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姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________


一、选词填空 (共10题;共14分)

1. (1分) We________smoke in the forest.

2. (1分)填空题。

A. B. C. D.


(1) The apple is sweet. I love to eat.

(2) Tom, taste the banana.

(3) It's cold and sweet.

(4) Her bag is blue.

(5) This is an apple tree.

3. (1分)从方框中选择适当的词语补全下列句子。

before on go take fell off


Did you________any pictures?


How did you________there?


There are many books________the desk.


I didn't like Summer________.


________my bike and hurt my foot.

4. (1分)选出下列问句对应的答语。

A. I often paint pictures.

B. I like winter best.

C. We go to the park at 7:00 a. m.

D. Because there are beautiful flowers.(1) Which season do you like best?

(2) When do you go to the park?

(3) What do you often do on Sundays?

(4) Why do you like spring best?

5. (1分)走迷宫,找答案。(选词填空)

A. an

B. on

C. in

D. at

(1) The party will start ________ 7:00 p.m.

(2) We will have ________ English party in February.

(3) What do you do ________ Sundays?

(4) The Easter party is ________ April.

6. (1分)选词填空。

A. winter

B. best

C. swimming

D. weather E because

(1) Which season do you like________?

(2) I can go________in summer.

(3) My favourite season is________.

(4) I like antumn________it is sunny and cool.

(5) What's the ________like in spring?

7. (1分)用方框中单词的适当形式填空。

have sit be look open

(1) There ________three small eggs and a big egg.

(2) Mother Duck________on the eggs.

(3) The big egg________later.

(4) It is winter. It is cold. The ugly duckling________no home.

(5) The ugly duckling________into the water. He is a beautiful swan.

8. (1分) The Earth________(was/is)very clean in the past.

9. (2分)看表格,用 always、usually、often、sometimes、never填空

(1) I don't like shopping. I________go shopping with my mother.

(2) Sally________goes to the library with Ann.

(3) Peter likes playing chess. He________plays chess with his grandpa.

(4) John ________plays football with Tim.

(5) I ________cook dinner with my grandma.

10. (4分) Can you ________ (swimming/swim)?

二、选词填空(词汇运用) (共5题;共30分)

11. (6分)选词填空。

in, at, on, for, to

(1) Let's go ________ school.

(2) I get up________nine every day.

(3) We have four ________the morning.

(4) This sandwich is________ you .

(5) My bag is________ the desk.

12. (7分)选词填空。

wash read afternoon weekend Does doesn't busy him May: What do your family do on Saturday?

Lily: My father ________(洗) his car on Saturday.

May: ________(做) your mother wash the car with ________(做)?

Lily: No, she ________(没有). She cleans the house at the ________(周末).

May: What about you?

Lily: I ________(读) books on Saturday morning. I go to swimming class in the ________(下午). I like swimming.

May: You have a ________(忙的) Saturday!

Lily: Yes, I do.
