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●In recent years, the problem of college students’ wasting time

has become increasingly serious on university campus and more and more people voice growing concern over it.近几年,大学生浪费时间的问题在大学校园中日益严重,越来越多的人开始关注这个问题。

●In fact, attitudes towards secondhand goods transactions vary

from person to person.事实上,对于二手货交易的态度因人而异。

⏹People hold different views towards this issue.针对这一


⏹However, there is no consensus among people.然而,人们


●Recently, the issue of fast food has aroused public concern.


●The reform has caused an enormous amount of controversy

in society.这场改革在社会中引起了广泛的关注。

●Despite the potential negative effects, I strongly support

social practice for college students. Since as a whole, the benefits overwhelm the likely harm.尽管社会实践存在潜在的负面影响,但我强烈支持大学生参加社会实践。因为总的来说,它的好处完全超过了它的害处。

●Apart from the benefits mentioned above, we also face

several unavoidable challenges.除了上面提到的好处外,我们也面临一些不可避免的挑战。

●From what has been discussed above, we can see clearly that

the disadvantages/advantages are more obvious.综上所述,我们可以清楚地看到缺点(优点)更明显。

●Taking all these factors into consideration, we may

reasonably draw a conclusion that people should eat fast food as little as possible.考虑到这些因素,我们可以合理的得出结论,人们应该尽量少吃快餐。

●Many others, however, insist that daydreaming is of great

benefit in many respects.然而许多其他人坚持认为白日梦在很多方面都非常有益。

●By contrast, some people hold that examination may give

rise to a serious of negative respects.相反,一些人认为考试会引起一系列的负面影响。

●Just as any coin has two sides, it is no exception with the

issue of examination. 正如一枚硬币有两面,考试也不例外。

●Personally speaking, I am inclined to stand by the former/

latter side.

⏹Personally, I stand on the side of the former/latter.

⏹Weighing up the two viewpoints above, I’m inclined to

agree with the former/latter one.就我个人而言,我更倾


● A number of factors may account for this phenomenon.

⏹There may be a combination of reasons which can

account for this phenomenon.

⏹This phenomenon exists for a number of reasons.

⏹Many factors contributed to this issue.

⏹There are generally several factors accounting for this


●Recently, a heated discussion has sprung up as to whether

college students should pursue famous brands or not.近来,社会上对于大学生是否应该追求名牌产生了热烈的讨论。

●Therefore, it is high time that we took effective measures to

solve this problem.因此,是时候采取有效措施来解决这一问题了。

● A young man who aspires to make his mark in the world
