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【摘要】 目的 比较阿立哌唑与奎硫平治疗女性首发精神分裂症的疗效和安全性。方法 采用随



(CGI)评定疗效,采用副反应量表(TESS)评定副反应。结果 101例女性首发精神分裂症患者完成了








引起体重增加和月经紊乱,没有发现溢乳现象。结论 阿立哌唑和奎硫平对女性首发精神分裂症疗效



【关键词】 阿立哌唑; 奎硫平; 女性; 精神分裂症

A randomized,double blind,double dummy parallel controlled study in the fem ale f irst-

ondet schizophrenia treated with aripiprazole and quetiapine W EI S heng2z hong1 The

Fi f th People’s Hos pital of N anning,N anning530001,China

【Abstract】 Objective To compare efficacy and safety of aripiprazole and quetiapine in the treat2

ment of female first-ondet schizophrenia.Methods The randomized,Double blind,double dummy par2

allel controlled was designed for this study.All the cases were diagnosed as schizophrenia in accordance

with the CCMD-3diagnosis standard and randomized into two group s which were treated with aripi2

prazole or quetiapine for8weeks.The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale(PANSS),Clinical G lobal

Impression(CGI)and Treatment Emergent Side effect Scale(TESS)were used to evaluate efficacy and

adverse effects respectively before and at the ends of2,4,8weeks treatment.R esults 101adult female

first-onset schizophrenia patients were recruited in this study.The significant efficacy rates of aripi2

prazole was66.0%and the efficacy rate was92%after8weeks and was64.7%and92.2%in quetiapine

group.There was no significant difference between the two group s(P>0.05).The incidence rate of

adverse effect was34.00%in aripiprazole group and35.29%in quetiapine group,without any signifi2

cant difference(P>0.05).The adverse effect either in aripiprazole group or in quetiapine group was

drowsiness(16.00%∶19.61%),dizziness and faint(12%∶13.73%).There was no significant differ2

ence between the two groups(P>0.05).The rate of nausea and vomiting,headache in aripiprazole

group was higher than that in quetiapine group(14.00%∶1.96%P<0.05,18.00%∶1.96%P<

0.01).The rate of dry mouth,decrease of appetite or anorexia in quetiapine group was higher than that in

aripiprazole group(15.69%∶2.00%P<0.05,15.69%∶2.00%P<0.05).Both drugs showed low

extrapyramidal symptoms,less endocrine change,less weight gain and has not found amenorrhea galac2

torrhea syndrome during treatment.Conclusions The results suggest that aripiprazole is as effective as

quetiapine for the treatment of female first-onset schizophrenia and fewer side effects in them.They

both are effective and safe antipsychotic drugs in treatment of female first-onset sihizophrenia.They are

beneficial to improve the therapeutic compliance of female first-onset schizophrenia patients.

【K ey w ords】 Aripiprazole; Quetiapine; Female; Schizophrenia

中图分类号:R749.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-6574(2006)03-0194-04

阿立哌唑(Aripiprazole)是由美国百时美-施贵 作者单位:530001广西壮族自治区南宁市第五人民医院宝公司和日本大冢公司联合开发的非典型抗精神病药,于2002年11月15日由美国FDA批准上市,国产阿立哌唑(博思清)于2004年11月在国内开始使
