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Passage 1

Many parts of the world have four seas ons. They are spri ng, summer, fall and wi nter. Spring follows wi nter. It becomes warmer and the days become Ion ger. Pla nts beg in to grow and many ani mals have babies. Summer is the hottest seas on .It does not get dark un til late. Pla nts grow fast. In fall the days get shorter. The weather turns cooler. Trees may lose their leaves. Some birds fly to warmer places. Win ter is the coldest seas on .It gets early in the eve ning. Pla nts stop growing and many trees are bare(光秃)。

1. All parts of the world have four seas on s.( )

2. Many ani mals have babies in spri ng.( )

3. Summer is the hottest seas on.( )

4. The day become Ion ger in fall.( )

5. Win ter comes. The pla nts stop growi ng.( )

An swer: F T T F T

Passage 2

Mary and Kate are sister. They just had a physical exam in ati on( 体检)。These are

They are healthy.

1. Mary is Kate 'sister.()

2. Kate is older than Mary.( )

3. Mary has long and brow n hair.( )

4. Mary is 10kg heavier than Kate.( )

5. Their eyes' colour are same.( )

An swer: T F F T F

Passage 2

Lily and Lucy are twins. They come from America. They came to China in 2004 because their parents came to China to work. Their father is an engineer, and their mother is a teacher. Lily and Lucy are 12 years old. They are in Grade 5, but they are in different classes. Lily is in Class 1 and Class 3. They walk to school every day. They have many friends in China. The girls and their friends often play together. They like hiking with their friends in summer and making sno wme n with them in win ter. They enjoy their life in Chi na.

1. Lily and Lucy are America n girls.( )

2. Their mother is an engin eer.( )

3. Lily and Lucy are in the same class.( )

4. Lily and Lucy like hiking and making snowmen in winter.( )

5. They live in China now .( )

Answer: T F F F T

Passage 3

Dear Peter,

Thank you for your letter and some wonderful stamps. I like them very much. I also collect stamps. I 'm sending some Monkey King stamps to you. I thing you 'll like them.

Now I 'm going to answer some of your questions. You ask me about the weather in Beijing in winter. It 's quite cold and it often snows in winter. After snowing the ground is white. And I can skate on ice. It 's very interesting to skate. I like winter best.

You ask me when is the best time to come to China. I think the best time to come to China is in spring or in fall. It 's often too hot in summer and it 's cold in winter. I have to finish this letter now. Ask your brother to come to China with you. Welcome to Beijing soon.

Yours, Li Lei ( )1. What season does Li Lei like best? _________________

A. Spring

B. Summer

C. Fall

D. winter

( )2. Which country is Li Lei in? __________

A. America

B. China

C. England

D. Canada

( )3. What does Peter give Li Lei? _____ .

A. Food

B. Stamps

C. Snow

D. nothing

( )4. What is the best time to come to China? ____________ .

A. Spring

B. Summer

C. Fall

D. Spring and fall

( )5. What is the text( 文章)about ?( )


B. Notice

C. Report

D. News

Answer: D B B D A

Passage 4

( ) Hello, Mike. I 'm ZhangPeng. What are you doing?

( ) Yes, it's in front of the post office.

( ) I 'm watching TV . What about you?

( ) How can I get to the post office?

( ) You 're welcome.

( ) Hello. This is Mike speaking.

( ) You can go there by No.11 bus.

( ) I 'm listening to music. What are you going to do tomorrow?

( ) Thank you.

( ) I 'm going to the park with my parents. But where is the park? Can you tell me? Answer: 2 6 3 7 10 1 8 4 9 5
