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3.这对服务人员来说,满意的客户服务就意味着必须具备积极的服务 态度、合格的服务技术和协调人际关系的能力。

VPC, Aftermarket, James Zhang Mar 30, 2006
Customer Satisfaction
客户满意 Customer Satisfaction
服务客户的意愿并提供快速优质服务The willingness to help customers and to provide prompt service 能说明响应速度的一些看得到的东西和线索What tangible cues do you provide customers to illustrate responsiveness?
Smarter, More price conscious, More demanding, Less forgiving
VPC, Aftermarket, James Zhang Mar 30, 2006
Customer Satisfaction
失去的客户的百分比 原因
3% 4%
VPC, After Market, James Customer Support, James Zhang VP Shanghai, Zhang Mar 30, 2006
Jun 11,2004
er Satisfaction
Why Customer Service 为什么要服务客户
所以,在竞争越来越激烈的状况下,在产品日益供过于求 的市场里,在商品本身的差异越来越小的情况下,我们唯 有提供各种各样的服务,增加产品的附加值来满足顾客的 需求,来挽留顾客。
VPC, Aftermarket, James Zhang Mar 30, 2006
Customer Satisfaction

1.客户对我们提供的服务是否满意,取决于服务系统和服务政策是否 能够满足客户的需求,以及服务人员的工作。在上述决定客户满意的 因素中,客户服务人员最能够控制的因素是自己。 2.任何客户服务工作都包含两个方面:服务内容与服务行为。服务行 为对客户服务的质量起到决定性的关键作用。
VPC, After Market, James Customer Support, James Zhang VP Shanghai, Zhang Mar 30, 2006
Jun 11,2004
Customer Satisfaction
服务质量的决定因素 Determinants of Service Quality

获得客户忠诚度, 留住客户 Obtain customer loyalty and retain customers
VPC, Aftermarket, James Zhang Mar 30, 2006
Customer Satisfaction
客户满意,就是客户被感染、被 理解、被满足,他们的问题被解 决的过程。这是一个客户与服务 人员良性互动的过程。
最适合自己的产品 自己最喜欢的产品
VPC, Aftermarket, James Zhang Mar 30, 2006
客户满意的意义 The Importance of Customer Satisfaction
Customer Satisfaction
• • • • Know your customer 了解客户 Know what they value 了解客户需求 Know what they pay for 了解客户为什么掏腰包 Meet and exceed customer expectations达到并超过客户 的期望值 • Improve in everything you do 把自己做的事做得最好
VPC, After Market, James Customer Support, James Zhang VP Shanghai, Zhang Mar 30, 2006

What is customer satisfaction?什么是客户满意
• It means putting the customer first把客户放在第一位 • Satisfying them by fixing their problems first首先通过解 决问题使他们满意

How to meet customer satisfaction?如何达到客户满意
Customer Satisfaction
Customer Satisfaction
VPC, After Market, James Customer Support, James Zhang VP Shanghai, Zhang Mar 30, 2006
Jun 11,2004
Customer Satisfaction
搬走了 自然地改变了喜好
9% 10%
在别处买到更便宜的产品 对产品不满意
VPC, After Market, James Customer Support, James Zhang VP Shanghai, Zhang Mar 30, 2006
Jun 11,2004
Jun 11,2004
Customer Satisfaction
内 容
1. 什么是客户满意 CS Concept 2. 客户满意的意义 The Importance of CS 3. 做最好的服务 Do Your Best
4. 了解你的客户
Understand Your Customer
5. 客户满意行为准则 CS Guideline
内 容 简 介
1. 什么是客户满意 CS Concept 2. 客户满意的意义 The Importance of CS 3. 做最好的服务 Do Your Best
4. 了解你的客户
Understand Your Customer
5. 客户满意行为准则 CS Guideline
VPC, After Market, James Customer Support, James Zhang VP Shanghai, Zhang Mar 30, 2006
VPC, Aftermarket, James Zhang Mar 30, 2006
Customer Satisfaction
客户满意 Customer Satisfaction
一般来说,满意就是一个人对他们对产品的期望值和产品的性能之间的差异所 产生的高兴或不高兴。In general, satisfaction is a person’s feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a product’s perceived performance (or outcome) in relation to his or her expectations 客户的期望值Customer expectations: 如果一个公司把期望值设的太高,那么客户更容易产生失望情绪If the company raise expectation too high, the buyer is likely to be disappointed 如果一个公司把期望值设的太低,那么就不足以吸引客户If the company sets expectation too low, it won’t attract enough buyers
Jun 11,2004
Customer Satisfaction
客户满意的意义 The Importance of Customer Satisfaction
外部顾客的促进作用 品牌效应 客户忠诚度 节约销售成本 – 新客户 = 6 倍老客户 利润 内部客户的决定因素 稳定的团队和效率 减少生产率损失 减少新旧交替的增加成本
员工的知识,技能和礼貌待客及获得客户信任和信心的能力The knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to convey trust and confidence.
对客户的关爱和关心The provision of caring, individualized attention to customers

市场需求有限,供大于求 市场竞争异常激烈

VPC, Aftermarket, James Zhang Mar 30, 2006
Customer Satisfaction
VPC, After Market, James Customer Support, James Zhang VP Shanghai, Zhang Mar 30, 2006
Customer Satisfaction
一个投诉不满的顾客背后有25个不满的顾客, 24人不满但并不投诉 一个不满的顾客会把他糟糕的经历告诉10-20人 6个有严重问题但未发出抱怨声 投诉者比不投诉者更有意愿继续与公司保持关系
投诉者的问题得到解决,会有60%的投诉者愿与公司保持 关系,如果迅速得到解决,会有90-95%的顾客会与公司保持关系
Jun 11,2004
Customer Satisfaction
客户服务的目标 Customer Service Objectives

不断提升行业内的知名度Continually improve the reputation of our business within the community 把客户的抱怨降到最低, 快速解决客户的问题, 提高客户的整体满意度 Reduce customer complaints to a minimum and quickly resolve those that do arise to the complete satisfaction of the customer 不断提升在我们所从事的行业的成功机会 Continually improve our chances of being successful in what we do
场地,设备,人员,交通工具的形象The appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel, and communication materials.
VPC, After Market, James Customer Support, James Zhang VP Shanghai, Zhang Mar 30, 2006
VPC, Aftermarket, James Zhang Mar 30, 2006
Customer Satisfaction
客户满意的意义 The Importance of Customer Satisfaction 顾客的期望越来越高
对服务有了更多的要求 对服务更加不满意 需要更好的服务质量 他们认为 服务水平并未完善 许多员工还不在乎是否提供优质服务 Today’s customers are hard to please
服务质量最重要的因素The most important determinant of service quality 可靠性是可靠地和精确地完成所许诺服务的能力Reliability is the ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately.