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德累斯顿工业大学本科硕士博士申请条件德累斯顿工业大学是德国一所著名的大学,也是德国最大的工业大学之一,学校有超过120门学位课程,有优质的教育。按教育水平划分,德累斯顿工业大学的申请可分为大学第一学位(first university degree)申请、大学另一学位(another university degree)申请和博士学位申请。大学第一学位包括学士学位、毕业文凭和国家考试(Staats examen),另一学位主要指硕士学位。下面出guo为大家并翻译德累斯顿工业大学各阶段的留学申请,一起来看看吧。

一、Requirements for courses that lead to a first university degree

1.Which university entrance qualification (HZB) do I need for a course that will lead to a first university degree?

(1). University entrance qualification (HZB) for applicants with German nationality

The general higher education entrance qualification (Abitur) allows you to study any degree course.

The subject-related higher education entrance qualification allows you to study certain degree courses. Possible disciplines of study are usually shown on the certificate.

Applicants who have already suessfully pleted a degree in Germany are allowed to study any degree course.

Holders of certain qualifications for professional advanced education (e.g. master craftsman qualification) are allowed to study all undergraduate courses after consultation with TU Dresden.

Those with a vocational qualification with a pleted apprenticeship and at least three years professional experience can take an entrance examination at TU Dresden. Upon suessful pletion and after consultation, they are allowed to study at TU Dresden only in the course for which they applied. Those with a vocational qualification (must have a training qualification) have the university entrance qualification after studying for 2 semesters at a state or state-approved university.

Attention: The advanced technical college certificate (also known as the Fachabitur) is not a subject-related higher education entrance qualification and therefore does not allow you to study at an academic institution in the Free State of Saxony. In Saxony the advanced technical college certificate only allows you to study at a university of applied sciences.






对于持有特定高级职业教育资格证书(比如 master craftsman qualification)的学生,在和德累斯顿工业大学协商之后,可以学习所有本科课程。





(2). University entrance qualification (HZB) for applicants with foreign nationality

Proof of university entrance qualifications is made with a secondary school leaving certificate (with university entrance examination or already pleted periods of study where applicable). The certificate must be equivalent to the German
