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古老的证据表明“提坦”一词可能有着“王子”或诸如此 类的含义,据Rห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ach认为,这里的“提坦”有“惶恐者”和 “反叛者”之意[3] 。英语Titanic(巨大的)的词源来自于 gigantic[7] ,即来源于Γίγαντες(癸干忒斯,巨灵族), 因此不要将Titanic和Titans混淆。
提坦神名称由来 bὺρ δὲ παηὴπ Τιηῆναρ ἐπίκληζιν καλέεζκε παῖδαρ νεικείων μέγαρ Οὐπανόρ, οὓρ ηέκεν αὐηόρ: θάζκε δὲ ηιηαίνονηαρ ἀηαζθαλίῃ μέγα ῥέξαι ἔπγον, ηοῖο δ᾽ ἔπειηα τίζιν μεηόπιζθεν ἔζεζθαι”
In popular culture
Various large things have been named after the Titans for their "titanic" size, for example the RMS Titanic or the giant predatory birdTitanis walleri. Titanomachy is the theme of the 2011 movieImmortals 3D The element titanium is named after the Titans. Many of Saturn's moons are named after various Titans, and the largest is named "Titan". Many professional and amateur sports teams use a titan as their mascot. One of theNational Football League's teams is theTennessee Titans, the New York Jets were originally known as the New York Titans,California State University, Fullerton, Ohio State University, Newark Campus andUniversity of Wisconsin, Oshkosh athletic teams are known as the Titans. As well the Australian professional rugby league teamGold Coast is also known as the Titans. The Titans have appeared as antagonists inDisney's Hercules, as well as in Hercules and Xena – The Animated Movie: The Battle for Mount Olympus, Immortals and the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series. The name is used for the gigantic antagonists in the Japanese anime "Attack on Titan". In World of Warcraft, the godlike beings said to have created many of the races on Azeroth are called Titans. They have also appeared as both protagonists and antagonists in the God of War video game series and Clash of the Titans movies. While the 1981 original and 2010 remake of the latter do not actually feature any Titans, Cronus was the main antagonist of the 2012 sequel.
Greeks of the classical age knew of severalpoems about the war between the Olympians and Titans. The dominant one, and the only one that has survived, was in the Theogonyattributed to Hesiod. A lost epic, Titanomachia- attributed to the legendary blind Thracian bard Thamyris - was mentioned in passing in an essay On Music that was once attributed toPlutarch. The Titans also played a prominent role in the poems attributed to Orpheus. Although only scraps of the Orphic narratives survive, they show interesting differences with the Hesiodic tradition. The classical Greek myths of the Titanomachy fall into a class of similar myths throughout Europe and the Near East concerning a war in heaven, where one generation or group of gods largely opposes the dominant one. Sometimes the elders are supplanted, and sometimes the rebels lose and are either cast out of power entirely or incorporated into the pantheon. Other examples might include the wars of the Æ sirwith the Vanir in Scandinavian mythology, theBabylonian epic Enuma Elish, the Hittite"Kingship in Heaven" narrative, the obscure generational conflict in Ugaritic fragments,Virabhadra's conquest of the early Vedic Gods, and the rebellion of Lucifer inChristianity. The Titanomachy lasted for ten years.[citation needed] The Titans were imprisoned in Tartarus after the war had ended. Tartarus is the deepest spot known in the Underworld, where the most evil beings would usually end up in.
克洛诺斯(Cronus):盖亚与乌拉诺斯的十二个提坦神儿女中最年幼者。天、空间神,推翻父神而成为第二任 神王。 瑞亚(Rhea):十二提坦之一,时光女神。克洛诺斯的妻子第二任神后。 俄刻阿诺斯(Oceanus):十二提坦之一,大洋河流之神,泰坦神族的长兄,很多时能看到他讨厌谋略的一 面,他是那条环绕着宇宙转动的液体腰带,故而他的结尾也是开端:这条宇宙之河自我组成一个圆圈在转动。 他是同为神族的忒堤斯的丈夫,与忒堤斯有着三千位身任河神的儿子和三千位身任海之女神的女儿,他的词 源有“古老”之意,荷马称其为众神的始祖。 忒堤斯(Tethys):十二提坦之一,沧海女神;俄刻阿诺斯之妻,众神的始母,她和俄刻阿诺斯一样古老。 另外不要和阿喀琉斯之母忒提斯(Θέηιρ)混淆。 许珀里翁(Hyperion):十二提坦之一,光明太阳之神。赫利俄斯(太阳)、塞勒涅(月亮)和厄俄斯(黎 明)之父。 忒亚(Thea):十二提坦之一,宝物、光及视力女神;许珀里翁之妻,据说她从奥林波斯的众神身上得到各 种知识,和许珀里翁结合生下了赫利俄斯(太阳)、塞勒涅(月球)和厄俄斯(光)。 谟涅摩绪涅(Mnemosyne):十二提坦之一,记忆之神;宙斯第五位妻子九缪斯之母。 伊阿珀托斯(Iapetus):十二提坦之一。普罗米修斯,厄庇墨透斯,墨诺提俄斯和阿特拉斯的父亲,神话中 并未说明其神格与司职,但从其子的神话推测,他可能是与人类有关。关于他的妻子,有人说是克吕墨涅, 有人说是亚细亚,还有人猜测是忒弥斯。总之他与妻子生了四位第二代提坦神:普罗米修斯、厄庇墨透斯、 墨诺提俄斯和阿特拉斯。 克利俄斯(Crius):十二提坦之一,欧律比亚的丈夫,阿斯特赖俄斯,帕拉斯和珀耳塞斯的父亲。其神格与 司职在神话中并没有说明,但从《神谱》375行到403行来看,他的神格应该与天体和气象有关。 忒弥斯(Themis):十二提坦之一,秩序和正义女神.宙斯第二位妻子,时序三女神之母。 福柏(Phoebe):十二提坦之一,光辉和神示女神;夜之女神勒托与阿斯忒里亚之母。 科俄斯(Coeus):福柏的丈夫,勒托与阿斯忒里亚的父亲,代表了宇宙旋转轴坐标。κοῖορ在古希腊语中是 疑问词“什么,什么样的”其他含义未知。但从《神谱》404行到452行来看科俄斯的神格和司职应该和天体 有关。 .
Modern interpretations
Some 19th- and 20thcentury scholars, including Jane Ellen Harrison, have argued that an initiatory or shamani c ritual underlies the myth of the dismemberment and cannibalism of Dionysus by the Tita ns.[4] She also asserts that the word "Titan" comes from the Greek ηίηανορ, signifying whi te "earth, clay or gypsum," and that the Titans were "white clay men", or men covered by white clay or gypsum dust in their rituals.[5] Martin Litchfield West also asserts this in rela tion to shamanistic initiatory rites of early Greek religious practices.[6] Other scholars connect the word to the Greek verb ηείνω ("teino", to stretch), through an epic variation ηιηαίνω ("titaino"), and ηίζιρ("tisis", retribution, vengeance), a view Hesiod a ppears to share when he narrates: "But their father, great Ouranos, called them Titans by surname, rebuking his sons, whom he had begotten himself; for he said they had straine d (ηιηαίνονηαρ, "titainontas") in their wickedness to perform a mighty deed, and at some la ter time there would be vengeance (ηίζιν, "tisin") for this."[7] Beekes connects the word w ith ηιηώ (an obscure word for "day").[8
In Classical Greek mythology, the Titans (Greek: Τιηάν Titán; plural: Τiηᾶνερ Titân es) and Titanesses (or Titanides; Greek: ΤιηανίρTitanís; plural: Τιηανίδερ Titaní de s) were members of the second generat ion of divine beings, descending from th e primordial deities and preceding the O lympian deities. Based on Mount Othrys , the Titans most famously included the f irst twelve children of the primordial Gai a (Mother Earth) and Uranus(Father Sk y). They were giant deities of incredible strength, who ruled during the legendar y Golden Age, and also comprised the fi rst pantheon of Greek deities. 。 依据赫西俄德《神谱》,十二位提坦神 分别是:俄刻阿诺斯、科俄斯、克利 俄斯、许珀里翁、伊阿珀托斯、忒亚、 瑞亚、忒弥斯、谟涅摩绪涅、福柏、 忒堤斯、克洛诺斯。