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The SOC pool represents a dynamic equilibrium of gains and losses (Fig. 1). 土壤碳库处于收支动态平衡。
Fig. 1. Processes affecting soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics.
1.Background 2.Soil Carbon Sequestration 3.Soil Carbon Sequestration for Mitigating
Climate Change 4.Soil Carbon Sequestration and Global Food Security 5.Conclusions
The soil C pool is 3.3 times the size of the atmospheric pool (760 Gt) and 4.5 times the size of the biotic pool (560Gt, fig. S1).
The depletion is exacerbated when the output of C exceeds the input and when soil degradation is severe.
Severe depletion of the SOC pool degrades soil quality, reduces biomass productivity, and adversely impacts water quality, and the depletion may be exacerbated by projected global warming.
Soil Carbon Sequestration Impacts on Global Climate Change and Food Security
R. Lal ,et al. 2004 Science 304, 1623
Tutor : Prof . ZHENG Speaker : DongXiaogang Date : 2012-05-10
2.Soil Carbon Sequestration
Common RMPs that lead to SOC sequestration are mulch farming, conservation tillage, agroforestry and diverse cropping systems, cover crops (Fig. 3), and integrated nutrient management, including the use of manure, compost, biosolids, improved grazing, and forest management.
Fra Baidu bibliotek
The global soil carbon (C) pool of 2500 gigatons (Gt) includes about 1550 Gt of soil organic carbon (SOC) and 950 Gt of soil inorganic carbon (SIC). 25000亿吨的全球土壤碳库由15500亿吨的土壤有机碳和9500亿吨的 土壤无机碳组成。
土壤碳库的严重耗竭使得土壤质量退化,生物产量降低,影响水质量, 预测的全球变暖可能会加剧土壤碳库的耗竭。
The estimates of historic SOC loss range widely, from 44 to 537 Gt, with a common range of 55 to 78 Gt (3). 以往的土壤有机碳的损失量的估 算值变化范围广大约从440到 5370亿吨,而共识的损失量是 550到780亿吨。
2.Soil Carbon Sequestration
Carbon sequestration implies transferring atmospheric CO2 into long-lived pools and storing it securely so it is not immediately reemitted. Thus, soil C sequestration means increasing SOC and SIC stocks through judicious land use and recommended management practices (RMPs).
土壤有机碳的固定是由向土壤中增加高生物量,使土壤受到最小 的扰动,保持水土,提高土壤结构,增强土壤动物的种类和多样 性的活性,增强元素循环而实现的。 (Fig. 2, table S2)
Fig. 2.
具有高的土壤碳固定潜能的态系统 有:农田,放牧的草地,退化的或 沙漠化土地,灌溉的土壤放牧的草 地的生态系统的土壤碳固定潜力不 包括在全球的土壤碳固定中,这是 因为它部分的被覆盖在其它生态系 统下以及具有很大的不确定性。
土壤碳固定意味着将大气中的CO2转移到长期存在的土壤库中并安全 地储存它,因此使碳不能立即释放到大气中。因此土壤碳固定意味着 通过精确的土地使用和推荐的管理措施(RMPs)增加了土壤有机和无 机碳库的容量。
2.Soil Carbon Sequestration
The SOC sequestration is caused by those management systems that add high amounts of biomass to the soil, cause minimal soil disturbance, conserve soil and water, improve soil structure, enhance activity and species diversity of soil fauna, and strengthen mechanisms of elemental cycling (Fig. 2, table S2).