语用学 礼貌理论
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• 而将语言学礼貌真正引入并成为持久的语言 学学术讨论的是英国人类学家——Brow & Levinson。在1978 年出版的《礼貌:语言 应用的普遍现象》中,他们在Goffman 的 理论基础上第一次“礼貌”、“面子”这些 现象进行了系统的探讨,将“面子”定义为: “每一个社会成员意欲为自己挣得的一种在 公众中的个人形象”。通过与他人的交际, 这种形象可以被损害、保持或增强。
Positive face
Positive face: the positive consistent selfimage that people have and want to be appreciated and approved of by at least some other people. 积极面子是指希望得到别人的赞同和喜爱
What is Face-threatening Acts?
Definition1:Face is the public self image that every adult tries to project. Definition2:A face threatening act(FTA) is an act that
Why We Discuss FTAs?
• According to Brown and Levinson, positive and negative face exist universally in human culture. • In social interactions, face-threatening acts (FTAs) are at times inevitable based on the terms of the conversation. • Positive Face refers to one's self-esteem, while negative face refers to one's freedom to act. The two aspects of face are the basic wants in any social interaction, and so during any social interaction, cooperation is needed amongst the participants to maintain each others' faces.
Face-Threatening Acts
1. Definition of face-threatening acts Brown and Levinson’s ‘politeness’ theory 2. Superstrategies for performing facethreatening acts 3. choice of strategy
Different situations and examples
Instances in which threat minimizing does not occur Great urgency or desperation e.g. Watch out!
Speaking as if great efficiency is necessary e.g. Hear me out:...
define ‘positive face’ as the positive and consistent image people have of themselves, and their desire for approval
‘negative face’ is “the basic claim to territories, personal preserves, and rights to non-distraction”
• Brown 和Levinson 还将面子分为积极面子 (positive face) 和消极面子(negative face), 前者指人们希望获得他人的肯定和赞许, 后 者指人们有自主的自由,不因迁就别人或受 到干预、妨碍而使自己感到丢面子。
theoretical part
the notion of ‘face’ in order to illustrate ‘politeness’ in the broad sense
既然在交流过程中,面子威胁行为 无法避免,人们往往会采取补救措施 补偿面子威胁行为带来的后果。Brown & Levinson把礼貌称为“补救策略”, 之后系统地提出了五种面子威胁行为 的策略,按照面子威胁程度从最高到 最低依次为:
五种面子威胁行为பைடு நூலகம்策略
• 1.不使用补救策略、公开地实行面子 威胁行为,即说话者用直接公开的方 式向受话人提出建议、请求、给予或 邀请。2. 用积极礼貌补偿公开面子威 胁行为,这可以用来补救积极面子威 胁行为的后果。3. 用消极礼貌补偿公 开面子威胁行为,可以用于补偿消极 面子威胁行为产生的后果。4. 非公开 实行面子威胁行为,就是使用间接或 委婉的语言,以消除受话人潜在的强 加之感。5. 不实行面子威胁行为。
inherently damages the face of the speaker by acting against the wants and desires of the other.
Definition3:Positive face is the want of every member
that his wants be desirable to at least some others.---selfesteem. Negative face is the want of every capable adult that his actions be unimpeded(畅通无阻的) by others.--freedom to act.
Negative face
Negative face : the rights to territories, freedom of action and freedom from imposition; essentially the want that your actions be not impeded by others. 消极面子是指不希望别人强加于自己,自己
Possible strategies for doing FTA
without repressive action, baldly on record positive politeness
with repressive action
Do the FTA off record Don’t do the FTA negative politeness
Different situations and examples
politeness and the management of face
Brow & Levinson British anthropologists
• 早在1955 年,美国社会学家高夫曼 (Goffman) 就根据中国人类学家胡先缙 (1944)介绍到西方的面子观提出了“脸 面工程”这一概念。 • Goffman 认为,面子就是“人们在交流过 程中,通过采取言语行为而为自己获取正面 的社会价值,是按照社会所赞许的属性而创 造的自我形象”。他还提出,“脸面工程” 是相互配合的,面子的维护和赋予取决于他 人要想不丢面子的最佳方案就是不去伤害他 人的面子。
Positive Politeness
Positive politeness strategies seek to minimize the threat to the hearer’s positive face. They are used to make the hearer feel good about himself, his interests or possessions, and are most usually used in situations where the audience knows each other fairly well.In addition to hedging and attempts to avoid conflict, some strategies of positive politeness include statements of friendship, solidarity, compliments,
Task-oriented e.g. Pass me the hammer.
Little or no desire to maintain someone's face e.g. Don't forget to clean the blinds! Doing the FTA is in the interest of the hearer e.g. Your headlights are on! Instances in which the threat is minimized implicitly e.g. Welcomes Come in. Offers e.g. Leave it, I'll clean up later. Eat!
Four main types of politeness strategies:
Bald on-record,
Positive politeness, Negative politeness,
Off-record (indirect).
Bald On-record
Brown & Levinson’s Face Theory
• Brown 和Levinson1978 年提出了影响深大 的“面子论”。他们认为:如果人们在交 际中要互相合作, 那么, 说话时就要在保留 面子方面进行合作,即每个人在交往中的 面子要靠对方给予或保留。由于面子在受 到威胁时人们会设法保住自己的面子, 而且 会在保留自己面子的同时又威胁着别人的 面子。所以, 在交往中为了给自己面子, 也 为保留对方的面子,最好的办法就是使用礼 貌语言。
The Types of Face-threatening Acts
According to Brown and Levinson ,a distinction can be made between (i) FTAs which threaten positive face and negative face; (ii) FTAs which threaten the hearer’s face and the speaker’s face.
Bald on-record strategies usually do not attempt to minimize the threat to the hearer’s face, although there are ways that bald on-record politeness can be used in trying to minimze FTAs implicitly. Often using such a strategy will shock or embarrass the addressee, and so this strategy is most often utilized in situations where the speaker has a close relationship with the audience, such as family or close friends.