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英语II(2) 试题








第一部分: 怎样回答交际用语的题目?(共计10分, 每小题2分)

1—5小题:阅读下面的小对话,从A, B, C, D四个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。

1. — How was the journey to London

— ________________________.

A. It was a nine-hour plane journey

B. It went very well

C. I flew there

D. I was very well

2. -- Can you help me clear up the mess?

— ________________________

A. Tell me who made it

B. No trouble at all

C. Yes, that'll be all right

D. No problem

3.— What's the fare to the museum?

— ________________________

A. Five hours

B. Five o'clock

C. Five miles

D. Five dollars

4. - Is it going to be warm next week?


A. Yes, it is

C. No, it hasn't

5. — Here you are, Sir. B. I don't believe it

D. It changes all the time

— _______________________

A. Yes, I' m here

B. Yes, here we are

C. Thank you very much

D. That's all right



6. Unfortunately the poor girl can't do anything but ________all her belongings at a low price.

A. to sell

B. selling

C sell D. sold

7. They were asked to avoid _________any water which had not been boiled.

A. drinking

B. to drink

C. having

D. not to be drunk

8. John was bored, _______he left his life in England.

A. in addition

B. so

C. however

D. furthermore

9. She is very careful. She ________very few mistakes in her work.

A. does

B. takes

C. makes

D. gets

10. The workers are busy _______models for the exhibition.

A. to make

B. with making

C. being making

D. making

11. _________you change your mind, I won't be able to help you.

A. When

B. Unless

C. While

D. So

12. We are going to have our office ______to make room for a new engineer.

A. to rearrange

B. rearrange

C. rearranged

D. rearranging

13. Since this road is wet and slippery this morning, it_________ last night.

A. must rain

B. was raining

C. may be raining

D. must have rained

14. Do you think Tommy is _________the truth?

A. saying

B. telling

C. speaking

D. talking

15. John fell asleep ________ he was listening to the music.

A. while C. after

B. before D. as soon as




Genetic Engineering

Many people 16 unaware that a lot of the foods they eat every day, 17 bread, ham and cheese, have been altered by using new technology. Food can be changed. It can be made to taste different or to look different - carrots can

be made to taste of chocolate and apples can be made 18 . Some food that appears the same has been 19 improved, for example, fish can be made to grow faster. Should we be pleased or worried

Will new technology bring benefits, or is it about to go 20 control

Genetically engineered foods are produced b y taking generic material from one species and transferring it 21 another. For example, an ‘antifreeze’ gene which appears naturally in Arctic fish has been introduced into tomatoes and strawberries _22_ they don’ t freeze in cold weather, a human gene has been introduced into pigs to make them

23 more quickly.

Some claim great advantages. They point out that crops can be made stronger and more disease resistant, 24 pesticides can be reduced. They also maintain that food can be made more nutritious or that the fat content can 25 to make it healthier.

16. A. are B. were C. is D. be

17. A. such that B. such as C. so that D. so as

18. A. more red B. much red C. redder D. reder

19. A. scientifically B. science C. scientific D. scientifical

20. A. under B. into C. out D. out of

21. A. for B. to C. out D. into

22. A. such that B. in order to C. so that D. so as to

23. A. grow B. to grow C. growing D. grown
