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New Words and Expressions

style n.行为方式,风格classical; in the style of; in style; out of style bustling a.繁忙的,熙攘的

kindergarten n.幼儿园go to kindergarten; at kindergarten

elementary a.基本的,初级的,基础的primary, senior, junior, superior, inferior

telling a.难忘的;有力的telling effect/evidence; telling condemnation of the system

lobby n.大堂,大厅corridor; aisle; isle

attach vt.系,贴,连接tie; connect; lease; link

attendant n.服务员;侍者,随从

slot n.狭缝,狭槽

vigorously ad.用力的;精力充沛地energetically; dynamically;

tender a.年幼的;温柔的slender; fondle

not in the least 一点也不

find one's way 到达;进入,流入

bang v.猛敲,猛击bang the door; bang on the table;

exploratory a.探索的

phenomenon n.现象

staff n.全体职工,全体雇员faculty member;

initial a.开始的,最初的initiate; stage; plan

assist v.帮助=help; assist sb. with sth.; assist sb. to do

reposition vt.改变...的位置=move; remove/replace

insert vt.插入,嵌入

somewhat ad.稍微,有点

expectantly ad.期待地

await vt..等待,等候

occasion n.时刻,场合an occasional case

on occasion 有时,间或occasionally

frown v.,n.皱眉frown at sb.; frown upon sth.; a frowning man;

slight a.轻微地crash; bruise;

neglect vt.忽视overlook; ignore; look down upon; give a cold shoulder to parental a. 父的,母的,父母的

relevant a.有关的,切题的related to

investigate v.调查;探究

creativity n. 创造力

anecdote n.趣闻,轶事

exception n.例外an exception to the rule;

colleague n.同事

action n. 动作;行为take actions to

on one's own 独立地;独自地

desirable a.值得向往的;称心的=ideal; desirable daughter; accomplish vt.完成(某事)

activity n.活动,行为

accomplishment n.本领,技艺;完成,成就

in due course 在适当时机in time; in due time; an overdue library book sympathetically ad.同情地sympathy; sympathize

critical a.至关重要的;危急的

effectively ad.有效地

self-reliance n.依靠自己,自力更生

principal a.首要的,主要的principle

rear v.养育,抚养

extreme a.极度的,极端的n.极端,过分go to extremes=go crazy make up for 补偿,弥补

misdeed n.不端行为misconduct; mischief恶作剧; mischievous

view vt.看待,考虑

creative a.独创的

solution n.解决(问题的办法);解答

in retrospect 回顾

artistic a.艺术的

well-intentioned a.好意的meritorious(值得称道的); ill-intentioned intention n.意图

observer n.观察者,观察员

clumsily ad.笨拙地

facility n.熟练,灵巧;设备,设施facilitate; facilitory;

mold vt.塑造mould

performance n.表现,行为;演出,表演

tradition n.传统

continual a.不断的,一再重复的continuous

apply vi.适用;申请

work on/at 从事于;致力于work on my homework/ the novel/ the wall/;

work at English grammar/Greek history craft n.手艺;工艺

reversal n.颠倒;转换;挫折role reversal;

priority n.优先考虑的事;重点give priority to sth./sb.; take/have priority over

bold a.勇敢的,无畏的

departure n.背离;出发,离开

inseparable a.不可分离的

evolve v.使逐步发展evolution

summarize vt.总结,概述

originality n.新颖;独创性initiative;

independence n.独立,自主

contrast n.对比comparison
