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• ② 虚拟语气题 • 1)公式化虚拟 由if引导的条件句与主句 间的动词相互制约的关系 • 例: What is said about Harry’s brother? • A. He is happy with his job. • B. He is a very ambitious man. • C. He is too ambitious to be an engine driver. • D. He doesn’t like to be an engine driver.
• 录音:W: I’ll wear this blue jacket. I like the color on me, don’t you think? • M: I think it looks terrific on you really. • ⑦ 否定题 • 常见的含有否定含义的词: rarely, scarcely, hardly, seldom, little, beyond, deny, cancel, cease, miss, instead of, rather than, in vain etc.
• 录音:Woman: It’s so hot today, I can’t work. I wish the air-conditioning were on in this library. • Man: So do I. I will fall asleep if I don’t get out of this stuffy room soon. • 3) should +动词原形(should可省略)的形 式,多出现在表示建议,命令,请求,要求,坚 持要求,渴望等类词后边的从句中.
• 例: There is no one who doesn’t have an opinion about something. • 情态动词+动词完成时表达与事实相反 的内涵: • shouldn’t have done • should have done • needn’t have done • might have done sth.
一. 对话部分应试技巧
• ① 职业, 地点, 身份题 • 例: John is probably a____. • A. nurse B. doctor C. lawyer D. saleswoman • 录音: John is in hospital. I’d like to send her a handbag she can use later in the law office where she is employed.
TEM-4 Listening Comprehension
讲座主要内容 1.对话理解的八大常考题型
2.短文听力常考题型 3. 短文听力语流信号词 4.新闻听力7大题型分解 5.专四听力快速做题小技巧
题型一: 题型一:主旨要义题 题型二: 题型二:身份职业题 题型三: 题型三:地点方位题 题型四:时间、 题型四:时间、数字计算题 题型五: 题型五:事实推理题 题型六: 题型六:观点态度题 题型七: 题型七:是非判断题 题型八:语调、 题型八:语调、语气题
③ 形容词, 副词比较级的相互 转换
• 1) 用原级表达比较级含义. • This biography isn’t half as well-written as the last one I read. • 2)通过比较级表示最高级含义. • 例: What happened to Mr. Hunt’s project? • A. It was fairly successful. • B. It was hard and futile. • C. It failed for lack of fund. • D. It stopped for lack of land.
• 录音: Woman: How does Mr. Hunt’s project turn out? I heard he had trouble with financing, and he then he couldn’t get the land he wanted. • Man: It’s true. He did have difficulties at first. But all in all, the project couldn’t have turned out better.
• 3) 比较级, 最高级表示否定含义. • 例: The mail service between NY and LA should be better. What do you think of the film you watched last night? Nothing could be worse. • Typing the essay is the least of worries.
• 13.International students can receive all the following types of financial assistance EXCEPT • A. federal loans. B. private loans. • C. scholarships. D. monthly payment plans. • 19.Which of the following details about Family Health International is INCORRECT? • A. It is a nonprofit organization. B. It provides public health services. • C. It carries out research on public health. D. It has worked in five countries
• 录音:Harry’s brother would not remain an engine driver if he were ambitious. • 2) 在wish, if only, it is (high, good) time, would rather, prefer, as if / as though 等后 边跟的从句中,多用动词过去式表示虚拟. • 例: What is the cause of their complaint? • A. the place B. the heat C. the workload D. the facilities
⑤ 推理判断题
• • • • • • 例: What are the man and woman doing ? A. Listening to the radio B. Looking at the photos C. Watching television D. Reading a newspaper 录音: W: There must be a thunderstorm in some place, because the picture isn’t very sharp and the sound isn’t clear.
④ 计算题
• 例: The speaker was ____ minutes late. • A. 50 B. 15 C. 30 D. 10 • 录音: I woke up at 8:30, knowing that the : appointment was at 9:45. But despite of all my plans, I still got there at 10:00.
• 4. Which of the following details is CORRECT? • A. Mark knows the exact number of airport buses. • B. Mark knows the exact number of delegates' spouse. • C. Mark doesn't know the exact number of delegates yet. • D. Mark doesn't know the number of guest speakers.

• • • • • • • • • • • •
时间:five 0’clock sharp(5点整);on the dot(整点);the day before yesterday(前天); the day after tomorrow(后天);the other day(几天前);some day(将 来的某一天);every other day(每隔一天);this time next week(下周此时);a fortnight(十四天,两周);weekly(每周);monthly(每月);quarterly(每季)yearly/ annually(每年);a decade(十年);B.C.(公元前)。 数字:one half/a half(二分之一);one and half(一又二分之一);a quarter/one fourth(四分之一);five sixths(六分之五);zero point five(0.5);one point five two(1.52);a couple of(两个);million(百万);billion(十亿)。Dozen(12) 货币:a dollar/a buck(一美元);five cents/a nickel(5美分);a dime(一角硬 币);a quarter/twenty five cents(二十五美分);a pound(一英镑);penny/pl. (pennies/pence)(便士)。 有关计算的表达:plus/add/addition(加);minus/take off(减);multiply (乘);divide(除);double(翻倍);triple(增加到三倍);two more(多两个);three less(少三个);half the price(半价);thirty percent off/discount of 30%(打七折); at l5%discount(打八五折),
• • • • • EXCEPT Is Not True Is Correct Is Incorrect is Not Mentioned
• 1. The following details have been checked during the conversation EXCEPT • A. number of travelers. B. number of tour days. • C. flight details. D. room services. • 3. Which of the following statements is CORRECT? • A. The traveler is reluctant to buy travel insurance. • B. The traveler is ready to buy travel insurance. • C. The traveler doesn't have to buy travel insurance. • D. Travel insurance is not mentioned in the conversation.
• M: I think you’re right. They said on the radio last night that a storm was coming in from the mountains and the morning paper forecast heavy rain. • ⑥观点态度题 • 例: what does the man think of the woman’s clothing?