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cut in cut down cut up cut off cut out
屏息 喘不过气来 深呼吸
hold one’s breath lose Fra Baidu bibliotekne’s breath take/draw a deep breath 上气不接下气 out of breath
使某人不悦;惹恼某人 annoy sb be annoyed with sb 对某人生气 be annoyed at/about 因某事生气 sth 使某人生气的是 to one’s annoyance
in other words in a/one word in words beyond words keep one’s word break one’s word have a word with sb have words with Word came that…
插嘴 砍倒;削减 切碎;使某人心碎 切断;隔绝 切去;省略;停止
5.适合(做)某事 be suitable to do/for sth 6. 对…非常有益 be greatly beneficial to… be of great benefit to… 7. 受益于… benefit by/from 8.撞到家具上 bump into furniture 9. 使自己适应… adapt oneself to…
all in all 总而言之 after all 毕竟 in all 总共 above all 最重要的是 first of all 首先 all of a sudden 突然 at all 究竟;根本(用于否定句)
在许多方面 在某方面 前往… 带路 迷路 没门 在去…的路上 挡道;碍事
in many ways in a/one way make one’s way to lead the way lose one’s way no way on the way to… in the way
10. 适应… adapt to… 11.上气不接下气 out of breath 12.缺席… be absent from… 13.出席… be present at… 14. 在某人不在场时 in/during one’s absence
换句话说 总之 用语言 无法用语言表达 遵守诺言 违背诺言 与某人谈谈 与某人争吵 消息传来…
1.一个残疾人 a disabled person a person with disability 2. 他的视力一天天地下降。 His eyesight is failing day by day. 3. 实现某人的野心 achieve one’s ambition 4. 有野心做某事 be ambitious to do sth/for sth have an ambition to do sth/for sth