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1. a robot _______________________

2. receive lessons _______________________

3. send up a rocket _______________________

4. sit in the front row _______________________

5. an English saying _______________________

6. The rest of the boys are... _______________________

7. Miss Li is a secretary. _______________________

8. on the computer screen. _______________________


9. Please take your ________. (sit) _______________________

10. We should ________ the rubbish. (use) _______________________

11. Flight GE 222 didn’t land ________. (safe) _______________________

12. A ________ happened near the bank. (rob) _______________________

13. Goods are on ________ at Christmas. (sell) _______________________

14. I had three ________ for dinner. (sandwich) _______________________

15. Yuan Longping is a ________. (science) _______________________

16. Tom gave me a ________ answer. (satisfy) _______________________


17. run ________ of money _______________________

18. a is ________ same as B. _______________________

19. get rid ________ bad habits _______________________

20. return the book ________ the library _______________________


21.Have a s________ of direction 有方向感

22.The food s________ of the supermarket 超市的食品区

23.There are four s________ in a year. 一年有四季。

24.What’s the s________ of the success? 成功的秘诀是什么?

25.s________ for information online 在网上搜索信息

26.It’s about 30 minutes’ r________ 大约30分钟的车程。

27.The housing prices are r________. 房价在不断上涨。

28.My dad has a s________ of $5,000. 老爸的月薪是5千美元。

29.Jazz music has its r________ in Africa. 爵士乐起源于非洲。

30.The South China Sea is r________ in oil. 南中国海蕴藏着丰富的石油资源。Key:


II.seat 座位;reuse 重复利用;safely 安全地;robbery 抢劫案;

sale 销售;sandwiches 三明治;scientist 科学家;satisfying 令人满意的. III.out 用光钱;the A和B是一样的;of 摆脱坏习惯;to 将书归还到图书馆. IV.sense;section;seasons;secret;search;ride;rising;salary;root;rich.
