雅思口语救生圈part2答题范例9:Describe a person who became your good friend at your first encounter

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Well. Many of us including me had the experience of finding a kindred spirit in someone we first met, though it’s hard to get to the bottom of this phenomenon. Anyway, there was a girl named Wendy who became my intimate friend in the first day of my junior high school. At that time, she was sitting next to me. We liked to share our past life experiences to see if we ever met each other before. Being talkative and playful, we often had chitchat in classes and played tricks on others. I still remember a nasty thing we did to a boy sitting in front of us. At that time, we both caught a cold and had a running nose. Therefore, we save a lot of tissues after blowing nose. Instead of throwing them in the trash can, we decided to make good use of them. We made a nice box out of a cardboard and put all the tissues we used in it, and then gave it to that boy as a gift. Just as we expected, he accepted it quite merrily but soon let out a scream of horror. Well. It is really awful as I think about it now. Apart from these, we also behaved like good students and would discuss our study during breaks. And we went home together by bike everyday. I once read a line somewhere that people would normally laugh at you when you make a fool of yourself but few people will fully understand and accept your whimsical ideas and even do the same things like you. Well, I guess she belonged to the latter and I really appreciated that. Those memories between us are held dear to my heart and become much fonder as time goes by.
Fra Baidu bibliotek
学习实用的表达: a kindred spirit – 在口语中表示志趣相投、心有灵犀的人,例如 We soon realized we were kindred spirits. get to the bottom of – 弄清或探明……的真相,弄清……起因 playful – 爱玩的,爱嬉戏的 chitchat – 闲谈 play tricks on – 捉弄 a running nose – 流鼻涕 make good use of – 充分利用 just as we expected – 不出所料,就像预期的一样 let out – 发出(叫喊声等) breaks – 课间休息 make a fool of yourself –出洋相,出丑 whimsical – 异想天开的,古怪的 fond – 形容词,最常用的形式是be fond of somebody, 表示喜欢某人。fond也可以用来 修饰memory表示愉快的回忆。例如 I have very fond memories of my time in Spain (= I remember it with affection and pleasure).
Part 2 答题范例
Describe a person who became your good friend at your first encounter You should say: who the person was; when you first met the person; what you did together; and explain why you became friends when you first met each other.