人教版九年级英语全册学案:Unit 4 导学案

人教版九年级英语全册学案:Unit 4 导学案
人教版九年级英语全册学案:Unit 4 导学案

Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.


1. no matter无论什么

2. made in China 中国制造

3. everyday things 日常用品.

4. avoid doing sth.避免做某事,避免,避免干某事

5. hang out with sb. 与某人闲逛,

6. traffic accidents 交通事故

7. no longer= not …any longer不再

no more = not … any more

8. in the future在将来;在未来

9 .such as比如

10. turn into 变成

11. according to 根据

12. send out释放

13. in trouble 处于麻烦中

14. be covered with被…覆盖

15. rise into上升到

16. paper cutting剪纸

17. at a very high heat在高温下烧烤

18. fairy tale中国童话故事

19. add to 加入;加到;增加

20. walk to school步行去学校

21. wear school uniform穿校服

22. be nervous about= be nervous of 为…….紧张


23. my six-year-old brother我6岁的弟弟

24. in person= by oneself亲身,亲自,

25. have problems/trouble in doing sth.

26. be proud of=take prize in感到自豪27. make a decision作决定,

28. boarding school寄宿学校,

29. be absent from缺席…….

30. advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事

31. even though即使

32. in the last few years在过去的几年里

33. keep in silence保持沉默

34. all over the world 全世界;世界各地

35. dare to do sth..敢于做某事

36. deal with应付;处理,

37. in public公开地;在别人面前,

38. take up拿起;开始从事;占据(时间,地方)

39. give up放弃,

40. worry about担心

41. a small number of, 一小部分

42. be interested in对…感兴趣

43. forget to do sth.忘记去做某事

44. forget doing sth.忘记做过某事

45. remember to do sth.记得去做某事

46. remember doing sth.记得做过某事

https://www.360docs.net/doc/e61321178.html,ed to do sth.过去常常干某事

48.send sb. to sp.送某人去某地

49. make sb. surprised使某人惊讶的是

50. from time to time 不时;有时

51. the road to success 成功之路

52. get tons of attention 得到大量的关注53.fail in doing sth. 做某事失败

54. have an influence on sb.对某人有影响



--- Did Mario use to be short?

---Yes, he did, He used to be really short.

--- You used to be short, didn’t you?

---Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.


1 .No matter what you may buy,you might probaby think those products were made in those


2 .He found it interesting that so many products in the local shops were made in China.

3 .He realized that Americans can hardly avoid buying products made in China.

4. Most of the earth’s surface is covered by water.

5. Each different part of China has its own special forms of traditional art.

6. According to Chinese history, sky lanterns were first used by Zhuge Kongming.

7. He sent them out to ask for help when in trouble.

8. They are made of bamboo and covered with paper.

9. They are seen as bright symbols of happiness and good wishes.

10. Paper cutting has been around for over 1,500 years.

11. During the Spring Festival,they are put on windows,doors and walls as symbols of wishes for good luck and a happy new year.

12. It is hard to believe that he used to have difficulties in school.

13. Now I understand that even though they are busy, they are always thinking of me .They take pride in everything good that I do.

14. It’s very important for parents to be there for their children.

15. I get tons of attention everywhere I go.无论我到哪里,总是被人关注。

16. Hanging out with friends is almost impossible for me now because there are always guards around me.

17. Many times I thought about giving up, but I fought on.许多次我都想放弃,但我奋力坚持了下来。


一.used to

1定义:used to是一个情态动词,意为“曾经,过去常常……”。表示过去曾经存在或经常发生,但现在已经停止的行为或习惯,后接动词原形,强调过去与现在的对比。used to 只用于一般过去时,可用于各种人称。

注意:used to不与表示过去的时间状语连用。


肯定式: 主语+used to+动词原形+其他

否定式:主语+didn’t use to/usedn’t to +动词原形+其他

一般疑问句:did+主语+ use to +动词原形+其他?

反意疑问句:主语+used to+动词原形+其他,didn’t /usedn’t+主语(人称代词)?

3. 1)used to do sth.过去常做某事,其中used to 是情态动词

Eg. He used to go to our school.

2)be/get used to(doing) sth.习惯于(做)某事,其中used是形容词

Eg. I used to getting up early every day.

3)be used to do sth./for (doing) sth.被用来做某事,used是动词use的过去分词

Eg. The knife is used to cut things.

The knife is used for cutting things.

二. avoid v. 避免,回避;



I think she is avoiding me.


It seems that something is wrong with Pam, She is always trying to avoid _____my questions. A. answer B. answering C. to answer D. answered

三. No matter what you may buy, you might think those products were made in those countries.


此句为由no matter +特殊疑问词引导的让步状语从句。意为“无论….”,相当于whatever. 【练习】

______________I said to her, she still didn’t believe me.无论我对她说什么,她仍然不相信我。

【no matter用法】

no matter常用作连词词组,作“不管”、“无论”解,后接what / who / when等词,引导让步状语从句,主要用于“no matter what / which / who / whose / where / when / how…+主句”句型中。我们在运用时,应注意以下几点。


no matter what / who / when…表示无论在什么条件下进行随意的选择,都会出现主句所发生的情况,因此,从句中可用一般现在时表示未发生的动作。

【例句】:No matter when he comes again,he’ll be welcome。不管他何时再来,他都会受到欢迎。

No matter how many patients come,we shall be able to look after them。无论来多少病人,我们都照料得了。


no matter what / which / whose还可以修饰名词,此名词必须紧跟其后,置于从句的主语之前;no matter how修饰形容词或副词时亦如此。

【例句】:No matter whose bag it is,it will be kept here until the owner returns。


We’ll have to find the job,no matter how long it takes。


(3)no matter who,what,when等引导让步状语从句时,可与whoever,whatever,whenever等换用。

【例句】:No matter who knocks,don’t open the door。

= Whoever knocks don’t open the door。不管谁敲门,都不要开门。

No matter what problem you have,turn to me。

= Whatever problem you have,turn to me。


四. other和else当表示“别的”含义时,other用在名词之前;而else用在不定代词或特殊疑问词之后。

Some students like P.E. class. Other students hate it.

What else do you know?

Anything else?

五. 15-year-old 为复合形容词,在句中作定语修饰后面的名词。其结构为“数词+名词+形容词”,其中名词必须为单数形式,连字符不能省略。

如:He is an eight-year- old boy.

七.deal with= ____________“对付、应付、处理”

在特殊疑问句中,deal with与how连用,do with与what连用

在动词不定式短语to deal with中,必须带宾语

e.g: I don’t know how to deal with it.我不知道如何处理这件事。

八,prepare v.准备,预备prepared adj.事先准备好的preparation n.准备

be prepared to do sth. 准备做某事

prepare sb. sth.= prepare sth. for sb. 给某人准备某物

prepare to do sth.准备做某事

九.a small number of... 一小部分

a number of(+复数名词) “许多……”,谓语动词用复数

the number of(+复数名词) “……的数量”,谓语动词用单数

eg; A number of students _____ (be) watching TV.

The number of them ____ (be) big.

十..be worried about表示一个状态;而worry about 表示一个动作

e.g.There's nothing to worry about 没什么好担心的

Don't worry about him ,he will be OK soon.别担心他,他很快就会好的。

He is worried about his schoolwork all day.他整天担忧他的学业。

十二、not…anymore 意为“不再”,也写作not…any more,相当于no more.常用来修饰非延续性动词,表示今后不再重复以前发生的动作,多指数量上、程度上不再增加。

例:He didn’t come anymore. 他不再来了。

The baby didn’t cry anymore.= The baby mo more cried. 这个小孩不再哭了。

十三. require及物动词,意为“需要,要求” 常用搭配为:require sb to do sth,意为“要求某人做某事。例:The letter requires an immediate answer.这封信需要立即回复。

We required him to keep it secret. 我们要求他对这事保密。

十四.be afraid of sth.害怕…be afraid to do sth. 不敢做…

be afraid that …恐怕…I am afraid so.恐怕如此。

I am afraid not.恐怕不是。


人教版新目标九年级英语Unit4单元教案 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Section A (1a-2d) 学习目标 1.重点单词:humorous,silent,helpful,score 2.重点短语:used to,be afraid of,get good scores,from time to time 3.重点句式:—Did Mario use to be short? —Yes,he did.He used to be really short. —What's he like now? —He's tall now. She was never brave enough to ask questions. This party is such a great idea! It's been three years since we last saw our primary school classmates. Billy has changed so much! I used to see him reading in the library every day. 学习重点 1.重点短语和句型 2.能够用used to叙述过去的事情 学习难点 1.重点短语和句型

2.能够用used to 叙述过去的事情 自主学习 一、预习课本P25-26新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。 1.有幽默感的__________ 2.不说话的__________ 3.有帮助的__________ 4.进球__________ 二、认真预习1a-2d找出下列短语和句型。 1.过去经常__________________________________________________________ ______________ 2.害怕__________________________________________________________ ______________ 3.得高分__________________________________________________________ ______________ 4.时常;有时__________________________________________________________ ______________ 5.—Mario过去很矮。 —他现在长得什么样呢? —他现在很高。 __________________________________________________________

人教版英语九年级Unit8 全单元学案(带答案)

Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. Section A (1a-2d) Learning aims: 1.掌握重点单词和短语:whose, truck, picnic, rabbit, attend, valuable, pink, anybody 等。 2.通过学习句型It must/might/could/can’t be/belong to,了解物品的所属。Learning Important points:通过学习句型 It must/might/could/can’t be sb’s/belong to sb ,了解物品的所属。 一、重点短语 1. 在野餐_________ 2. 听流行音乐________________ 3.one’s favorite sth__________ 4.be worried/nervous___________ 5. 参加音乐会______________ 6. 一些贵重的东西____________ 7. the rest of ____________ 8. Pick sth up ______________ 二、重点句型 1.It must be Mary’s.=___________________ 2.It can’t belong to him. =____________________ 3.The book belongs to my brother. =_____________________ 4.The hair band might be a girl’s. =_____________________ 三、精选试题 1.—I can’t find my schoolbag. --Do you have anything _______(value) in your schoolbag. 2.--______(who) volleyball is this? --It must be Carla’s. She loves volleyball. 3.Is there _______(somebody) who can help me? 4.My father saw several _______(rabbit) running in the fields just now. 5.The man bought two ______(truck) to carry fruits. 6.The English book must belong to _______(he). His name in on it. 7.The homework can’t be ______(she). She wasn’t at school today. 8.这是谁的书?

九年级英语Unit8 教案

九年级英语Unit8 I’ll help clean up the city parks教案 The First Period Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects (1) Key Vocabulary clean up, hunger, homeless, cheer up, give out, volunteer, food, bank (2) Target Language I’d like to work outside. You could give out food at a food bank. 2. Ability Objects (1) Train the students to express offering to help with the target language. (2) Train the students’ listening skill. 3. Moral Object Offer help to the others as much as possible. Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points 1. Key Vocabulary :clean up, hunger, homeless, cheer up, give up 2. Target Language How to express offering to help with target language. Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Points 1. Teach the students how to use the new phrasal verbs.

新目标九年级英语全册Unit 8精品教学案

英语九年级上册第八单元教学案 执笔人罗伟斌 Section A 一、课前预习 词汇:查出下列单词的中文意思,并抄写五遍。 hunger() cheer() advertisement() establish() major() commitment() elementary() veterinarian() coach() 二、重点讲解及课堂练习 c lean up 打扫,收拾干净 cheer up (使)高兴起来,使。。。。。。精神起来 give out 分发,散发 put up 张贴,挂起;建起,举起 put off 推迟,延期 set up 建立,组建 come up with 想出,跟上 not only…but also… 不但…而且…,主要用来连接两个并列成分,也可以连接两个分句。not only…but also…连接主语时,其谓语动词的单复数依照“就近原则”确定。如:Not only you but also Tom is fifteen years old. 连接两个分句时,为了加强语气,可将not only放在前一分句主语之前,这时,主谓应用到装形式。如:Not only has he been to Beijing but also he has been to Shanghai. sth. takes sb. some time某事花费某人(多长)时间 It takes sb.some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人(多长)时间 It’ll take you about an hour to write the compos ition. 堂上练习 ()1. He felt so that he ate three bowls of noodles. A. hungry B. hunger C. hungrily D. full ()2. He sings for groups of people at the city hospital to them . A. set; up B. clean; up C. cheer; up D. put; up ()3. Keep quiet ! I'll the examination papers. A. give up B. give out C. give in D. give down ()4. Never till tomorrow what you can do today. A. put off B. take off C. be off D. take down ()5. He couldn't an answer when I asked him why he was late. A. come over B. catch up with C. come out D. come up with ( )6. Your bedroom is too dirty, please __ A. clean up it B. clean it up C. clean in it D. clean it in

英语人教版九年级全册unit8 教案

Teaching Plan for 9 Unit8 Section B Reading Stonehenge-Can Anyone Explain Why It is There? Designed by Cao Chunxia From Ping Yao No. 1 Middle School Learning Objectives: 1.To understand some new words by listening, free talking, guessing and finishing tasks. 2.To understand the passage’s main idea, the structure and the different opinions by using some reading strategies, such as skimming, scanning, identifying the linking words or phrases etc. 3. To get moral education: Learn to question and hold the spirit of exploring the mysteries. Important Points: 1. must, might, could and can’t for making inferences 2. Identifying the conjunctions or phrases that link ideas together Difficult Points: The suitable usage of the linking words or phrases Teaching Aids: Multi-media Teaching Procedure:


第1课时Unit 1 Section A 1a-2c 【Le arning objectives】 1 Knowing:flashcard,aloud,pronunciation,skill,voice 2 Habit-forming: How do you study for a test? I study by......... 3 Communicating:Talk about how to study freely 【Important leaning points】 运用by doing 谈论学习方式 【Learning process】 一、自主学习(教师寄语:相信自己,一定能行!) Task1:Talk about how to study for the test 1、完成下列短语 和朋友一起学习制作抽认 卡 看课本制作词汇 表 听磁带向老师寻求帮 助 2、理解下列对话,并利用上面词组练习: A:How do you study for a test? B:I study by working with a group. A:How does Bob study for a test? B:I study by marking flashcards. 3 、听录音,完成1 b Task2: Talk about how to learn English 1、小组练习,利用下列句型谈论怎样学习英语. A:How do you learn English? B:I learn by ...... A:Do you learn by.........? B:Yes,I do. /No, I don't. 2、理解2a、2b中的句子,找出下列短语: 看英文光碟和朋友连交 际 大声读练习发 音 小组学习说的技 能 做.........太难 3、听录音,完成2a、2b 4、根据听力内容,练习上面对话。 5、读听力材料,理解以下知识点:

人教版九年级英语上册 Unit 4 教案设计

Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Grammar Focus Class Type Grammar Objectives 1. To learn the expression of “used to”. 2. To better understand and express the sentences with “used to”. Key 1. I used to be short. structure 2. She didn’t use to like tests. 3. You used to be short, didn’t you? / Did he use to wear glasses? —Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t. Difficulties How to well express and use the structure “used to”in practice. Period 1 Procedure Lead-in Enjoy a song: I Wonder. Step 1 Read the sentences with “used to be” underlined. Step 2 Explanations about “used to + 动词原形”. Step 3 The negative forms and questioned forms of “used to do”, and some examples about “used to do”. Step 4 Explain the disjunctive question with some examples. Step 5 Show Ss some comparisons pictures and ask them to make sentences by using “used to”. Step 6 More exercises. 1. The exchanges of sentence structures.


2017年九年级上英语Unit8全单元导学案(牛津译林版)9A Unit8浠诲姟璁剧疆鐭 ヨ瘑涓庢妧鑳?杩囩▼涓庢柟娉?杈炬垚鎯呭喌浣滀笟瀹夋帓Period 1 1.浜嗚В?2. 3.?鈥滃厛瀛﹀悗鏁欙紝褰撳 ?鍩瑰吇瀛︾敓鐨勬帹鐞嗚兘鍔?Comic strip锛哤elcome to the unit ??Period 2 1. 鏉€妗堢殑鏂伴椈鎶ラ亾 2.?3.鑳界悊瑙e拰杩愮敤鏂囦腑鐨勯噸鐐圭煡璇嗙偣?妯″紡鍩瑰吇闃呰?Reading 1 ??Period 3 瀛︾敓鑳 ?鈥滃厛瀛﹀悗鏁欙紝褰撳?妯″紡 銆?Reading 2 ??Period 4 1. 瀛︿細杩愮敤闄愬埗鎬у?2. 瀛︿細杩愮敤鍏崇郴浠h瘝鈥滃厛瀛﹀悗鏁欙紝褰?妯″紡 €?Grammar??Period 5 1. ?2. 鏍规嵁鎵 ? 粌鈥?妯″紡Integrated skills 缁冦€??Period 6 1. 浜嗚В?2. 瀛︿細鐢ㄩ€傚綋鐨勬柟娉曢槄鈥滃厛瀛﹀悗鏁欙?妯″紡瀛︿細鐢ㄩ€傚綋鐨勬柟娉曢槄璇诲皬璇?Study skills??Period 7 1. 灏嗗彞瀛愬拰鍥剧墖閰 ?2. 鐨勭粨灏??妯″紡缂栧啓涓€鍒欎睛鎺㈡

晠浜?Task ?? Unit 8 Detective stories 璇?棰?Comic strip and welcome to the unit 璇?鍨?鏂版巿璇炬椂 1 璇炬椂鏁?瀛?鐩?鏍?1. To understand clues about a crime. 2. To read notes on four suspects and decide which suspect is most likely to be guilty. 閲嶇偣1. To master the new words and useful expressions. 2. To make up a conversation in Part B. 1. To master the new words and useful expressions. 2. To make up a conversation in Part B. ?浜屾Teaching procedures Step1 Lead-in T: Do you remember in Unit 6 we have learned a horror film called 鈥淢urder in a Country House鈥? Can you tell me the main idea of this film? Step 2 Comic strip 1. Presentation: T: Do you like reading detective stories? Who is the famous detective in the novels? (Sherlock Holmes.) Show the picture of Sherlock Holmes, and describe the picture. (Talk about his special dressing with his magnifying glass and the pipe.) T: Today, Eddie is dressed like that. Let鈥檚see what happened. 2. Listen to the tape and answer some questions: (1) Why is Eddie dressed like a detective? (2) Is his job serious? (3) What is he really looking for? Check the answers by asking students. 3. Read the dialogue together. 4. Ask some pairs to act out the dialogue. Step 3 Welcome to the unit 1. Presentation T: Do you want to be a detective? How to be a detective? Here is a chance for you to try. The Class1, Grade 9 students are playing a game about guessing who is the murder. We can try together. 2. Show the detective鈥檚report to students. Ask one student to read. Tell students that we can know the time, the place, the victim and the notes of the suspects from the report. 3. Look at the information of four suspects together and ask some questions about it. Teach some new words at the same time. Try to explain the meanings of these words in English. Step 4 Discussion Work in a group of

新目标九年级英语学案(Unit 1 - 15全册)

新目标九年级英语上册学案 (全册) Unit 1 How do you study for a test Section A(1a-2c) 学习目标 1.通过交流和表达,进一步掌握学习英语的技巧与方法。 2.掌握下列知识点: ■重点词汇:f1ashcard,vocabulary,pronunciation,a1oud ■重点短语:①study for②make flashcard③make vocabulary lists④ask the teacher for help ⑤read aloud ⑥study with a group ■重点句型:①How do you study for a test? ②What abou tlistening to tapes? ■语法:by+μing的用法 预习导学 预习单词,完成下列各词。 1.抽认卡 2.词汇 3.Aloud(近义词) 4.发音(名词) 5.ever(反义词) 6.1isten(现在分词) 7.study(过去分词) 8.(如何)do you study for a test? 合作研讨 一、重点单词与短语 1.pronunciation n.发音;发音法,其动词形式pronounce 【跟踪训练】 (1)她认识很多法语单词,但发音不正确。 She knows a lot of French;words,but them incorrectl. 2.Aloud adv.出声地;大声地 例如:read aloud大声朗读 【辨析】aloud/loud/loudly aloud出声地;大声地。常与read,cail等动词连用,loud高声地;大声地;喧闹地。常用于talk,speak等动词之后; loudly高声地;喧闹地。一般可以和10ud互换,但含有―吵闹‖的意思。 【跟踪训练】 (2)老师要求我大声朗读课文。 The teacher asked me to the text . (3)请大声点说,以便我能听清楚。 Please so that I can hear you clearly. (4)不要这么大声说,婴儿在睡觉。 Don't so.The baby is sleeping. 3.asksb.for…向某人请求 例如:ask the teacher for help向老师请求帮助 (拓展)ask sb.to do sth.请求某人干某事 ask sb.not to do sth.请求某人不要干某事 【跟踪训练】 (5)他们向我求助, They me help. 4.too... to...太……而不能……


山东省乳山市夏村镇初级中学九年级英语下册《Unit5 I like music that I can dance to》教案牛津版 教学目标 1.学会不同时间段的表达法: 2.学会用频度副词谈论自己的日常生活及日常作息习惯: 3.学习合理安排时间,加强时间的计划性。 4能用所学知识对某一活动进行合理安排。 教学内容 1.单元词汇 what time, go to school ? up, getup, runt shower? take a shower t> always, mornings o* clock, work, go to bed? do homeworks go home , start, wish, letter, love, home, morning, job, evening, afternoon, around, me, tell, write, Saturday, survey, all, bus, get to, nighty listen, soon. 2.句型 (1)What time do you get up/have breakfast/go to school? I usually get up/have breakfast/go to school at …. (2)When does your mother go to work? She goes to work at 7:00? (3)What time is it? It * s eleven o' clock? (4)He brushes his teeth and has a shower? (5)To get to work, he takes the number 17 bus to hotel? (6)The bus takes him to work at 7? (7)He works all night? (8)People love to listen to him? (9)Do you want to know about my moring ? (10)School stars at nine clock? (11)Please write and tell me about your moring? 3?精讲点拨: 关于时间(time)的介词小结: (1)at:主要表示某时刻、某时段(固定搭配)如, at six o' clock at night at first (2)on:主要表示某一天,也可以表示一天的时段,如: on June first on New Year* s Day on Monday afternoon (3)in:主要表示长于一天或固左结构中或一段时间之内,如, in January


叩官初中英语八年级下活页备课 撰稿:李乃红定稿:张王丁周次:十一课时1234 导学一 一、教学课题:Section A 二、教学目标:Words: comment, album, personal, special, receive,gave, guy Phrases: get sb for sth, how about, give…….to, what about Sentenses: 1)What should I get my sister、 2)Why don’t you get my si ster? 3)How about / What about some tennis balls? 三、教学重难点:1)enough的用法。 2)情态动词should+动词原形表达征求意见,以及运用Why don't you---? How/What about---?等句型结构来表示提建议。 四、教学过程: 自主学习:写出下列单词及短语 1 私人的,个人的2特别的,专门的3收到,接受4有创造力的5字典 6照相机7便宜的_8昂贵的9无聊的,乏味的10有趣的 2)⑴What's up?含义:____________________同义句:_____________\ No way如何翻译?____________________. 合作交流 1)What's the best gift Joe has ever received? 例如:我曾经见过那个小男孩。________________. 2)Who gave it to him?give sth.to sb.=give sb. sth. 例如:请把那支钢笔给我。_____________________________________. 3)What a lucky guy!如何用how来替换:_________________________________. 例如:多么有趣的故事啊!___________________________/___________ 典型例题 1)Why not --------- to the movie with us? A.going B. go C.goes D.to go 【解析】:Why not 是Why don’t you 的简写故应选B 2)I’m really busy because I have homework to do at the moment. A. too much B. too many C. much too D. many too 【解析】:too much 加不可数名词,too many 加名词复数.much too 加形容词或者副词,故应选C. 中考链接。 1.(2008,北京).—My brother’s ill in hospital. —I’m sorry _____ that. A. hear B. hearing C. heard D. to hear 2.(2008,芜湖).The child is ______ young to go to sch001 . A.enough B.very C.so D.too 3. (08河北)Chinese can sing English songs as ______ as native speakers . A.good B.well C.better D.best Step7、小结回扣: Let students read and memorize the important words and sentences.Then the teacher can explain the difficult points if nccessary. 【当堂达标】 一.单项选择。 ( )1.Some old people think they get _______ gifts. A.too much B.much too C.too many D.many too ( )2.I remember ___ the key in the box under the bed.But I cannot find it now! A.put B.to put C.putting D.put away ( )https://www.360docs.net/doc/e61321178.html,ter,the same gift may _______ away to someone else . A.give B.be give C.given D.be given ( )4.It is a good way to help learners have ______ with English. A.fun B.funs C.a fun D.funny ( )5.Chinese can sing English songs as ______ as native speakers .A.good B.well C.better D.best ( )6.--Whose car is this? Is it yours? --No,it isn’t mine.It must be ___. A.other someone B.someone else C.someone’s D.someone else’s ( )7.The number of tourists _____ to our country recently. A.have come B.has increased C.comes D.have increasing ( )8.--I’d like to get you roses for your birthday. --It sounds good,but it is not ______ enough. A.common B.special C.big D.difficult ( )9.I think old people should keep a dog as a _____ when their children are working in other parts. A.pet B.cat C.child D.care ( )10.Little child may give his mother leaves ______ a tree. A.from B.of C. for D.in 导学二 一、教学课题:Section B 二、教学目标:Words: spider, mouse, snake, hamster, turtle, child, pot-bellied, advantage, trendy, perfect, rabbit, clean, company, Phrases: take care of, too……..to

最新九年级英语(Go for it !)导学案Unit 8

Unit 8 I will help clean up the city parks 1 第1课时 Unit 8 Section A 1a—1c 编写: 都正善 2 【学习目标】 3 知识目标 4 重点词汇:hunger, homeless, cheer, sign, advertisement, set, establish 5 重点短语:clean up, cheer up, give out, come up with, put off, put up, 6 hand out, set up, think up, 7 call up 8 重点句型:①I’d like to help homeless people. 9 ②You could give out food at the food bank. 10 ③We’re going to set up a food bank to help hungry people. 11 能力目标:学会用could 向他人提建议,团队协作解决问题。 12 情感目标:保护环境,美化环境是每一个人的义务,要从身边的小事做起。13 Step 1 Learn the new words on P60---61.At first, let students teach them 14 themselves, then read to 15 follow the tape until they can read them. 16 Step 2 自主研学,理解新知 17 英汉互译。1.帮助打扫城市公园_________________________ 18 2.分发食物_____________________ 3.让生病的孩子高兴起来19


人教版初中九年级英语Unit8 SectionA(Grammar Focus-4c)优质课教案I.Material analysis The reading material is an article about the strange noises in a town.Activity 3a asks Ss to read the article and choose the appropriate title According to the content of the article. Activity 3b requires the Ss to find the appropriate transfer according to the definition and to grasp the different expressions of the language. Activity 3c leads the Ss to pay more attention to the details of the text and find out the speculations of many characters in the article about the strange noises. II. Student analysis Section A focuses on learning the four modal verbs to indicate the different usages of making inferences and learning to use different sentence patterns to express the ownership of the object. The difficulty in this part is to master the usage of the modal verb must, could, can, can’t to make inferences. Ss need to experience and practice in a large number of languages to use them correctly and skillfully. III. Language knowledge goals: 1) New words: policeman, noise, wolf, happening, uneasy 2) Read the article and get relevant information as required; 3)Improve students’ reading ability through reading training; 4) Learn to use modal verbs to make inferences. IV. Emotional attitude value goals: In the face of temporary unexplained phenomena around us, reasonable conjecture is made on the basis of the available evidence. Do not believe rumors, do not spread rumors. V.Teaching important and difficult points 1.Read the article and get relevant information: 1) Master the new words and phrases in this part to achieve the goal of proficiency. 2) Read the article and get relevant information. Improve Ss’ reading ability by reading exercises. 2. Difficult points:

【人教新目标版】初中英语9九年级全册 教案教学设计

【人教新目标版】初中英语九年级上册 (全册教学设计) 特别说明:本教案为最新人教新目标版教材(新版)配套教案,各单元教学内容如下: Unit 1 How can we become good learners. Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? Review of Units 1-5 Unit 6 When was it invented? Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. Unit 10 You’re supposed to shake hands. Review of Units 6-10 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth! Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. Review of Units 11-14


Unit4 Reading (1)精品教案 Teaching aims: 1. Learn some new words on talking about Spud Webb's story. 2. Practise reading skills by doing some exercises. Step 1 Revision Turn them into English: 1. 挂在心上,惦念 2. 怎么了? 3. 长得太大 4. 建完它 5. 那样学 6. —…就… 7. 大量信息 8. 他是怎样了解世界的? 9. 我喜欢凭借因特网了解世界。 10. 他们不允许我们拍照。 Keys: 1. on one ' s mind 2. What ' s up? 3. grow too big 4. finish building it 5. learn that way 6. as soon as 7. a great deal of information 8. How does he learn about the world? 9. I like to learn about the world through the Internet. 10. They don ' t allow us to take photos. Step 2 New words: 1. junior high 初级中学 2. try out for sth. 参加… 选拔 e.g. She is trying out for the school play. 她正在参加学校戏剧演员选拔。 3. lose heart 泄气,灰心 4. score vi. vt. 得分 e.g. Frank scored again in the second hal f. 弗兰克在下半场时再次得分。
