度的夹角先增大后减小

三、单选题 4. 如图, 一个小球悬挂在天花板下面,小球所受细绳拉力F 的反作用力是 T () A.小球受到的重力 B.小球对细绳的拉力 C.天花板对细绳的拉力 D.细绳对天花板的拉力 5. 如图,粗糙水平面上的物体在水平拉力F的作用下做匀加速直线运动,现使F不断减小,则在滑动过程中() A.物体的加速度不断减小,速度不断增大 B.物体的加速度不断增大,速度不断减小 C.物体的加速度先变小再变大,速度先变大再变小 D.物体的加速度先变大再变小,速度先变小再变大 6. 有四个运动的物体A、B、C、D,物体A、B运动的s﹣t图象如图中甲所示;物体C、D从同一地点沿同一方向运动的v﹣t图象如图中乙所示.根据图象做出的判断正确的是() A.物体A和B均做匀速直线运动且B的速度比A更大 B.在0﹣3s的时间内,物体B运动的位移为30m C.t=3s时,物体C追上物体D D.t=3s时,物体C与物体D之间有最大间距 7. 如图,在倾角为的固定光滑斜面上,有一用绳子拴着的长木板,木板上站着一只猫.已知猫的质量是木板的质量的2倍.当绳子突然断开时,猫立即沿着板向上跑,以保持其相对斜面的位置不变.则此时木板沿斜面下滑的加速度


第Ⅰ卷选择题(共60分) 一、选择题(在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题意的。每小题1.5分,共60分) 2011年6月20日,全国城镇居民社会养老保险试点工作部署暨新型农村社会养老保险试点经验交流会议在北京召开。国务院总理温家宝出席会议并作重要讲话。据此回答1~2题。 1.温家宝指出,近年来,我们加大工作力度,加快建立覆盖不同人群的社会保障制度,不断提高保障水平。建立城镇居民养老保险制度和新农保制度,是开创性的重大社会保障制度建设,有了这两项新制度,几千年来中国人“老有所养”的愿望,在可预见的未来几年里就能初步实现。这表明() ①随着经济和社会发展,人民的利益日益得到实现②人民民主具有广泛性 ③人民民主具有真实性④国家开始尊重和保障人权 A.①②B.③④C.①③D.②④ 2.温家宝表示,国务院决定在全国范围内启动城镇居民社会养老保险制度试点,并加快新农保试点进度,在本届政府任期内基本实现制度全覆盖。从根本上看,政府加快社会保障制度建设是因为() A.我国是人民民主专政的社会主义国家B.在我国,公民是国家的主人 C.国家尊重和保障人权D.人民当家作主有制度的、法律的和物质的保障 3.从“当官不为民做主,不如回家卖红薯”到“尊重人民主体地位,勿忘人民当家作主,这反映了() ①我国公民的政治权利不断扩大②社会主义民主政治不断进步 ③我国国家性质发生了根本性转变④社会主义民主的本质是人民当家作主 A.②③B.②④C.①③D.①④ 4.2011年10月24日,最高人民检察院和国家保密局联合通报重要涉密经济数据泄露案件查办情况:国家统计局原干部孙振泄露27项统计数据,被判刑5年;中国人民银行原干部伍超明泄露25项统计数据,被判刑6年;另外4名犯罪嫌疑人均为证券行业从业人员,已分别立案侦查。上述案例说明() A.国家长治久安离不开专政B.任何违法行为都会受到刑法的处罚 C.司法机关要坚持依法行政D.宪法和法律是公民享有权利的依据 5.从政治生活角度看,某些官员泄露国家经济数据() ①说明我国公民有言论自由②没有履行严守国家秘密的政治性义务 ③割裂了公民权利与义务的关系④没有坚持个人利益与国家利益相结合的原则 A.①②B.③④C.①②③D.②③④ 6.2011年,中国20多个省区市陆续启动了新一轮县乡基层人大换届选举。某选区投票站悬挂着这样的横幅:“珍惜民主权利,投出理性一票”,对此理解正确的是() A.通过自己选的代表反映意见,可避免做出对自己不利的决定 B.通过赞成或反对审慎表达意见,有利于维护我们的切身利益 C.选举是重要的利益协调机制,发扬民主只能通过选举来实现 D.选民不可放弃自己的投票权,必须参加区县人大代表的选举 7.2011年10月2日,全国人大常委会对《刑事诉讼法》修正案(草案)征求意见结束。根据《刑事诉讼法》规定,公安机关对犯罪嫌疑人的拘押讯问时间一般不超过24小时,严禁刑讯逼供,在被羁押48小时内必须安排被告律师同被告会面。监狱服刑人员在进行必要劳动时,安排适当休息,有劳动安全卫生防护用品,不得侮辱、体罚、打骂服刑人员等。这都表示() ①我国尊重和保障人权②任何公民的合法权利都受到法律保护

甘肃省民乐县一中物理 静电场及其应用精选测试卷

甘肃省民乐县一中物理静电场及其应用精选测试卷 一、第九章静电场及其应用选择题易错题培优(难) 1.如图所示,y轴上固定有两个电荷量相等的带正电的点电荷,且关于坐标原点O对称。某同学利用电场的叠加原理分析在两电荷连线的中垂线(x轴)上必定有两个场强最强的点A、'A,该同学在得到老师的肯定后又在此基础上作了下面的推论,你认为其中正确的是() A.若两个点电荷的位置不变,但电荷量加倍,则x轴上场强最大的点仍然在A、'A两位置 B.如图(1),若保持两个点电荷的距离不变、并绕原点O旋转90°后对称的固定在z轴上,则x轴上场强最大的点仍然在A、'A两位置 C.如图(2),若在yoz平面内固定一个均匀带正电圆环,圆环的圆心在原点O。直径与(1)图两点电荷距离相等,则x轴上场强最大的点仍然在A、'A两位置 D.如图(3),若在yoz平面内固定一个均匀带正电薄圆板,圆板的圆心在原点O,直径与(1)图两点电荷距离相等,则x轴上场强最大的点仍然在A、'A两位置 【答案】ABC 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 A.可以将每个点电荷(2q)看作放在同一位置的两个相同的点电荷(q),既然上下两个点电荷(q)的电场在x轴上场强最大的点仍然在A、A'两位置,两组点电荷叠加起来的合电场在x轴上场强最大的点当然还是在A、A'两位置,选项A正确; B.由对称性可知,保持两个点电荷的距离不变、并绕原点O旋转90°后对称的固定在z轴上,则x轴上场强最大的点仍然在A、'A两位置,选项B正确; C.由AB可知,在yOz平面内将两点电荷绕O点旋转到任意位置,或者将两点电荷电荷量任意增加同等倍数,在x轴上场强最大的点都在A、A'两位置,那么把带电圆环等分成一些小段,则关于O点对称的任意两小段的合电场在x轴上场强最大的点仍然还在A、A'两位置,所有这些小段对称叠加的结果,合电场在x轴上场强最大的点当然还在A、A'两位置,选项C正确; D.如同C选项,将薄圆板相对O点对称的分割成一些小块,除了最外一圈上关于O点对称的小段间距还是和原来一样外,靠内的对称小块间距都小于原来的值,这些对称小块的合电场在x轴上场强最大的点就不再在A、A'两位置,则整个圆板的合电场在x轴上场强最大的点当然也就不再在A、A'两位置,选项D错误。 故选ABC。


2015—2016学年第二学期期中考试试卷 高二英语 (时间:100分钟,满分:120分) Ⅰ 阅读理解 认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选山最佳选项,并在答题纸上将 该项涂黑(2*20=40分)。 A Every day we go to school and listen to the teacher, and the teacher will ask us some questions. Sometimes, the classmates will ask for your opinions of the work of the class. When you are telling others in the class what you have found out about these topics, remember that they must be able to hear what you are saying. You are not taking part in a family conversation or having a chat with friends—you are in a slightly unnatural situation where a large group of people will remain silent, waiting to hear what you have to say. You must speak so that they can hear you—loudly enough and clearly enough but without trying to shout or appearing to force yourself. Remember, too, that it is the same if you are called to an interview whether it is with a professor of your school or a government official who might meet you. The person you are seeing will try to put you at your ease (not worried) but the situation is somewhat different from that of an ordinary conversation. You must take special care that you can be heard. 1. When you speak to the class, you should speak ________. A. as slowly as possible B. in a low voice C. loudly D. forcefully 2. Usually, when you speak to the class, the class is ________. A. noisy B. quiet C. having a rest D. serious 3. The situation in the class is _________that in your house. A. not very different from B. sometimes the same as C. sometimes not the same as D. not the same as 4. If you are having a conversation with an official, the most important thing for you is____. A. to show your ability B. to be very gentle C. to make sure that you can be heard D. to put the official at ease 5. The main idea of this passage is _______. A. that we should talk in different ways in different situations B. that we must speak loudly C. that we must keep silent at any time D. that we must talk with the class


石家庄市2019届高中毕业班质量检测试题 英语 参考答案 听力(20×1.5=30):1—5 CBCBB 6—10 ACAAA 11—15 CBBAC 16—20 CABAC 阅读理解(15×2=30):21—23 BCD 24—27 CDAB 28—31 BACD 32—35 DBBC 七选五阅读填空(5×2=10):36—40 GFDAC 完形填空(20×1.5=30):41—45 BDACB 46—50 DBACD 51—55 ACBAC 56—60 DBACD 语法填空(10×1.5=15):61. was created 62. with 63. traditional 64. hands 65. is 66. attentively 67. built 68. what 69. the 70. their 短文改错(10×1=10): Last term, I hosted an exchange student calling Jacob from the Great Britain to our school. He really called cares for Chinese culture. Jacob asked me to show himself around the city on weekends. I took him to him many local place of interest and we also go to the theater to watch a show of Peking Opera. He was so places went attracted by the performance as he decided to learn it. My father happened to know a master of Peking that Opera and introduced Jacob to him. Jacob was great honored to be one of his students. Put his heart into greatly Putting it, Jacob made a rapid progress. When he returned∧England, he gave a performance, for what he won much to which admiration from his classmates. 书面表达(满分25分): 参考范文: Dear George, Knowing that you’re interested in what our Chinese family gatherings a re like, I’m glad to introduce some of my experience with you. We Chinese like to get together with our family very much, especially on important days such as festivals and birthdays. Most of the time, we bring gifts to the elders and the kids. Eating is one of the most necessary part of the gathering, which is usually prepared by family members together. Not only is the various food delicious but the time we spend making and enjoying it together is enjoyable. Adults chatting and children playing around, this is the typical scene of a happy family gathering. Hope one day you can come and experience by yourself! (120 words) Yours, Li Hua 注:请各校阅卷教师认真学习本次书面表达的评分细则。

北师大版数学高二-甘肃省永昌县第一中学高中数学 《正态分布》练习

甘肃省永昌县第一中学高中数学《正态分布》练习 (时间:45分钟满分:100分) 一、选择题(每小题7分,共35分) 1.已知三个正态分布密度函数φi(x)= 1 2πσi 2 () 2 2 e x i i μ σ - - (x∈R,i=1,2,3)的图象如图所 示,则( ) A.μ1<μ2=μ3,σ1=σ2>σ3 B.μ1>μ2=μ3,σ1=σ2<σ3 C.μ1=μ2<μ3,σ1<σ2=σ3 D.μ1<μ2=μ3,σ1=σ2<σ3 2.(2010·广东)已知随机变量X服从正态分布N(3,1),且 P(2≤X≤4)=0.682 6,则P(X>4)等于( ) A.0.158 8 B.0.158 7 C.0.158 6 D.0.158 5 3.已知随机变量ξ~N(3,22),若ξ=2η+3,则D(η)等于( ) A.0 B.1 C.2 D.4 4.某市组织一次高三调研考试,考试后统计的数学成绩服从正态分布,其密度函数为φμ, σ(x)= 1 2π·10 2 (80) 200 e x--(x∈R),则下列命题不正确的是( ) A.该市这次考试的数学平均成绩为80分 B.分数在120分以上的人数与分数在60分以下的人数相同 C.分数在110分以上的人数与分数在50分以下的人数相同 D.该市这次考试的数学成绩标准差为10 5.某市进行一次高三教学质量抽样检测,考试后统计的所有考生的数学成绩服从正态分布.已知数学成绩平均分为90分,60分以下的人数占10%,则数学成绩在90分至120分之间的考生人数所占百分比约为( ) A.10% B.20% C.30% D.40% 二、填空题(每小题6分,共24分) 6.随机变量ξ服从正态分布N(1,σ2),已知P(ξ<0)=0.3,则P(ξ<2)=________. 7.已知正态分布总体落在区间(0.2,+∞)的概率为0.5,那么相应的正态曲线φμ,σ(x)在x=________时达到最高点. 8.某班有50名学生,一次考试后数学成绩ξ(ξ∈N)服从正态分布N(100,102),已知P(90≤ξ≤100)=0.3,估计该班学生数学成绩在110分以上的人数为________.9.在某项测量中,测量结果ξ服从正态分布N(1,σ2)(σ>0).若ξ在(0,1)内取值的概率为0.4,则ξ在(0,2)内取值的概率为________.

甘肃省民乐县第一中学2020-2021学年高二上学期期中考试(4部)地理试题 Word版含答案

民乐一中2020—2021学年第一学期高二年级期中考试 _地理_试卷 I卷 科幻片《流浪地球》,讲述了科学家们发现太阳急速衰老膨胀,短时间内包括地球在内的整个太阳系都将被太阳所吞没。为了自救,人类提出一个名为“流浪地球”的大胆计划,即倾全球之力在地球表面建造上万座发动机和转向发动机,推动地球离开太阳系,人类暂时转入地下城生活,用2500年的星际流浪,抵达新家园。 1.在电影里有这么一个情节,地球大气被木星吸走一部分,地球有可能撞向木星,除了这些危险,在靠近木星时以下哪个也是地球可能面临的() A.被小行星等星际物质撞击 B.大气的削弱作用减弱,白天地表温度越来越低 C.木星受地球引力作用,远离轨道,撞向地球 D.地球大气的保温作用减弱,气温日较差越来越小 下图表示我国某地某日测试记录的到达地面的太阳辐射日变化,回答下列各题。 2.该日不同时段的天气状况最不可能的是 A.8:00 到 10:00 多云B.12:00 到 14:00 晴 C.14:00 到 16:00 多云 D.18:00 到20:00 晴 3.地面获得太阳辐射的多少与下列哪些要素有关() ①太阳高度②纬度位置③地势高低④天气状况 A.①B.①②C.①②③D.①②③④地震波在不同媒介中的传播速度是不同的,科学家利用这一原理探究地球内部结构。 4.地震波在地球内部传播时,科学家们发现在距离地面大约2 900千米深处横波速度突然降低为零,纵波速度也突然降低,这说明了() A.地球内部存在着岩浆B.该深度上下层次的温度变化明显 C.大陆地壳与大洋地壳的厚度不同D.该深度上下层次的物质组成存在很大差异 5.人们在生产活动中还常利用地震波() A.传递声音信号B.进行地质探矿C.调查农作物虫害情况D.测量山峰的高度开心超人住在(30°N,120°E)。有一天他想拜访住在地球另一端的甜心超人,并决定“遁地”前去,他从家中钻入地底,始终保持直线前进并穿越地心。据此,完成下面小题。

甘肃省靖远一中2021届高三上学期周检测物理试题 Word版含答案

靖远一中2021届高三上学期周检测 物理试题 一、单项选择题(6×4=24分) 1. (2020·山东师大附中模拟)如图所示,一水平的浅色长传送带上放置一质量为m的煤块(可视为质点),煤块与传送带之间的动摩擦因数为μ.初始时,传送带与煤块都是静止的.现让传送带以恒定的加速度a开始运动,当其速度达到v后,便以此速度做匀速运动.经过一段时间,煤块在传送带上留下了一段黑色痕迹后,煤块相对于传送带不再滑动,关于上述过程,以下判断正确的是(重力加速度为g)( ) A.μ与a之间一定满足关系μ>a g B.煤块从开始运动到相对于传送带静止经历的位移为 v2μg C.煤块从开始运动到相对于传送带静止经历的时间为 v μg D.黑色痕迹的长度为(a-μg)v2 2a2 2.在日常生活及各项体育运动中,有弹力出现的情况比较普遍,如图所示 的情况就是一个实例.当运动员踩压跳板使跳板弯曲到最低点时,下列说法正 确的是( ) A.跳板发生形变,运动员的脚没有发生形变 B.运动员受到的支持力,是运动员的脚发生形变而产生的 C.此时跳板对运动员的支持力和运动员的重力等大 D.此时跳板对运动员的支持力大于运动员的重力 3.(2020·湖南邵阳一模)如图,黑板擦在手施加的恒力F的作用下匀速擦拭黑板.已知黑板擦与竖直黑板间的动摩擦因数为μ,不计黑板擦的重力,则它所受到的摩擦力的大小为( ) A.F B.μF C.μF 1+μ2 D. 1+μ2 μ F 4.如图所示,两个质量均为m的小球用轻质细杆连接静止于内壁光滑的半球形碗内,杆及碗口平面均水平,碗的半径及两小球之间的距离均为R,不计小球半径,则碗对每个小球的支持力大小为( )

河北省石家庄市2020届高三阶段性训练 英语(含答案)

石家庄市2020届高三年级阶段性训练题 英语 注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £ 19.15. B. £9.15. C. £9.18. 答案是 1. What was the weather like this morning? A. Cloudy B. Rainy. C. Sunny. 2. Where was the grey bird when the man saw it? A. Beside a river. B。On top of a house. C. In a tree. 3. What is the woman's opinion about writing an English story? A. It's unpleasant. B. It’s interesting. C. It's creative. 4. How much will the speakers pay for the shoes? A. £ 15. B. £25. C. £35. 5. What program will be shown on TV tonight? A. The singing competition. B. The talk show. C .The street dancing. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. Where will the woman go tomorrow?


第I 卷 一.选择题(每小题只有一个正确答案,每小题5分,共60分) 1.设全集R U =,,}1|{},0|{>=>=x x B x x A ,则B A C U =( ). A.}10|{<≤x x B.}10|{≤x x 2.设集合},20|{≤≤=x x M }20|{≤≤=y y N ,给出下列4个图形,其中能表示集合M 到N 的函数关系的有( ) A.0个 B.1个 C.2个 D .3个 3.下列四组函数中,表示同一函数的是( ). A.2)(|,|)(x x g x x f = = B.x x g x x f lg 2)(,lg )(2== C.1)(,1 1 )(2+=--=x x g x x x f D.1)(,11)(2-=-?+=x x g x x x f 4.下列等式成立的是( ). A.4log 8log )48(log 222-=- B. 4 8 log 4log 8log 222= C.2log 32log 23 2= D.4log 8log )48(log 222+=+ 5.函数y =x 416-的定义域是( ). A. ]2,(-∞ B .)2,(-∞ C .]2,0( D .)2,0( 6.设e c b a 1 ln ,3,22.03.0===,则( ). A.a b c << B.b c a << C.c b a << D .b a c << 7.设)(x f 是定义在]5,5[-上的偶函数,且)1()3(f f > ,则下列各式中一定成立的是( ) A .)2()3(f f > B .)5()0(f f < C .)3()1(f f <- D .)0()2(f f > 8.已知A b a ==53,且 21 1=+b a ,则A 的值是 ( ) A.15 B.15 C.15± D.225 9.已知集合,}21|{},|{<<=<=x x B a x x A 且R B A C R =)( ,则实数a 的取值范围是 ( ).


2020年甘肃省庆阳市环县一中七年级(下)期中英语 一、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共30.0分) A My friend Tom is a schoolboy.Everyone likes him very much because he is funny.He can play many instruments.When he is with his friends,he often plays for them.Today is October 8 th.It's Tom's birthday.He has a big and interesting party at home.Many friends come to his party.Tom's mother cooks (烹调)a lot of food for them.Everyone gives a beautiful gift to him.Sally gives him an English dictionary because Tom also likes English.Bob gives Tom a guitar because he likes playing the guitar very much.At the party,Tom plays the guitar and he also plays the piano.We sing many songs (歌曲)and play some interesting games.We have a good time today. 1.Why does everyone like Tom very much?______ A. Because he studies well. B. Because he is funny. C. Because he can play many instruments. 2.When is Tom's birthday?______ A. October 8th. B. October 7th. C. November 7th. 3.What does he do on his birthday?______ A. He does his homework. B. He goes to a movie. C. He has a big and interesting party at home. 4.Who gives Tom an English dictionary?______ A. His mother. B. His father. C. Sally. 5.What does Tom play at the party?______ A. The guitar. B. The piano C. A and B. B Dear Dave, I'm not happy.There are too many rules in my house.It isn't fair.I have to get up at five o'clock every morning.I can't arrive late for school.I have to be there at eight o'clock.I have to come back home after school because I have to do my homework.In the evening I can't watch TV because I have to help my mother make dinner and wash the dishes.I have to go to bed before ten o'clock.On weekends,I have to stay at home on Saturday morning.I have to clean my room and wash my clothes by eleven o'clock.On Saturday afternoon,I have to go to the Children's Palace to learn the piano.Do you have lots of rules?Are they fair (公平)? Your friend, Alice 6.Who writes the letter ?______ A. Dave. B. Alice. C. Alice's mother. 7.What time does Alice have to get up?______ A. five o'clock. B. eight o'clock. C. ten o'clock.


靖远一中12月份月考试题 高一英语 一、阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分) 第一节(共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分) A Are you looking for an exercise program which is easy to learn, wants few or no tools and relaxes your mind while building your body? If so, please keep reading to learn more about yoga (瑜伽). Yoga seems like a hot new trend, but yoga actually began more than 3,000 years ago in India. The word yoga means “to unite mind, body and spirit”. Although yoga includes physical exercise, it is more of a lifestyle, while physical exercise is just a part of it. Training your mind, body and breath are the main goals of the yoga lifestyle. Yoga has lots of benefits. It can improve strength, balance and patience. In addition, many people who practice yoga say yoga can reduce anxiety and stress, and even help them sleep better. Many gyms and community centers offer yoga classes. Your neighborhood may also have a yoga training center. Some yoga teachers offer private classes for students who want more professional training. You could also try using a yoga DVD. Websites, DVDs and books can’t compare to learning yoga from a teacher, but they can help you find out more. They can be especially helpful if you have already taken yoga classes and want to practice at home. Remember to dress some comfortable clothes that allow you to move your body fully. Shorts and a T-shirt are good choices. Yoga is practiced with bare feet, so you don’t have to worry about special shoes. Before you begin any type of exercise program, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor, especially if you have a health problem. 1. Which of the following is NOT true of yoga? A. It is easy to learn. B. It needs little or no equipment. C. It can build your body and relax your mind. D. Physical exercise is the most important part of yoga. 2. If you want to get more professional training, you are advised to . A. open your own yoga training center B. take private classes offered by yoga teachers C. learn yoga from DVDs and books D. go to India 3. Before you take a y oga program, you’d better . A. wear your best clothes B. wear special shoes for yoga C. ask your doctor for advice D. read a lot of yoga books B When Willard Wigan was 5 years old, he made a house for the ants that lived in his backyard in Birmingham, England. “I felt sorry for them because I thought they were homeless,” Wigan said. The house was just the beginning of Wigan’s small creations. Soon, he was making small bicycles, furniture and even shoes. “It became a strong interest,” Wigan said. “It started to take over my life.” Today, Wigan’s works are a lot more complex. Even so, each one can fit inside the eye of a needle. Wigan’s micro-sculptures (微雕) may be the smallest man-made works of art in the world. He makes them under a microscope (显微镜). He uses a small diamond which is tied to the point of a needle to shape the pieces. Then he applies the paint with the hair of a fly. Some of his sculptures can take four months to finish. All of his works cannot be seen by the naked eye (肉眼). The pieces must be displayed in special cases equipped with microscopes. To create his small works, Wigan holds his breath. Wigan says he works between heartbeats to stop the pulse in his finger from destroying the sculptures. But Wigan once made a terrible disaster. While creating a scene from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, he breathed by accident. As a result, much work had to restart. As a child, Wigan had difficulty in learning. He struggled to get good grades. “I felt small,” Wigan said. “So I wanted to prove to everybody that small things do matter.” They certainly do. Last year, former British tennis champion David Lloyd bought 70 pieces from Wigan’s collection. They are insured for nearly $23 million. 4. The writer wrote this text to . A. tell readers about an unusual sculptor B. teach readers how to create micro-sculptures C. analyze why micro-sculptures become popular D. ask readers to protect micro-sculptures 5. By mentioning the eye of a needle, the writer wants to show . A. how small Wigan’s works are B. how beautiful Wigan’s works are C. how colorful Wigan’s works are D. how detailed Wigan’s works are 6. What does Wigan use to paint his micro-sculptures? A. A common brush. B. A small diamond. C. A needle. D. The hair of a fly. 7. What do we know about Wigan’s works of art? A. They are convenient to carry. B. They are attractive to children. C. They are easy to destroy. D. They are small as well as cheap. C In the United States,most children begin attending school when they are five years old. Public education is free and most children go to school near their homes. School in these early years is fun. Children learn to read and write. And they also play games and go on trips. There is no reason at such an early age for them to hit the books. The situation changes as children become older. The subjects become more difficult. Students must learn about world history,math,and the life sciences. Tests become more common. Pressure(压力) is growing to hit the books,study hard,and advance. However,most serious
