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该网站是基于PHP的ThinkPHP框架开发的家政服务类网站,它使用的是B/S开发模式,该网站可以简单快捷的通过浏览器来访问,它是用PHP+JavaScript+CSS来进行前后台的界面的设计,数据库是采用MySQL 5.5的支持。在需求分析的基础上,采用Epp4.0(eclipse for PHP 4.0)作为开发工具,设计和实现系统。利用目前比较流行的Apache2.2作为Web应用服务器,提供通过网页访问功能。采用MVC开发模式实现高内聚、低耦合,确保系统的扩展性和安全性。



The rapid development of progress of science and technology and computer technology, making people to the computer relies on more and more strong, especially with the development of computer database and data management system in the application of life behave more prominent, this development of Huanghuai housekeeping service

website. Through the use of domestic service website can not only allows users to purchase homes housekeeping service, and the housekeeping service shops of standardized management, systematic, simple, automation, intelligent, so as to achieve the purpose of improving the efficiency of domestic service management.

Huang Huai housekeeping center development mainly includes the background of the establishment and the maintenance as well as the foreground program development in two aspects. For background on the development requirements for the establishment of data consistency and integrity of the strong, data security good database. And for the onstage development requires applications work complete, simple is easy to use and so on characteristics.

The site is based on PHP ThinkPHP framework for the development of domestic service website, use it is B / s development model, the site can be simple and quick through a browser to access, it is used PHP+JavaScript+CSS to front and back of the interface design, the database is MySQL 5.5 support. On the basis of the requirement analysis, Epp4.0 (for PHP eclipse 4) is used as the development tool, and the design and implementation of the system is. Use of the popular Apache2.2 as the Web application server, provided through the web access function. Using MVC development mode to achieve high cohesion and low coupling, to ensure the system's scalability and security.

Keywords:domestic; ThinkPHP; MySQL database; MVC


1 系统概述 (1)

1.1 项目背景 (1)

1.2 项目开发的意义 (1)

1.3项目概述 (1)

1.4 定义 (2)

2 可行性分析 (3)

2.1 分析的前提 (3)

2.2 经济可行性 (3)

2.3 技术可行性 (4)

2.4 法律可行性 (4)

2.5 用户使用可行性 (4)

3需求分析 (5)

3.1 系统目标 (5)

3.2 用户特点 (5)

3.3 功能需求 (5)

3.3.1网站前台 (6)

3.3.2网站后台 (8)

3.4系统对象活动分析 (11)

3.5系统动态模型分析 (14)

3.6 数据存储需求 (16)

3.6.1管理员数据存储 (16)
