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E型经济适用房共三层。户型组织形式为每户两层带阁楼,四室两厅一厨两卫一车库。采用散热器供暖与低温热水地板辐射供暖相结合,供暖方式为异程式下供下回。一层与二层除车库与阁楼采用散热器供暖外,其余采用低温热水地板辐射供暖。三层阁楼全部采用散热器供暖。其中一层与二层浴室安装浴霸补充地暖系统不能满足要求的热量。总供暖面积1248m2,总热负荷69388W,热指标为55.6W/m2。其中包括E1型经济适用房,供热面积793 m2,热负荷43610W,热指标为55W/m2;E2型经济适用房,供热面积455m2,热负荷25777W,热指标为56.7W/m2。






The design is divided into two parts,the E-type of affordable housing heating works in a camp in Beijing and the training floor heating works.

E-type of affordable housing a total of three.Size forms of organization for each household two layers with the attic,Sishiliangting,a kitchen and two baths,a garage.

Using radiator heating and low temperature hot water floor radiant heating, heating for the different programs for the next time.One and two-story addition to the garage and attic radiator heating,the rest of the low temperature hot water radiant floor heating.The three-loft all radiator yer and the second floor bathroom installation Yuba added to warm the system can not meet the requirements of the heat. The total heating area of1248m2,the total heat load69388W,the heat index is 55.6W/m2.Including E1type of affordable housing,heating area of793m2,and heat load43610W,heat index is55W/m2;E2affordable housing,heating area of 455m2,the heat load25777W,heat index is56.7W/m2.

Training Building and south sides of the dormitory for the six-story mixed structure,east and west sides of the conference room for the five-story mixed structure.All radiator heating,heating for the same program for the next time. Heating an area of13024m2heating and heat load for691286W,the heat index is 53.1W/m2.Size organizations in the form of a"mouth"shaped building,the central part of the large space atrium.

With this design to further understand the knowledge of building heating,which laid the foundation for future work,but also find a lot of deficiencies,and a clear direction for future learning.

Keywords:affordable housing,training building,hydraulic calculation,low temperature hot water radiant floor heating system,radiator heating


中文摘要 (Ⅰ)

英文摘要 (Ⅱ)

1工程概况 (1)

2设计参数 (2)

2.1室外气象参数 (2)

2.2室内设计参数 (2)

3负荷计算 (4)

3.1围护结构耗热量 (4)

3.2冷风渗透耗热量 (5)

3.3冷风侵入耗热量 (5)

3.4围护结构热工性能参数 (6)

3.5热负荷计算结果 (7)

4采暖设计 (8)

4.1系统方案比较与确定 (8)

4.2散热器选型 (9)

4.3地暖设计 (10)

4.4水力计算 (11)

4.5采暖热计量 (12)

5施工说明 (14)

5.1地暖系统施工 (14)

5.2采暖管道选材与施工 (15)

5.3热力入口 (16)
