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设计前部分详细阐述了卷板机上、下辊结构设计和受力分析。板机结构型式为三辊对称式,在该结构中上辊下压提供压力,两下辊做旋转运动,为卷制板材提供扭矩。它具有结构简单、体积小、重量轻、经济、等优点。动力源则选择了YZ系列YZ160L —6型电机,其工作特性优于Y系列电机,适用于有轻微震动,正反转且转速不高的场合。




This design is about the three-roller symmwtry rolling machine,mainly calcats the up and down roller and the decelerator

During the front process of the design,the rolling machine`s structucre design and the analysis of strength are described. The rolling machine` structure is three-roller symmetry. Pressure provides pressure under owing structure the above-average roller , the roller does revolution sport under two , sheet material provides moment of torsion to roll of system.It has a series of advantages such as simply structure,small volume,light weight,economical and so on.YZ type YZ-160L-6 motor is selected as the power source,which adapts situation such as slience quenching and light reverse velocity.

The last part of the paper is ahout decelerator which is choosing triple expanding columm gear constiuction .The material of gear is 40Cr which has been hardening surface.The gears, axes, keys, bearings are checked, so to confirm this design is practical

Key words: Rolling machine;Motor;Decelerator;Key;Gear


摘要 (Ⅰ)

Abstract (Ⅱ)

第1章绪论 (1)

第2章方案的论证及确定 (5)

2.1方案的论证 (5)

2.2方案的确定 (7)

2.3本章小结 (7)

第3章传动设计 (8)

3.1 传动方案的分析 (8)

3.1.1 齿轮传动 (8)

3.1.2 皮带传动 (8)

3.2 传动系统的确定 (9)

3.2.1 主传动的确定 (9)

3.2.2 副传动的确定 (9)

3. 3 本章小结 (9)

第 4 章动力的设计 (10)

4.1 主电机选择和计算 (10)

4.1.1上下辊的参数选择 (10)

4.1.2主电机的功率确定 (10)

4.2 上辊的校核 (19)

4.2.1上辊结构及受力图 (20)

4.2.2刚度校核 (20)

4.2.3上辊强度校核 (21)

4.2.4疲劳强度安全校核 (21)

4.2.5上辊在卸料时的校核 (22)

4.3 下辊的校核 (22)

4.3.1下辊结构及受力图 (23)

4.3.2下辊刚度校核 (24)

4.3.3下辊弯曲强度校核 (24)

4.3.4下辊疲劳强度校核 (24)

4.4 本章小结 (26)

第 5 章减速器的设计 (27)

5.1 传动方案的分析和拟定 (27)

5.2 减速器传动比的分配与计算 (27)

5.2.1总的传动比 (27)

5.2.2传动比的分配 (27)

5.3 减速器传动装置总的传动比和各级传动比的分配 (27)

5.3.1各轴转速 (28)

5.3.2各轴功率 (28)

5.3.3各轴转矩 (28)

5.4 齿轮传动设计 (29)

5.4.1第一级传动设计 (29)

5.4.2第二级传动设计 (33)

5.4.3第三级传动设计 (36)

5.5 蜗轮、蜗杆传动设计 (38)

5.5.1材料的选择 (39)

5.5.2参数的选择 (39)

5. 6 轴的设计校核计算 (40)

5.6.1四个轴的结构设计 (41)

5.6.2轴的校核计算 (42)

5.7 轴承校核 (45)

5.7.1参数 (46)

5.7.2求轴承受到的径向力 (46)

5.7.3验算轴承寿命 (46)
