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大学英语辩论话题精选 Company number:【0089WT-8898YT-W8CCB-BUUT-202108】

Iris' 话题汇总

在话题辩论房间2007年7月实行iris创立的周话题提供制度之前,话题提供一直由iris自己编辑提供。那段辛酸,那份辛苦那份无私换来了房间聊友的认可和支持。为了感谢所有给予iris及房间帮助的海内外朋友,iris愿把她每日自己提供给辩论房间的话题全部整理出来,无私奉献给uc外语天地及网络所有喜欢话题交流、口语交际的学者,去做研究或写作参考!以此来实现她坚持的一贯的原则,即:永远保持外语天地无偿服务与他人,如同现实生活中的慈善事业一样的奉献她有限的知识的风格。这份网络服务永远纯真,朴实!! 2007年7月以后,英语话题辩论房间其他管理们提供给房间的话题,由于未经他们本人许可,请原谅iris在这里恕不公开!


1. Is TV a malign influence on society

2. 2. Talk about Poverty and Wisdom

3. 3. If u r on a deserted island what three things do u want to take

4. 4. Talk about the meaning of Being Capable/Being Helpful/Kind

5. 5. What’s your understanding of team work

6. 6. How to learn perfect English

7. 7. We learn knowledge only from our teachers.

8. 8. We learn knowledge not only from our teachers.

9. 9. Do you prefer to buy sth. in big stores or small ones

10. 10. Is career more important than family

11. 11. Can people make true friends on the internet

12. 12. Being single is very popular in China

13. 13. Can you find out which qualities you look for in a boyfriend or girlfriend

14. 14. What would you see as advantages for you to wait for your marriage, if you’ve found the perfect boyfriend or girlfriend

15. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

16. 15. Do you prefer to marry before you have a successful career or after you have a successful career

17. 16. Positive side: It's good for people to grow up in adverse circumstances.

18. Negative side: It's not good for people to grow up in adverse circumstances.

19. 17. Is there true love on the internet

20. 18. Should professionals be paid according to their performance

21. 19. Should Physical Education in schools be compulsory

22. 20. Should parents have the right to educate their children privately

23. 21. Should we abolish CET English test in China

24. 22. Reading makes a full man读书使人充实吗

25. 23. Key factors to success.

26. 24. How to make team work more effective

27. 25. How to avoid regretting

28. 26. How do you spend your Valentine‘s Day

29. 27. Should women have equal job opportunities with man

30. 28. Can money buy happiness

31. 29. What do you need to learn if going abroad

32. 30. What kind of admins do you like best

33. 31. What manners should visiters in a chatroom possess

34. 32. Studying is for enriching your mind or your future career

35. 33. Do we need to show 100% honesty to our beloved

36. 34. How to prepare for a test

37. 35. What is more important than love

38. 36. Can money buy happiness

39. 37. Should we go aboard to further our study

40. 38. Should cloning be encouraged

41. 39. .Show your views on gambling.

42. 40. If u have a baby, talk about how to raise him/her.

43. 41. How to get rid of a bad habit

44. 42. Does pure friendship exist between men and women

45. 43. Does the younger generation know better

46. 44. Should pets be encouraged in big cities

47. 45. What are the differences between Chinese culture and western culture

48. 46. Do you think women and men should perform the same or different roles

49. 47. Are religious beliefs irrational or rational

50. 48. Have they done more harm than good

51. 49. Why do you think that the divorce rate is higher than before
