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Since the wind machine appears on a certain demand for speed. The main objective is to achieve speed at different wind speeds, the wind turbine's speed and power limitations within the rating range, in order to ensure safe operation of wind turbines. Early wind turbine has a simple mechanical device to achieve these control objectives, which for small wind turbines is early to meet the. But the development of wind turbines to increase the size and power of the wind energy industry, for the governor's requirements are increasing.

This paper outlines the principles of wind turbine speed governor and different ways, and the advantages and disadvantages of different ways, but also the prospects for wind turbines are analyzed and discussed. Firstly introduced wind turbine speed prospect and prospect research status of the structure, and wind power, wind turbines and then introduced to the governor by the power adjustment method, describing the fixed pitch stall regulation and pitch regulation, fixed pitch stall speed adjustment mainly describes the principle and its advantages and disadvantages and applications; pitch adjustment in addition to the governor and the application of the principles and describes the advantages and disadvantages of variable pitch also details the individual pitch, unity pitch and active stall regulation and other pitch speed mode. Finally, the governor described another way is through wind turbines way to achieve variable speed operation, describes the principles of variable speed, classification, advantages and disadvantages of the use.

Keywords: wind turbines,governor principle,Speed mode


第一章绪论 (1)

1.1 课题研究的背景及意义 (1)

1.2课题研究的现状 (1)

1.2.1 风能的发展现状 (1)

1.2.2本课题国外的研究现状 (2)

1.2.2本课题国内的研究现状 (4)

1.3 本课题的研究内容 (5)

第二章定桨距失速调节 (6)

2.1定桨距失速调节方式 (6)

2.2 定桨距失速调节方式的分类 (7)

2.2.1偏向式 (7)

2.2.2气动阻力式 (12)

2.3 定桨距失速调节的优缺点与应用 (13)

第三章变桨距调节 (15)

3.1 变桨距调节的原理 (15)

3.2 变桨距调节的分类 (15)

3.2.1 主动失速调节方式 (16)

3.2.2统一变桨距调节 (17)

3.2.3 独立变桨距调节 (19)

3.2.4 机械离心式 (20)

3.2.5弹(柔)性变桨距 (23)

3.2.6机械离心螺旋副变桨距 (24)

3.2.7风压变桨距 (25)

3.3 变桨距调速方式的优缺点及应用 (27)

第四章变转速运行调节 (28)

4.1变转速运行调节的原理 (28)

4.2 变转速调节的分类 (28)

4.2.1 双速运行 (29)
