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Finally to the beginning of the sports meeting, everyone's enthusiasm is unprecedented high. I came to school early in the morning. I was very excited and felt a fire burning.

开幕式开始了。各个班级都雄赳赳、气昂昂地向操场走来。瞧,我们四4班迈着整齐有序的步伐走来,边走边喊着响亮的口号:"友谊第一,比赛第二,四班无敌,再创佳绩。"The opening ceremony began. All the classes came to the playground with manliness and high spirits. Look, our class 44 is walking with orderly steps, shouting loud slogans while walking: “friendship first, competition second, class 4 invincible, and make another great achievement.”. “



The sports meeting officially started, and there was a lot of cheers and applause. When I came to the “men's 800 meters” v enue, ye Zhiyong was already ready. His eyes were firm and calm, as if he was the first. Only heard the “bang” of a gun, ye Zhiyong like the arrow from the string to fly past. He clenched his teeth, his face was red and his eyes were wide. His speed was like lightning. In a short time, he narrowed the gap with the first place. At the last lap, all the students in our class made a cold sweat for him. I was very anxious, the mouth shouted loudly: “Ye Zhiyong come on, ye Zhiyong first, ye Zhiyong will win.”. “He seemed to hear my cheers and ran to the end even harder. They are chasing after each other. In the end, he got a good result in the second place.


At the end of the sports meeting, our class won 6 Awards for boys, 5 awards for girls and 2 awards for groups. Although our class

didn't take the “top seat”, we didn't regret it, because we did our best. Achievements are no longer important. What's important is that we left a good memory
