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• 3. Observe and listen. Get to know what makes her happy and do those things. Don't wait for a particular day, such as a birthday or Valentine's Day. Don't wait to be asked. Do it just because you want to. • Listen. Often, not enough credit is given for being able to focus, and really listen to someone when they speak, and then give an attentive, meaningful reply.[6] When you really listen to someone, you are focused on only that person, giving them your full and undivided attention. • Although it’s a simple act, listening is a very powerful act of caring that shows you are there to help your partner through whatever they are dealing with. • Listening to your partner reinforces the idea that you two are a team together, and you are there when your partner needs help.
• 1. Say "I love you." Telling someone you love them is the most surefire way to communicate your feelings, and the strength of those feelings. However, there are other ways to say, "I love you," simply by switching up the language you use. • For example, instead of saying the three words, “I love you,” you could say other meaningful things like, “I’m really happy you’re in my life,” or “I feel lucky that I have you,” or “I love you for being you.[1]
• If you find yourself at a loss for words, a strong and meaningful hug can always show you're there for your loved one.
• 6.Give hugs. Hugs give people a physical sense of security, and can literally make someone feel like they are wrapped in love. Hugs are easy to execute, and are appropriate to do in public, which makes them ideal for telling your partner you love them out in the world. • Hugs using both arms and facing your loved one are the most romantic. Other kinds of hugs (one armed hugs, side hugs), are more casual and don't hold that much meaning. • A good, meaningful hug usually last a little longer. 5-7 seconds is usually a good amount of time to express your feelings in a hug.
• 4.Be considerate. Being considerate means thinking about the feelings of your partner in everything that you do. Decisions you make about certain things should be made with your partner in mind. • For example, if you're going camping, bring extra sleeping mats for your partner, because you know they have a difficult time sleeping on hard surfaces. Or, if you're going on a picnic, pack some extras of your partner's favorite snack as a surprise.
• 5.Set aside time for quality interaction. Everyone has busy lives that we sometimes get wrapped up in, but making an effort to share quality time with your loved one is an easy way to reconnect and show your loved one where your priorities stand. Use this time to share with each other, go on a walk, or make dinner together. • It's really not about the amount of time you share together, but the quality of that time. It doesn't have to have a strict schedule, but the fact that you made the effort at all is what really counts.[7]
• 2. Write a letter. Sometimes writing an old school love letter is a romantic way to show your feelings. Writing a letter can also help articulate feelings and emotions you've been having, by letting your stream of consciousness do the "talking". Think about what you want to accomplish with this letter. What do you want your loved one to know? Begin with saying why you’re writing her a letter. For example, you can say something like, “I was thinking about you, and how much I enjoy being around you…” or “Being around you is always so much fun, and I wanted to let you know…” • Mention stories and memories that bring back good feelings. Just remember to write what you love about them, how they make you feel, and why you're happy to be with them. • Writing a letter by hand is your best bet to show that what you have to say is meaningful, because it takes more effort that typing up a note or text message. Also, your personal handwriting shows through which gives a nice touch of genuineness.
How to Express Your Love/How to Express Your Feelings to the One You Love
• Finding the best ways to express your love can be a positive step toward showing the person you care about how you truly feel. When revealing your feelings, you want your true feelings and intentions to come across to the person you love. You have to let go of your fear and freely share all of your inner feelings and thoughts with the person you love. To accomplish this, you cannot hold back. You have to be honest in sharing your emotions with the person you love. • Express your love verbally. The person you love might not know that you have such strong love and affection. You have to tell her how much you love her and let your words flow effortlessly
• 7.Carry out acts of service. Anything you can do to ease the burden of responsibilities weighing down on your loved one will speak volumes as to how much you care for them and love them. • Doing things like running out to get breakfast before they wake up, filling up the gas in their car, or washing their dishes in the sink, are all small ways to show your loved one you are always thinking about them.