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1. be动词:be动词有三个am、is、are,I用am,you用are,is用于他、她、它。复数主语都用are,单数用is,不可数名词也用is。


1)I ______ taller than Petter.

2) _____ you going to visit Hongkong?

3)He_____ a doctot.

4)Mike ______ from Canada .

5) There ______ no water in the glass.

6)There _____ two cups of coffee on the table.

注意:He _____ a toy bus.(is ,has)

2.动词have、has :表示“有” 的单词有两个have和has,记住I have、you have,其他的主语凡是单数用has,复数用have。

1)I ______ a nice bedroom.

2) Do you _____ any pets? 3)She______ got some flowers.

4)Everyone _____ his own gift.

There be句型与have(has)都可以表示\"有\",但二者的用法容易混淆,所以同学们要注意以下几点:

There be句型表示\"有\"时,侧重于客观方面,表示\"某处有(存在)某人


1) There ____a watch on the desk. 桌子上有一块表。

2)There ____ many trees and flowers in our school.

3)There _____ any pork on the plate.=There is ____ pork on the plate.在碟子上没有猪肉。)

4) Is there anyone in the next room?隔壁房子有人吗?

5)There are five pencils in the pencil-box. 铅笔盒中有五支铅笔。

2. have(has) 表示\"有\"时,侧重于主观方面,表示\"某人拥有某物\",此时强调\"所有关系\",主语多是人。例如:

I have many good friends. 我有许多好朋友。

My grandfather has a pet dog. 我爷爷有只宠物狗。

Do you have a watch?你有手表吗?

3. 二者有时也可以通用,表示\"某物本身拥有......\"。例如:

The classroom has ten desks. = There are ten desks in the classroom.教室里有十张桌子。


Ex: 1)I often _______ (get )up at 7:00.

2)We usually _______ (take) morning exercises after the first class.

3) The children _______ (help) the old men every Saturday.

4) She ________ (practice) the piano every day.

5)John seldom _______ (drink) Coke.

6) Ben sometimes _______(do) housework .




“doesn’t”位于动词前, “does”放在句首来当先④。

“doesn’t”,“does”一出现, S型马上就靠边站。


Ex: 把下列句子改成一般疑问句和否定句:

1.Jiaming usually waters the flowers every day.

_Does ……………..water……………………………...?

2、Xiaoling usually washes some clothes on Saturday.


3、Tom does his homework after dinner.


4、Janet has two lessons in the afternoon.


5、She lives in New York.


6、Ben’s sister likes playing table tennis.


5.序数词:一二三特殊记,first ,second,third 八去t,九去e,ve要用f替,见y变为i和e,词尾加上th, 若是遇上几十几,只变个位就可以。注意:the+序数词 The second pencil is blue.______ first ruler is longer than ____third.


one_______ 2.two_______ 3.three_______ 5.eight_______


7.five______ 8.twelve_______ 9twenty_______


7.动词的现在分词形式:现在进行时:表示说话时这个动作正在发生要用现在进行时,常和listen、look引出的下文连用,动词表现为be动词am、is、are 加现在分词。注意:主人正要干大事,要找比比(be动词)当保镖,保镖出门不简单,后面带着英英(ing)跟屁虫。

仿照例句造句: Model:I read a book

--I'm reading a book.
