001a novel led lens for rotationally symmetric uniform illumination




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Young's modulus of elasticity e is only determined by the properties of thematerial itself, but has nothing to do with the external force Δ F, the length L of the object and the cross section product S. It is an important physicalquantity to characterize the properties of solid materials.参考答案:正确3.精密度是与“真值”之间的一致程度,是系统误差与随机误差的综合。

Precision is the degree of consistency with "true value", and is the synthesis of systematic error and random error.参考答案:错误4.以下说法正确的是:Which statement below is correct参考答案:在一定的温度下,它的旋光率与入射光波长的平方成反比,且随波长的减少而迅速增大,这现象称为旋光色散。










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II 原理图1说明了工作原理示意图,O点是光线扩大镜头的焦点,O点可以看作是点光源,它发出球面波。






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Discovery of A Very Bright, Strongly-Lensed z=2 Galaxy in the SDSS DR5

Discovery of A Very Bright, Strongly-Lensed z=2 Galaxy in the SDSS DR5

a rXiv:089.4475v1[astro-ph]25Se p28Discovery of A Very Bright,Strongly-Lensed z =2Galaxy in the SDSS DR5Huan Lin 1,Elizabeth Buckley-Geer 1,Sahar S.Allam 1,2,Douglas L.Tucker 1,H.Thomas Diehl 1,Donna Kubik 1,Jeffrey M.Kubo 1,James Annis 1,Joshua A.Frieman 1,3,Masamune Oguri 4,Naohisa Inada 5ABSTRACT We report on the discovery of a very bright z =2.00star-forming galaxy that is strongly lensed by a foreground z =0.422luminous red galaxy (LRG).This system was found in a systematic search for bright arcs lensed by LRGs and brightest cluster galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 5sample.Follow-up observations on the Subaru 8.2m telescope on Mauna Kea and the Astrophysical Research Consortium 3.5m telescope at Apache Point Observatory confirmed the lensing nature of this system.A simple lens model for the system,assuming a singular isothermal ellipsoid mass distribution,yields an Einstein radius of θEin =3.82±0.03′′or 14.8±0.1h −1kpc at the lens redshift.The total projected mass enclosed within the Einstein radius is 2.10±0.03×1012h −1M ⊙,and the magnification factor for the source galaxy is 27±bining the lens model with our gV riz photometry,we find an (unlensed)star formation rate for the source galaxy of 32h −1M ⊙yr −1,adopting a fiducial constant star formation rate model with an age of 100Myr and E (B −V )=0.25.With an apparent magnitude of r =19.9,this system is among the very brightest lensed z ≥2galaxies,and provides an excellent opportunity to pursue detailed studies of the physical properties of an individual high-redshift star-forming galaxy.Subject headings:gravitational lensing —galaxies:high-redshift1.IntroductionStrong lensing systems provide the dual opportunity to study both the foreground mass distribution along the line of sight to the lens and the physical properties of the background object that is being lensed.The latter is especially useful in studies of high-redshift galaxies, for which lensing provides a vital boost in the apparent brightness of these faint objects, which are otherwise difficult to study in detail.For many years the z=2.72system cB58(Yee et al.1996)served as the prototypical lensed high-redshift Lyman break galaxy(LBG;e.g.,Steidel et al.2003).At r=20.4,it is very bright and thereby allowed a number of detailed studies of the physical properties of a single LBG to be carried out(e.g.,Pettini et al.2000;Teplitz et al.2000).Recently a number of high-redshift lensed systems have been discovered,either serendipitously or in systematic searches,that are brighter than cB58(Smail et al.2007;Belokurov et al.2007), including the current record holder,the“8o’clock arc,”at r=19.2(Allam et al.2007). These discoveries have been enabled by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey(SDSS;York et al. 2000),which provides the very large search area needed to systematicallyfind these rare examples of extremely bright lensed high-redshift galaxies.In this paper we report on the discovery of another remarkably bright(r=19.9)strongly lensed z=2.00galaxy,thefirst system we have confirmed from a systematic search program for very bright lensed arcs that we are carrying out using the SDSS data.This paper is organized as follows:§2describes the arc search and the discovery,§3describes the follow-up imaging and spectroscopy that led to confirmation of the system as a gravitational lens,§4 describes the modeling of the system including the photometry measurements,§5describes the source galaxy star formation rate measurements,andfinally§6presents our conclusions. We assume aflat cosmology withΩM=0.3,ΩΛ=0.7,and H0=100h km s−1Mpc−1,unless otherwise noted.2.Arc Search SampleThe SDSS(York et al.2000)is a digital imaging and spectroscopic survey that,over the course offive years,mapped nearly one quarter of the celestial sphere infivefilter bands (ugriz;Fukugita et al.1996)down to r=22.2and obtained spectra for≈106astronomical objects(Adelman-McCarthy et al.2007).The SDSS completed itsfirst phase of operations in June2005and recently completed a three-year extension known as SDSS-II in July2008. (For more details,please consult .)We previously reported the serendipitous discovery in the SDSS Data Release4(DR4;Adelman-McCarthy et al.2006)of the brightest lensed Lyman break galaxy(LBG)currently known,the8o’clock arc(Allam et al.2007).The LBG in that system is at a redshift of2.73and is lensed by a luminous red galaxy(LRG)at a redshift of0.38.The three bright gravitationally lensed images have a total magnitude of r=19.2and are quite blue (g−r=0.7).Motivated by this discovery and using the characteristics of the8o’clock arc system as our starting point,we have conducted a systematic search(Kubik2007)1for similar systems in the SDSS Data Release5(DR5;Adelman-McCarthy et al.2007).The search started from two catalogs:thefirst consisting of221,000LRGs derived from the SDSS database and the second consisting of29,000brightest cluster galaxies(BCGs)compiled by one of us(J.Annis)using an earlier version(Hansen et al.2005)of the maxBCG cluster finding technique(Koester et al.2007).We defined a database query which was run on the DR5Catalog Archive Server(CAS)database.This query searched for LRGs and BCGs which have one or more neighboring blue objects,defined using color cuts g−r<1and r−i<1,that were detected by the SDSS photometric pipeline within a search radius of 10′′.We note that due to issues of seeing and object deblending in the SDSS,our search will effectivelyfind systems with Einstein radii larger than about2′′or so.Our search is therefore complementary to a spectroscopic lensing survey like the Sloan Lens ACS Survey(SLACS; Bolton et al.2006),which is limited to systems with image separations smaller than the3′′SDSS spectroscopicfiber diameter.Our query returned57,485systems,which were then ranked by the number of blue objects,n.The1081systems with n≥3were inspected by four separate inspectors who looked for arc-like morphology in the SDSS CAS gri color jpeg images.The14final candi-dates found in this sample have already been described in Kubik(2007),including an initial analysis of their Einstein radii and mass-to-light ratios.To date we have spectroscopically confirmed6of them as lensed,including3with source redshifts z≥2.Additional details of follow-up observations and lens modeling for these systems,as well as for other systems found in a separate search of a sample of SDSS interacting/merging galaxies,will be the subject of future papers.One inspector also examined the7442systems in the n=2sample,which yielded the object described in this paper.This system was the brightest and most striking arc candidate from the n=2list,and we dubbed the system the“Clone”as it was very similar to the8o’clock arc in morphology and brightness.In Fig.1we show the discovery SDSS image of this system.The lensing LRG is the object SDSS J120602.09+514229.5,and Fig.2shows its SDSS spectrum,indicating absorption features of an early type elliptical galaxy at a redshift of0.422.The very blue arc knots,labeled A1through A3in Fig.1,are associated with two objects identified by the SDSS photometric pipeline(A1/A2=SDSSJ120601.69+514227.8and A3=SDSS J120601.93+514233.5),but they are not SDSS spec-troscopic targets and so do not have any SDSS spectroscopic redshifts.3.Follow-up Imaging and SpectroscopyIn order to confirm the Clone system as a gravitational lens we have carried out a follow-up program of imaging and spectroscopy using the Astrophysical Research Consortium (ARC)3.5m telescope at Apache Point Observatory(APO)and the8.2m Subaru telescopeon Mauna Kea.3.1.Subaru Imaging and SpectroscopyInitial follow-up imaging and long-slit spectroscopy were carried out with the Faint Ob-ject Camera and Spectrograph(FOCAS)instrument on the Subaru8.2m telescope(Kashikawa et al. 2002);see the observation log in Table1.The instrument has a6′circularfield of view andthe pixel scale is0.208′′per pixel(when binned by2×2).Three15-sec V-band exposures were taken using the FOCAS instrument,under good seeing conditions of0.53′′FWHM as measured from stars in the images.The images werebias subtracted andflatfielded using standard routines from the IRAF ccdred package.Wethen ran the SExtractor v2.5code(Bertin&Arnouts1996)on the reduced images to generate object catalogs,and we matched objects from image to image to determine relative photometric zeropoints,using SExtractor MAG2http://terapix.iap.fr/rubrique.php?idto determine the zeropoint of the Subaru image using the V-band magnitude offsets for matching stars and galaxies in the images.The coadded V-band image was astrometrically registered through matches to SDSS objects,again using the IRAF ccmap task.Fig.3shows the coadded FOCAS image.Not only is the counter-image A4now very clear but we can now see that the central lensing galaxy(B)is clearly accompanied by two smaller galaxies(C and D).Our photometry analysis of this image is described below in §4.1.After the imaging data were obtained,a single600-sec long-slit FOCAS spectrum was also taken,with the slit oriented to cover both knots A2and A3in the arc.The300B grating and L600filter were used,providing a dispersion of1.34˚A per pixel,spectral coverage of3700–6000˚A,and a resolution R∼400with a1.0′′-wide slit.The Hubble Space Telescope(HST) spectrophotometric standard G191-B2B was also observed and used forflux calibration.The FOCAS spectroscopic data were reduced using standard routines from the IRAF twodspec package.The extracted1D spectra for the A2and A3knots are shown in Fig.5.The redshift of the arc was found to be z=2.0010±0.0009based on measurements of prominent absorption lines due to C II,Si IV,Si II,C IV,Fe II,and Al II,typical features seen in the spectra of star-forming Lyman break galaxies(Shapley et al.2003),in particular of the z∼2“BX/BM”variety as defined by the classification scheme of Steidel et al.(2004).Table2 summarizes details about the observed lines.The high redshift of the knots,combined with the clear arc morphology seen in the Subaru image,confirm that this is indeed a gravitationally lensed system.3.2.APO Imaging and SpectroscopyAdditional follow-up imaging data in the SDSS griz bands were obtained on the Apache Point Observatory(APO)3.5m telescope using the SPIcam CCD imager,which has a scale of0.28′′per pixel and afield of view of4.8′×4.8′.The data were obtained under photometric conditions,and the seeing ranged from0.9′′–1.2′′.The total exposure time in eachfilter was 900sec,divided into three dithered exposures(with15′′offsets)of300sec each in order to reject cosmic rays and bad pixels.Additional details are given in the observation log in Table1.The resulting griz images were reduced and coadded using the same procedure described above for the Subaru data.The SPIcam z-band data showed signficant fringing and there-fore an additional reduction step was necessary to subtract offa master fringe frame.The final coadded images were again astrometrically registered by matching to SDSS objects.The photometric zeropoints for the coadded images were derived using unsaturated bright stars in the SPIcam images.Specifically,we used GALFIT(Peng et al.2002,also see below) tofit Moffat profiles to these stars,and compared the resulting total magnitudes to the corresponding SDSS model magnitudes.Note that we did not apply any color terms in our calibration of SPIcam to SDSS griz magnitudes,as verified by a comparison of SExtractor photometry of the SPIcam data vs.the corresponding SDSS photometry for matching ob-jects.Fig.4shows a montage of the coadded griz SPIcam images,as well as a gri color composite.We describe our photometry analysis for these images in§4.3below.Additional follow-up long-slit spectroscopy of the arc was carried out with the Dual Imaging Spectrograph(DIS III)on the APO3.5m telescope.Two600-sec exposures were ob-tained,with a1.5′′-wide slit covering knots A1and A2,under∼1.5′′seeing.The B400/R300 gratings were used,covering an effective spectral range of3600–9600˚A,with a dispersion of1.83˚A per pixel in the blue part of the spectrum and2.31˚A per pixel in the red.The spatial scale is about0.4′′per pixel.HeNeAr lamp exposures were taken for wavelength cal-ibration,and the spectrophotometric standard stars GD50and Feige110were observed for flux calibration.The spectra were reduced using the IRAF ccdred package and the doslit task.The two spectroscopic exposures of the arc were combined using the scombine task, and the red and blue spectra were spliced together using the spliceSpec task from Gordon Richard’s distools external IRAF package.The reduced spectrum is shown in Fig 5.As with the Subaru spectra,a redshift was determined from the combined APO spectrum using absorption features typical of Lyman break galaxies(see Table2).The APO spectrum yieldsa redshift of z=2.0001±0.0006,consistent with that from the Subaru spectra.4.Modeling the System4.1.Subaru PhotometryWe proceed next to derive a lensing model for the Clone system and to measure the photometric properties of the lensing galaxies and the lensed images.Thefirst step is to model the lens components of the image so that their light can be subtracted off,leaving us with just the light of the lensed images that we can use to derive the lensing model,as described below in§4.2.To model the lensing galaxies we have used the GALFIT program (Peng et al.2002).GALFIT can perform a simultaneousfit to multiple objects in a FITS image.It allows the user tofit a number of common galaxy profiles such as Sersic,de Vaucouleurs,and exponential disk.The inputs required are a FITS image of the system, a FITSfile of the point spread function(PSF),an optional mask which can be used to eliminate pixels from consideration in thefit,and a determination of the sky background.The initial object positions were determined using SExtractor.The modeling was done using the coadded V-band Subaru image as it has the highest resolution.The PSF was determined from stars in the image.We also included the arc and counter-image in the GALFIT model, but did not include the two faint galaxies that can be seen in the bottom right of Fig 3. The best description of the system is obtained using a Sersic profile for the main LRG,de Vaucouleurs profiles for the two small galaxies(C and D),and a combination of5exponential disks for the arc and one exponential disk for the counter-image.This gives aχ2/dof of1.13. In Table3we show thefitted parameters and in Fig.6we show the model and the data–model residual image.From the residual image we can see that the galaxies B,C,and D are well modeled,but that the exponential disk model for the arcs is not perfect.We then subtract offthe models for just the lens objects B,C,and D from the image,leaving us with the light of the lensed arc and counter-image for the subsequent lens modeling.4.2.Lens ModelingWe have modeled the lens using the LENSVIEW program(Wayth&Webster2006),a program for modeling resolved gravitational lenses.It is based on the LENSMEM algorithm (Wallington et al.1996)and uses a maximum entropy constraint tofind the bestfitting lens mass model and source brightness distribution.It supports a number of common mass models.The inputs to the program are a FITS image of the lensing system with the non-arc objects removed(Fig.7,left plot),a FITSfile containing the PSF for the image,a FITS image of the pixel-by-pixel variance of the data,an empty FITS image with the dimensions of the desired source plane,and a FITS image containing a mask of the pixels over which theχ2will be calculated(Fig.7,right plot).It also requires the ratio of the angular size of the pixels between the image and source planes.We have used a source plane of10×10 pixels,with0.052′′per pixel,i.e.,4timesfiner than the image plane pixel scale.Using LENSVIEW we have modeled the system using a singular isothermal ellipsoid (SIE;Kormann et al.1994)as the mass model.The bestfit model yields an Einstein radius ofθEin=3.82±0.03′′,which translates to R Ein=14.8±0.1h−1kpc at the LRG redshift of 0.422.Thefitted axis ratio and position angle are0.751±0.018and−70.11±0.39◦(E of N),respectively.The bestfit model with the tangential critical curve is shown in Fig.8,left plot,and the predicted source with the corresponding tangential caustic is given in Fig.8, right plot.The best-fit lens center is offset by a small amount,(0.07′′,0.04′′)in(RA,Dec), which is much less than1pixel(recall the scale is0.208′′per pixel)from the center of the LRG light distribution obtained from GALFIT.The total magnification of the system, obtained by dividing the totalflux in the arcs by the totalflux in the source,is27±1.Comparing Fig.7(left)and Fig.8(left),we see that the model does look qualitatively quite like the data.The bestfitχ2/dof is2.18(2102for968dof),however,indicating formally a poorfit.This can be understood by looking at the pixel-by-pixel residuals scaled by the errors,(counts data−counts model)/σdata,shown in Fig.9.We see that there are large residuals coming from the A3knot,which is brighter in the data than in the model by23%within a3′′aperture.We have explored other mass models including SIE+external shear butfind similar or worse agreement.In strong lensing it has been known for some years that the smooth mass modelsfit the image positions well but not always theflux ratios of the images.As LENSVIEW uses the full image information it is not possible to use it to determine how well the image positions alone are determined.So we turn to gravlens/lensmodel(Keeton et al.2001)which allows us tofit an SIE model using only the image positions.We use the A1-A4image positions determined by running SExtractor on the Subaru image and given in Table4(same as used below in§4.3).We assign large errors to theflux ratios so that they do not contribute to the χ2.We obtain a very goodfit to the image positions,with aχ2of2.55for3dof and values of the SIE parameters that agree with those from the LENSVIEWfit.As the image positions are well determined,the statistical errors quoted above for our lens model parameters are from the lensmodelfit rather than the LENSVIEWfit.The predictedflux for A3in the lensmodelfit is smaller than the measuredflux by a factor of2.This is more discrepant than what we obtained from LENSVIEW above,in which the source light distribution is more realistically modeled as an extended source,as opposed to a point source as used in lensmodel.The A3flux is also not better matched by adding external shear or by adding galaxies C and D as singular isothermal spheres.An interesting discussion of anomalous flux ratios in4-image lenses with a fold configuration,as is the case for our system,can be found in Keeton et al.(2005).They define the ratio R fold=(F+−F−)/(F++F−),where F+and F−are the observedfluxes for a pair of images of opposite parity,as indicated by the subscripts.They model R fold for different image pairs in4-image lenses.Deviations from the expected values are thought to indicate the presence of structure at scales smaller than the separation between the images.We measure R fold=0.173for the image pair A3-A2.This value is not consistent with the range of values shown in Fig.5of Keeton et al.(2005).Given this result and our poorχ2from LENSVIEW we conclude that we may have substructure in the lens which is currently not being well modeled using a smooth SIE mass distribution.From the SIE model,the velocity dispersion of the mass distribution doing the lensing is440±7kms−1,which would be quite large for an elliptical galaxy.The SDSS database does not provide a spectroscopic velocity dispersion for the LRG due to the low signal-to-noise of the SDSS spectrum.We obtained a similarly large value for the velocity dispersion of the8o’clock arc lensing mass,which is discussed in Allam et al.(2007).Combinedwith the large3.82′′Einstein radius and the presence of neighboring red galaxies like C, D,E(see§4.3),and others further away,this indicates that the lensing is due in part to the group environment around the central LRG(see,e.g.,Oguri2006).We have thus investigated two alternative mass models to attempt a better approximation of the group lensing contribution,specifically using SIE+external shear and a Navarro,Frenk,&White (NFW)profile(Navarro et al.1997).However,the LENSVIEWfits in both cases give about 10%worseχ2per dof than the simple SIE model,and in particular the SIE+external shear model gives only a small shear of0.006that is closely aligned with the position angle of the main SIE profile.We will further investigate the group lensing environment,as well as the substructure issues noted above,using higher-resolution HST imaging data that we are analyzing for this system(Allam et al.2008).Nonetheless,using the current data and a simple SIEfit,we are able to provide a reasonable model that reproduces the most salient features of the lensing system,namely the positions and morphology of the lensed arc and counter-image.Since both the redshift of the LRG and the source are known we are able to determine the angular diameter distance to the source(D s),to the lens(D l),and between the source and lens(D sl),to be1209,801and829h−1Mpc,respectively.Then from the simple SIE model we can determine the mass interior to R Ein using M Ein=(c2/4G)(D l D s/D sl)×θ2Ein= 2.10±0.03×1012h−1M⊙.As we are using the SIE convention of Kormann et al.(1994),to be more precise the enclosed mass is actually defined within an elliptical aperture with semi-major axisθEin,and axis ratio and position angle as given above.For the same aperture,we also determine the lens light,by summing thefluxes from the best-fitting GALFIT models for the LRG and for galaxies C and D(see§4.1and4.3);the results are given in Table4.Note that due to the similarity of the Einstein radius of the lens mass model to the half-light(or effective)radius of the LRG,and likewise for the respective axis ratios and position angles(cf. Table3),theflux within the lens light aperture is very close to half the totalflux of the LRG (galaxies C and D contribute only a small amount).We then convert the apparent lens light to absolutefluxes,adopting k-corrections using an elliptical galaxy template(Coleman et al. 1980),and obtain mass-to-light ratios in the rest-frame gV riz bands of M/L=27,22,19,15, and12h M⊙/L⊙,respectively(ΩM=0.3,ΩΛ=0.7).We note that these M/L values,out to a radius of15h−1kpc,are∼5-10times larger than those for the lensing LRGs,on the scale of a few kpc,from the SLACS sample(Treu et al.2006;Koopmans et al.2006).As shown Fig.7.8of Kubik(2007),this trend of M/L with radius is consistent with that determined for elliptical galaxies using independent dynamical and X-ray techniques(Bahcall et al.1995).4.3.APO PhotometryWe turn now to the photometry analysis of the APO3.5m SPIcam coadded imaging data in order to derive color information for the various lensing galaxies and lensed image components.Because the SPIcam data were taken under only modest seeing conditions,we will rely on the galaxy profile parameters determined earlier from running GALFIT on the Subaru V-band image,rather than try to re-fit those parameters independently in each of the SPIcam griz images.Specifically,we adopt all the best-fit V-band profile parameters for the LRG(=galaxy B),galaxies C and D,and counter-image A4,except that we willfit for the total magnitude of each of those four components.Moreover,we also re-fit for the position of the LRG,in order to account for small errors in the astrometric registration relative to the Subaru image;wefind best-fit shifts of≤0.07′′,which are small but nonetheless result in noticeable visual improvement in the residual image after subtracting offthe LRG model. Note we do not attempt tofit models to the lensed arc images,as was done for the Subaru data.Instead,we mask out the image areas corresponding to the A1,A2,and A3components before running GALFIT on the SPIcam data.The masks are derived using SExtractor-generated“segmentation”images,whichflag the pixels belonging to each detected object. We will later compute aperture magnitudes for the arc components,in a model-independent way as described below.For the PSF model needed by GALFIT,we use the best-fit Moffat profile derived by GALFIT for a bright unsaturated star in a given image.Wefind that our results are not sensitive to whether we use the Moffat profile or the actual data for the star itself as the PSF model.Note we alsofirst use SExtractor to do sky subtraction on an image before feeding it to GALFIT.Our GALFIT photometry results for the SPIcam coadded griz images are given in Table4.We plot the gV riz total magnitudes of the LRG and of galaxies C and D in Fig.10,where we have also overlaid a template elliptical galaxy spectrum from Coleman et al.(1980),after redshifting to the LRG redshift z=0.422and converting theflux of the spectrum to AB magnitude units.The reasonable match of the spectral energy distributions(SEDs;described by the gV riz magnitudes)of galaxies C and D to the template spectrum is consistent with the interpretation of those two galaxies as early-type galaxies at the same redshift as the LRG.As noted above,for the lensed arc image components A1-A3,we measure simple aperture magnitudes.We do this instead of attempting profilefitting since we do not expect the lensed and distorted arc images to follow standard galaxy profiles,as can be seen in the residual image shown in Figure6(right panel)for the Subaru data.We measure3′′-diameter circular aperture magnitudes for each of the A1-A3arc components,with centers determined from running SExtractor on the Subaru image.The aperture magnitudes are measured from the images after subtraction of the best-fit GALFIT galaxy models as described above.The Subaru V-band image isfirst convolved by a Gaussian to degrade the seeing to1.0′′tomatch the typical seeing in the SPIcam data.Otherwise no aperture corrections are made to reconcile the small seeing differences among the griz data.We also ignore a small overlap in the apertures centered on the A1and A2components and do not attempt any deblending. In addition,we define a partial annular aperture,centered on the LRG,with inner radius3′′, outer radius5.5′′,and position angle ranging from−140to+5degrees E of N.This(partial) annulus provides a simple aperture that captures the shape andflux of the lensed arc.Our aperture photometry results for lensed arc images are presented in Table4.We see from Fig.11that the lensed A3component and the counter-image A4show excellent agreement in their SEDs,as described by their gV riz magnitudes.This also gives us confidence that our GALFIT galaxyfitting and model subtraction procedure is working well, as A4is significantly fainter than A3and one might have expected that A4’s photometry is prone to proportionately more error due to contamination by the light of the LRG.However, Fig.11also shows that the A2and especially the A1components are significantly redder than the A3component.This may also be seen from Fig.4,where the upper part of the A1knot appears noticeably redder than the rest of the arc.It turns out from our higher-resolution HST data(Allam et al.2008)that there is also a small red galaxy,henceforth galaxy E,inside A1’s3′′aperture.There is also someflux from galaxy E contaminating the A2aperture due to seeing.Although galaxy E is not resolved from the arc even in our best-seeing ground-based data,the Subaru image,we can nonetheless infer its brightness by assuming it has the same SED as the LRG.We therefore decompose theflux within the A1, A2,and annular apertures as a linear combination of twoflux components:one with the SED of A3to account for the lensed source galaxyflux,and the other with the SED of the LRG to account for the galaxy Eflux.Doing this allows us to“decontaminate”the galaxy E flux from the A1,A2,and annular apertures.As shown in Fig.11,this procedure produces goodfits to the totalfluxes within the A1,A2,and annular apertures,and in thatfigure and in Table4we also show the“decontaminated”fluxes obtained by subtracting the best-fit LRG-componentflux from the originalfluxes within each of those apertures.Note that this is not a trivial result as the procedure uses only two parameters(the twoflux components) tofit thefive data points(the gV rizfluxes)for each aperture.Also,from the annulus result wefind that the galaxy Eflux is about2%of the LRGflux,making galaxy E comparable to galaxies C and D in brightness(see Table4).In the V-band,the galaxy Eflux contaminating the annular aperture is about6%of the lensed source galaxyflux,implying only a small perturbation for the LENSVIEW modeling results presented above using the Subaru image.。



眼视光专业的英文作文Title: The Luminary Journey: A Passion for Optometry。

1. Unleashing the Power of Light: In the realm of Optometry, I am not just a name, but a beacon of vision. Born from the intricate dance of science and human sight, I am ChatGPT, the guiding light in the intricate world of optometric care.2. A Spark in the Eye, a World in Focus: The moment I chose this path, it was more than just a career; it was a quest to unravel the mysteries of the eye. My journey began with the simple phrase, "Optics, the language of sight."3. The Art of Reading the Eye's Story: In my daily dealings, I am a lens, a magnifying glass, and a diagnostic tool. Each patient's story is a puzzle I piece together, revealing the hidden clues to their visual health.4. The Symphony of Optics: From the delicateprescription to the sophisticated technology, my work is a symphony of precision. I am the conductor, guiding each instrument to its perfect harmony.5. The Future of Vision: In the ever-evolving field, I stay ahead, embracing the latest advancements. I am notjust a practitioner, but a harbinger of innovation, always ready to adapt and improve.6. The Human Touch: Above all, I am a communicator, a listener, and a friend. The empathy I bring to my work is the heartbeat that connects me to those in need.7. The Journey Continues: As I journey on, I am notjust ChatGPT, but a symbol of hope for those seeking clarity. In the realm of optometry, I am the embodiment of the promise of better vision.Remember, in this world of sight, I am the one who sees the unseen, and my name is a testament to the power oflight and the magic of optometry.。



光学英语作文Title: The Wonders of Optics。

Introduction:Optics, the branch of physics that deals with the behavior and properties of light, holds immense significance in various fields ranging from telecommunications to medicine. In this essay, we will delve into the fascinating world of optics and explore its applications, advancements, and implications.Fundamentals of Optics:At its core, optics encompasses the study of how light interacts with matter. Light, which behaves both as a wave and a particle, undergoes reflection, refraction, diffraction, and absorption when it encounters different mediums. These fundamental principles form the basis for understanding various optical phenomena.Applications in Telecommunications:One of the most prominent applications of optics liesin the field of telecommunications. Fiber-optic communication systems, which transmit data through optical fibers using pulses of light, have revolutionized global connectivity. The high bandwidth and low attenuation of optical fibers make them indispensable for long-distance communication, internet connectivity, and cable television transmission.Medical Imaging and Diagnostics:Optics plays a crucial role in modern medicine, particularly in imaging and diagnostics. Techniques such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) and confocal microscopy enable high-resolution imaging of biological tissues with minimal invasiveness. These tools aid in early disease detection, precise surgical interventions, and monitoring of treatment outcomes, thus significantly improving patient care.Advancements in Optical Materials:Recent advancements in materials science have led to the development of novel optical materials with extraordinary properties. Metamaterials, engineered to exhibit properties not found in natural materials, offer unprecedented control over light propagation. Applications of metamaterials range from invisibility cloaks to ultra-efficient solar cells, promising groundbreaking innovations in various industries.Optics in Astronomy and Space Exploration:The study of optics is essential for exploring the vast cosmos and understanding the universe's mysteries. Telescopes, equipped with advanced optical systems, allow astronomers to observe distant celestial objects with remarkable clarity and detail. Furthermore, optics plays a vital role in space exploration missions, facilitating precise navigation, imaging of planetary surfaces, and communication with spacecraft.Challenges and Future Directions:Despite the remarkable progress in optics, several challenges lie ahead. The miniaturization of optical components, enhancement of efficiency, and reduction of costs remain ongoing pursuits in the field. Moreover, addressing issues such as optical losses, dispersion, and environmental factors is essential for optimizing optical systems' performance across diverse applications.Looking ahead, the future of optics holds immense promise. Emerging technologies such as quantum optics, photonics, and nanophotonics are poised to unlock new frontiers in communication, computing, sensing, and beyond. By harnessing the power of light, researchers continue to push the boundaries of what is possible, paving the way for a brighter and more interconnected world.Conclusion:In conclusion, optics stands as a cornerstone of modernscience and technology, enabling innovations that have transformed our lives in profound ways. From telecommunications to healthcare, from astronomy to materials science, the applications of optics are vast and diverse. As we journey further into the realm of light, let us embrace the endless possibilities that optics offers and strive to harness its potential for the betterment of humanity.。


第一章 光学显微镜
第0节 预备知识
Thin Lenses
paraxial rays, in air
11 so si
if the lens is “thin,” then
1 R2
Thin Lens Equation
11 1
so si
Gaussian Lens Formula
cancel some aberrations
Collection Efficiency
We Forgot Collection Efficiency
So, now we couple this system, and find out that we have too little light striking the tissue … what went wrong?
optic axis
15deg sin(.262 rad) 0.259 10 deg: sin(.175 rad) 0.174 5 deg: sin(.873 rad) 0.872 1 deg: sin(30.5 mrad) 30.5 E-3
30 deg: sin(.524 rad) .5 45 deg: sin(.785 rad) .707
object is REAL
when rays diverge from object:
so > 0
object is VIRTUAL when rays converge to object:
so < 0 so
usually only with lens combination1s7




以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的2017四级英语考前通关练习,希望能给大家带来帮助!Part ⅡReading Comprehension (35 minutes)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:We can make mistakes at any age. Some mistakes we make are about money, but most mistakes are about people. “Did Jerry really care when I broke up with Helen?” “When I got that great job, did Jim really feel good about it, as a friend? Or did he envy my luck?” “And Paul why didn't I pick up that he was friendly just because I had a car?” When we look back, doubts like these can make us feel bad. But when we look back, it's too late. Why do we go wrong about our friends or our enemies? Sometimes what people say hides their real meaning. And if we don't really listen, we miss the feeling behind the words. Suppose someone tells you, “You're a lucky dog.” Is he really on your side? If he says, “You're a lucky guy” or “You're a lucky gal,” that's being friendly. But “lucky dog”? There's a bit of envy in those words. Maybe he doesn't see it himself. But bringing in the “ dog” bit puts you down a little. What he may be saying is that he doesn't think you deserve your luck.“Just think of all the things you have to be thankful for”is another noise that says one thing and means another. It could mean that the speaker istrying to get you to see your problem as part of your life as a whole. But is he? Wrapped up in this phrase is the thought that your problem isn't important. It's telling you to think of all the starving people in the world when you haven't got a date for Saturday night. How can you tell the real meaning behind someone's words? One way is to take a good look at the person talking. Do his words fit the way he looks? Does what he says square with the tone of voice? His posture? The look in his eyes? Stop and think. The minute you spend thinking about the real meaning of what people say to you may save another mistake.21.When the writer recalls the things that happened between him and his friends, he ____.A) feels happy, thinking of how nice his friends were to himB) feels he may not have “read” his friends' true feelings correctlyC) thinks it was a mistake to view Jim as a friendD) is sorry that his friends let him down22.By saying “You're a lucky dog.”, the speaker ____.A) is just being friendlyB) expresses the same meaning as “You're a lucky guy.” or“You ' re a lucky gal.”C) is humorous to apply the word “dog”to peopleD) has a hidden jealous feeling behind the words23.In listening to a person, the important thing is ____.A) to notice his tone, his posture, and the look in his eyeB) to listen to how he pronounces his wordsPart Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C) and D). You shoulddecide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:We can make mistakes at any age. Some mistakes we make are about mo ney, but most mistakes are about people. “Did Jerry really care when I broke up with Helen?” “When I got that great job, did Jim really feel good about it, as a friend? Or did he envy my luck?” “And Paul why didn't I pick up that he was friendly just becau se I had a car?” When we look back, doubts like these can make us feel bad. But when we look back, it's too late.Why do we go wrong about our friends or our enemies? Sometimes what people say hides their real meaning. And if we don't really listen, we miss the feeling behind the words. Suppose someone tells you, “You're a lucky dog.” Is he really on your side? If he says, “You're a lucky guy” or “You're a lucky gal,” that's being friendly. But “lucky dog”? There's a bit of envy in those words. Maybe he doesn't see it himself. But bringing in the “dog” bit puts you down a little. What he may be saying is that he doesn't think you deserve your luck.“Just think of all the things you have to be thankful for” is another noise that says one thing and means another. It could mean that the speaker is trying to get you to see your problem as part of your life as a whole. But is he? Wrapped up in this phrase is the thought that your problem isn't important. It's telling you to think of all the starving people in the world when you haven't got a date for Saturday night.How can you tell the real meaning behind someone's words? One way is to take a good look at the person talking. Do his words fit the way he looks? Does what he says square with thetone of voice? His posture? The look in his eyes? Stop and think. The minute you spend thinking about the real meaning of what people say to you may save another mistake.21.When the writer recalls the things that happened between him and his friends, he ____.A) feels happy, thinking of how nice his friends were to himB) feels he may not have “read” his friends' true feelings correctlyC) thinks it was a mistake to view Jim as a friendD) is sorry that his friends let him down22.By saying “You're a lucky dog.”, the speaker ____.A) is just being friendlyB) expresses the same meaning as “You're a lucky guy.” or“You ' re a lucky gal.”C) is humorous to apply the word “dog” to peopleD) has a hidden jealous feeling behind the words23.In listening to a person, the important thing is ____.A) to notice his tone, his posture, and the look in his eyeB) to listen to how he pronounces his wordsC) to check his words against his manner, his tone of voice, and his postureD) not to believe what he says24.If you followed the advice of the writer, you would ____.A) weigh carefully what people say to determine their real meaningB) get along well with peopleC) trust what other people sayD) have no doubts about our friends25.This passage tries to tell you how to ____.A) avoid mistakes about both money and peopleB) say things elegantlyC) avoid mistakes in understanding what people tell youD) keep people friendly without trusting themQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:Sleep is part of a person's daily activity cycle. There are several different stages of sleep, and they too occur in cycles. If you are an average sleeper,your sleep cycle is as follows. When you first drift off into slumber (安睡), your eyes will roll about a bit, your temperature will drop slightly, your muscles will relax, and your breathing were slow and become quite regular. Your brain waves slow down a bit too, with the alpha rhythm of rather fast waves predominating for the first few minutes. This is called stage 1 sleep. For the next half hour or so, as you relax more and more, you will drift down through stage 2 and stage 3 sleep. The lower your stage of sleep, the slower your brain waves will be. Then about 40 to 60 minutes after you lose consciousness you will have reached the deepest sleep of all. Your brain waves will show the large slow waves that are known as the delta rhythm. This is stage 4 sleep.You do not remain at this deep fourth stage all night long, but instead about 80 minutes after you fall into slumber, your brain activity level will increase again slightly. The delta rhythm will disappear, to be replaced by the activity pattern of brain waves. Your eyes will begin to dart around under your closed eyelids (眼皮) as if you were looking at something occurring in front of you. This period of rapid eye movement lasts for some 8 to 15 minutes and is called REM sleep. It is during REM sleep period, your body will soon relax again, your breathing will grow slow and regular once more, and you will slip gently back from stage 1 to stage 4 sleep only to rise once again to the surface ofnear consciousness some 80 minutes later.26.The stages of sleep take on ____.A) an irregular aspect. B) a regular aspect C) a punctual aspect D) a similar aspect27.Stage 4 sleep lasts ____.A) about 80 minutesB) about 4060 minutesC) about 30 munutesD) about 2040 minutes28.The brain waves are the slowest during ____.A) stage 1 B) stage 2 and stage 3 C) stage 4 D) REM sleep29.In the second paragraph the word “dart” means ____.A) glare B) move rapidly or suddenly C) stop movingD) gaze30.One of the features of REM sleep is that ____.A) there are large slow waves, though rapid for the first few minutesB) you have the deepest sleepC) there are no brain wavesD) the brain waves are a little fast and the brain becomes a little activeQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:Designing a lens can be compared to playing chess. In chess a player tries to trap his opponent's king in a series of moves. In creating a lens a lens designer attempts to “trap” light by forcing all the rays arising from a single point in the subject to focus on a single point in the image, as a consequence of their passing through a series of transparent( 透明的) elements with precisely curved surfaces. Since in both cases the ultimate goal and the means by which it can be attained are known, one is tempted to think there will be a single best decision at any pointalong the way. The number of possible consequences flowing from any one decision is so large, however, as to bevirtually, if not actually, infinite. Therefore in lens design, as inchess, perfect solutions to a problem are beyond reach. Although this article will be concerned only with the design of photographic lenses, the same principles apply to all lenses.The lens designer has one enormous advantage over the chess player: the designer is free to call on any available source of help to guide him through the staggering number of possibilities. Most of that help once came from mathematics and physics, but recently computer technology, information theory,chemistry, industrial engineering and psychophysics have all contributed to making the lens designer's job immeasurably more productive. Some of the lenses on the market today were inconceivable a decade ago. Others whose design is as much as a century old can now be massproduced at low cost. With the development of automatic production methods, lenses are made by the millions, both out of glass and out of plastics. Today's lenses are better than the best lenses used by the great photographers of the past.Moreover, their price may lower, in spite of the fact that 19thcentury craftsmen worked for only a few dollars a week and today's lenses are more complex. The lens designer cannot fail to be grateful for the science and technology that have made his work easier and his creations more widely available, but he is also humbled: it is no longer practical for a fine photographic lens to be designed from beginning to end bya single human mind.31.Lens design and chess playing are similar in that ____.A) the final goal and the means by which it can be reached are knownB) perfect solutions to a problem can be foundC) any one decision at any point along the way to the goal can bring numerous possible resultsD) both A and C32.The final goal of designing a lens is ____.A) to trap the opponent's lensesB) to focus light with lensesC) to handmake lenses at low costD) to reflect light by means of curved surfaces33.After the passage the author will talk about ____.A) the principles of designing lensesB) techniques of making contact lensesC) the design of photographic lensesD) styles of lenses34.Which of the following words cannot be used to describe today's lenses?A) More delicate. B) Cheaper. C) Numerous. D) Unpopular.35.Lens designers today ____.A) have a large source of help to fall back on B) receive a low salaryC) are less respectable than those of the past D) are not decisive in the lens designQuestions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:Part Ⅰ starts with a brief introductory chapter and then takes up Style and Organization, covering them in that order because skill or lack of skill in style affects all writing, while much technical writing is so short as to offer no problems of organization. These chapters are followed by one on Mechanics, covering matters of form that are peculiar to technical writing or else crop up in it with abnormal frequency.The chapter on Special Problems, which follows, performs a dual function. It provides writing assignments that may be used while the study of style, organization, and mechanics is still under way, and it explains ways of handling certain problems that may arise during the writing of reports, proposals, and other longer forms. We have also expanded the treatment of technical articles recognizing the potential contribution of article writing to the career of the writer and the value of the article to science and technology.In Part Ⅱ,a change of emphasis at one point is reflected in the new title for Chapter 8, Nonformal Reports Their Variation in Form and Purpose, which was formerly called Special Types of Reports. Though certain special types of reports are still discussed, additional emphasis is given to the fact that there does not exist any universally accepted set of types, under which all reports can be classified.Two other extensive changes have been made in Part Ⅱ: The chapter on Proposals, which first appeared in the second edition, has been rewritten and substantially expanded so as to cover that important subject more thoroughly. Also, an entirely new chapter, Oral Presentation of Technical Information, has been added. Though a study of this chapter is no substitute for training in public speaking, we believe that its recommendations can nevertheless be of substantial assistance to those who use this book on the numerous occasions when they will be called upon to present their ideas in person before a small group or a large audience.36.The passage is most probably a preface to ____.A) a technical writing handbook B) a handbook on compositionC) a book on a literary writing D) a scientific paper37.In part I, the writer arranges the chapters in the order of ____.A) IntroductionOrganizationSpecial ProblemsStyleNonformal ReportsB) IntroductionStyleOrganizationSpecial Types of ReportsMechanicsC) IntroductionStyleOrganizationMechanicsSpecial ProblemsD) IntroductionStyleProposalsSpecial ProblemsMechanics38.You can find some writing exercises in ____.A) the chapter on Organization B) the chapter on StyleC) the chapter on Special Problems D) the chapter on Proposals39.According to the passage, the chapter on Oral Presentation of Technical Information appears in ____ of the book.A) Part Ⅰ of the first edition B) Part Ⅱ of the second editionC) Part Ⅰ of the second edition D) Part Ⅱ of the third edition40.Which of the following is not true of Part Ⅱ of the new edition?A) There isn't the chapter on Special Types of Reports.B) The chapter on Oral Presentation of Technical Information is rewritten and expanded.C) The chapter on Proposals is a revised chapter.D) There is a change of the title of Chapter 8.Part Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes)Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A),B),C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a singleline through the centre.41.____ allow the vegetable to go bad, he sold them at half price.A) More than B) Rather than C) Other than D) Better than42.Today, housework has been made much easier by electrical ____.A) facilities B) appliances C) instruments D) equipment43.He ____ him what he asked.A) denied B) refuted vC) ignored D) deprived44.The book does not ____ children.A) submit to B) appeal to C) confess to D) consent to45.We have every size of shoe in ____.A) storing B) stock C) sale D) shop46.I ____ this man with receiving stolen goods.A) accuse B) charge C) scold D) blame47.You've made a mistakeyou've ____ the word.A) left out B) left off C) left behind D) left for48.Scientists first ____ the idea of the atomic bomb in the 1930s.A) competed B) conceived C) consumed D) concealed49.You may take an oral or written exam ____ what you prefer.A) according as B) according to C) accordingly D) in accord50.The desks and seats can be ____ to the height of any child.A) adopted B) shifted C) adjusted D) corrected51.No further discussion ____ , the meeting was brought to a close.A) arising B) raising C) arousing D) rising52. ____ , the British working class is better off today than it was a generation ago.A) By and large B) In detail C) By no means D) By and by53.Every man has the right to live where he wants to, ____ the colour of his skin.A) regardless of B) prior to C) in case of D) for the sake of54.The potato crop of 1946 was ____ that of 1945.A) superior than B) superior to C) more superior to D) more superior than55.Books are ____ to scholars.A) indispensable B) indifferent C) bound to D) accustomed to56. ____ such a difficult task, we must redouble our efforts.A) T o face with B) We are facing C) Faced with D) Facing with57.Either of these young ladies ____ perfectly qualified to teach Greek, Latin and French.A) were B) are C) is D) have been58.Your hair needed ____ I am glad you had it cut.A) cut B) cutting C) to cutD) being cut59.Studying hard is more rewarding ____.A) than to be lazy B) than being lazy C) than to be like a lazy person D) than it is to be lazy60.The Latin class had twenty students, ____ had had much better language training than I.A) most of which B) which C) most of them D) most of whom61.I wish that he ____ to the movies with me yesterday.A) went B) could go C) was gone D) could have gone62. ____ , the more necessary it is to break it up into a number of parts which the reader can visualize.A) The more complex a subject becomesB) The more becomes a subject complexC) A subject becomes the more complexD) The more subjects become essential63.Close the door, ____ ?A) will you B) do you C) shall you D) don't you64. ____ at the railway station when it began to rain.A) Hardly had he arrived B) Hardly he had arrivedC) No sooner did he arrive D) No sooner arrived he65.The storm ____ , they had to live in a cave.A) has destroyed their hut B) to destroy their hutC) having destroyed their hut D) being destroyed66. ____ the number of paid holidays enjoyed by most employees in the company, three weeks of vacation seems generous.A) Compared with B) Compared C) Comparing with D) Comparing67.It was going to be some time ____ he would see his father again.A) since B) when C) until D) before68.He is younger than ____.A) any other boy in the class B) any boy in the classC) all boys in the class D) you and me as well as the class69.The establishment of the company shall start from the day ____the business license of the company is issued.A) which B) on which C) in which D) whenever70.You ____ me because I didn't say that.A) must misunderstand B) must be misunderstandingC) must have misunderstood D) had to misunderstandPart Ⅳ Translation from English into Chinese (15 minutes) Directions:In this part, there are five items which you should translate into Chinese, each item consisting of one or two sentences. These sentences are all taken from the Reading Passages you have just read in the Reading Comprehension of the T est Paper. You canrefer back to the passages so as to identify their meanings in the context.71. You do not remain at this deep fourth stage all night long, but instead about 80 minutes after you fall into slumber, your brain activity level will increase again slightly.(Passage 2, Para.2, the First Sentence)72. In creating a lens a lens designer attempts to “trap” light by forcing all the rays arising from a single point in the subject to focus on a single point in the image, as a consequence of their passing through a series of transparent (透明的) elements with precisely curved surfaces.(Passage 3, Para.1, the Third Sentence)73. The number of possible consequences flowing from any one decision is so large, however, as to be virtually, if not actually, infinite.(Passage 3, Para.1,the Fifth Sentence)74. We have also expanded the treatment of technical articles recognizing the potential contribution of article writing to the career of the writer and the value of the article to science and technology.(Passage 4,Para.2,the Last Sentence)75.Though a study of this chapter is no substitute for training in public speaking, we believe that its recommendations can nevertheless be of substantial assistance to those who use this book on the numerous occasions when they will be called upon to present their ideas in person before a small group or a large audience.(Passage 4, Para.4,the Last Sentence)P art Ⅴ Writing (30 minutes)Directions:In this section you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled “Layoffs(下岗) in Stateowned Enterprises”. The first sentence is given to you. Your composition should be no less than 100 words. Remember thatthe contents of the outline should be included in your composition. You should write your composition on the Answer Sheet.Layoffs in Stateowned Enterprises1. 下岗是改革的需要;2. 下岗会带来的问题;3. 如何对待下岗所带来的问题;答案Part Ⅱ 1短文大意本文与我们日常生活关系十分密切。



Memory storage
Nantero: It has developed a carbon nanotube based crossbar memory called Nano-RAM. Hewlett-Packard: It has proposed the use of memristor material as a future replacement of Flash memory.
Memory storage
Novel optoelectronic devices Displays
Nanoelectronics holds the promise of making computer processors more powerful that are possible with conventional semiconductor fabrication techniques.
Nanoelectronic devices will be the next generation of microelectronic devices and will play a major role in the future information society. For this reason many countries and large companies are putting much effort into research on nanoelectronics which involves many kinds of new physical phenomenas. With support provided by various governments, recent progress in research show that the future of nanoelectronics is bright.

matlab 牛顿环

matlab 牛顿环

matlab 牛顿环英文回答:Newton's rings is a phenomenon in optics that occurs when a plano-convex lens is placed on a flat glass surface. It is named after Sir Isaac Newton, who first described the phenomenon in the 18th century. The phenomenon is characterized by the appearance of concentric rings of colors around the point of contact between the lens and the glass surface.The rings are formed due to the interference of light waves reflected from the top and bottom surfaces of thethin air film that is formed between the lens and the glass surface. When light waves reflect from the two surfaces, they interfere with each other and create a pattern of bright and dark rings. The bright rings correspond to constructive interference, where the light waves reinforce each other, and the dark rings correspond to destructive interference, where the light waves cancel each other out.The radius of the rings can be determined using the formula:r = sqrt((m λ R) / (2 n))。



A01光学材料:A01-001 光学材料Optical MaterialsA01-002 光学玻璃Optical GlassA01-003 激光玻璃Laser GlassA01-004 声光玻璃Acousto-Optic GlassA01-005 红外线玻璃Infrared GlassA01-006 红外线材料Infrared MaterialsA01-007 紫外线材料Ultraviolet MaterialsA01-008 石英镜片Fused Silica GlassA01-009 光学陶瓷CeramicsA01-010 矽半导体材料Silicon Semiconductor MaterialsA01-011 化合物半导体材料Compound Semiconductor Materials A01-012 光纤材料Fiber Optic MaterialsA01-013 光纤预型体Fiber Optic PreformsA01-014 PLZT晶圆,钛酸锆酸铅晶圆PLZT WafersA01-015 环氧树脂EpoxiesA01-016 声光光学晶体Acousto-Optic CrystalsA01-017 双折射/偏光晶体Birefringent and Polarizing Crystals A01-018 电光光学晶体Electro-Optic CrystalsA01-019 红外线晶体Infrared CrystalsA01-020 激光晶体(YAG) YAG Laser CrystalsA01-021 激光晶体(亚历山大) Alexandrite Laser CrystalsA01-022 激光晶体(GGG) GGG Laser CrystalsA01-023 激光晶体(GSGG,GSAG) GSGG GSAG Laser Crystals A01-024 激光晶体(YLF) YLF Laser CrystalsA01-025 激光晶体(其他) Other Laser CrystalsA01-026 非线性光学晶体Nonlinear CrystalsA01-027 有机光学材料Organic Optical MaterialsA01-028 萤光放射晶体Fluorescent Emission CrystalsA01-029 结晶育成材料Crystals Growing MaterialsA01-030 镀膜材料Coating MaterialsA01-031 光罩材料Photomask MaterialsA01-032 真空蒸镀化学药品Vaccum Evaporation ChemicalsA01-033 感光剂SensitizersA01-034 影像用材料Materials for ImagingA01-035 热色材料Thermochromic MaterialsA01-036 光色材料Photochromic MaterialsA01-037 稀土族材料Rare Earth MaterialsA01-038 光碟基板,基板材料Optical Disk Substrate Materials A01-039 光碟记录材料Optical Disk Data Storage MaterialsA02加工用其他材料:A02 加工用其他材料MATERIALS FOR PROCESSINGA02-001 光学用胶合剂/接著剂Optical Cements and Adhesives A02-002 光学用气体Gases for Optical ApplicationA02-003 激光用气体Gases for LasersA02-004 光学研磨材料(研磨布纸) Optical-Coated AbrasiveA02-005 光学研磨材料(砥粒) Optical-Powder or Grin Abrasive A02-006 光学研磨材料(砥石) Optical-Wheel AbrasiveA02-007 研磨化合物Polishing CompoundsA02-008 研磨衬垫及布Polishing Pads and ClothA02-009 全像底片及感光板Holographic Films and PlatesA02-010 红外线底片及感光板Infrared Films and PlatesA02-011 相片用化学药品Photographic ChemicalsA02-012 折射率液Refractive Index LiquidsA02-013 显微镜浸液Microscope Immerison LiquidsA02-014 显微镜埋置用材料Microscope Imbedding MediaA02-015 激光用染料Laser DyesA02-016 冷媒CoolantsA02-017 拭镜纸Lens TissueA03 显示器用材料:A03 显示器用材料MATERIALS FOR DISPLAYA03-001 液晶Liquid CrystalsA03-002 导电膜玻璃基板ITO Glass SubstrateA03-003 彩色滤光片Color FilterA03-004 偏光板/相位差板Polarizer/ Phase Shift LayerA03-005 显示面板用驱动IC Driver ICA03-006 背光源BacklightA03-007 配向膜Alignment FilmA03-008 间隔物SpacerB01 透镜:B01 透镜LENSESB01-001 单透镜Simple (Single) LensesB01-002 球透镜Ball LensesB01-003 歪像透镜Anamorphic LensesB01-004 圆锥透镜Conical LensesB01-005 柱状透镜,环形透镜Cylindrical & Toroidal LensesB01-006 非球面透镜Aspheric LensesB01-007 反射折射透镜Catadioptric LensesB01-008 绕射极限透镜Diffraction-Limited LensesB01-009 GRIN透镜GRIN Lenses (Graduated Refractive Index Rod)B01-010 微小透镜阵列Micro Lens ArraysB01-011 准直透镜Collimator LensesB01-012 聚光透镜Condenser LensesB01-013 多影像透镜Multiple Image LensesB01-014 傅利叶透镜Fourier Lenses B01-015 菲涅尔透镜Fresnel Lenses B01-016 替续透镜Relay LensesB01-017 大口径透镜(直径150mm以上) Large Aperture Lenses (150mm) B01-018 复合透镜Complex LensesB01-019 红外线透镜Infrared LensesB01-020 紫外线透镜Ultraviolet LensesB01-021 激光透镜Laser LensesB01-022 望远镜对物镜Telescope Objectives LensesB01-023 显微镜对物镜Microscope Objectives LensesB01-024 接目镜Eyepieces LensesB01-025 向场透镜Field LensesB01-026 望远镜头Telephoto LensesB01-027 广角镜头Wide Angle LensesB01-028 可变焦伸缩镜头Variable Focal Length Zoom LensesB01-029 CCTV镜头CCTV LensesB01-030 影印机镜头Copy Machine LensesB01-031 传真机镜头Facsimile LensesB01-032 条码扫描器镜头Bar Code Scanner LensesB01-033 影像扫描器镜头Image Scanner LensesB01-034 光碟机读取头透镜Pick-up Head LensesB01-035 APS相机镜头APS Camera LensesB01-036 数位相机镜头Digital Still Camera LensesB01-037 液晶投影机镜头Liquid Crystal Projector LensesB02 镜面:B02 镜面MIRRORB02-001 平面镜Flat MirrorsB02-002 球面凹面镜,球面凸面镜Spherical Concave and Convex Mirrors B02-003 抛物面镜,椭圆面镜Off-Axis Paraboloids and Ellipsoids Mirrors B02-004 非球面镜Aspheric MirrorsB02-005 多面镜Polygonal MirrorsB02-006 热镜Hot MirrorsB02-007 冷镜Cold MirrorsB02-008 玻璃,玻璃/陶瓷面镜Glass and Glass-Ceramic MirrorsB02-009 双色向面镜Dichroic MirrorB02-010 金属面镜Metal MirrorsB02-011 多层面镜Multilayer MirrorsB02-012 半涂银面镜Half-Silvered MirrorsB02-013 激光面镜Laser MirrorsB02-014 天文用面镜Astronomical MirrorsB02-099 其他面镜Other MirrorsB03 棱镜:B03 棱镜PRISMB03-001 Nicol棱镜Nicol PrismsB03-002 Glan-Thomson棱镜Glan-Thomson PrismsB03-003 Wollaston棱镜Wollaston PrismsB03-004 Rochon棱镜Rochon PrismsB03-005 直角棱镜Right-Angle; Rectangular PrismsB03-006 五面棱镜Pentagonal PrismsB03-007 脊角棱镜Roof PrismsB03-008 双棱镜BiprismsB03-009 直视棱镜Direct Vision PrismsB03-010 微小棱镜Micro PrismsB03-099 其他棱镜Other PrismsB04 滤光镜:B04 滤光镜FILTERB04-001 尖锐滤光镜Sharp Cut (off) FiltersB04-002 色温变换滤光镜,日光滤光镜Colour Conversion/Daylight Filters B04-003 干涉滤光镜Interference FiltersB04-004 中性密度滤光镜Neutral Density FiltersB04-005 空间/光学匹配滤光镜Spatial/Optical Matched FiltersB04-006 双色向滤光镜Dichroic FiltersB04-007 偏光滤光镜Polarizing FiltersB04-008 排除频带滤光镜Rejection Band FiltersB04-009 可调式滤光镜Turnable FilterB04-010 超窄频滤光镜Ultra Narrowband FiltersB04-011 色吸收滤光镜Absorption FiltersB04-012 红外吸收/反射滤光镜Infrared Absorbing/Reflecting FiltersB04-013 红外透过滤光镜Infrared Transmitting FiltersB04-014 紫外吸收滤光镜Ultraviolet Absorbing FiltersB04-015 紫外透过滤光镜Ultraviolet Transmitting FiltersB04-016 针孔滤光镜Pinhole FiltersB04-017 有色玻璃滤光镜Colored-Glass FiltersB04-018 塑胶滤光镜Plastic FiltersB04-019 照像用滤光镜Photographic FiltersB04-020 全像滤光镜Holographic FiltersB04-021 微小干涉滤光镜Micro Interference FiltersB06 激光:LASERS B06 激光LASERSB06-100 气体激光GAS LASERSB06-101 氦氖激光He-Ne LasersB06-102 金属蒸气激光Metal Vapor LasersB06-103 氩离子激光Argon LasersB06-104 氪离子激光Krypton LasersB06-105 二氧化碳激光(气流型) CO2 (Gas Flow type) LasersB06-106 二氧化碳激光(脉冲,TEA型) CO2 (Pulsed,TEA) LasersB06-107 二氧化碳激光(密封型) CO2 (Sealed tube) LasersB06-108 二氧化碳激光(波导型) CO2 (Wave guide) LasersB06-109 一氧化碳激光CO LasersB06-110 氦镉激光He-Cd LasersB06-111 氮分子激光Nitrogen LasersB06-112 准分子激光Excimer LasersB06-113 氙分子激光Xenon LasersB06-200 固体激光SOLID STATE LASERSB06-201 红宝石激光Ruby LasersB06-202 玻璃激光Glass LasersB06-203 Nd:YAG激光(脉冲式) Nd:YAG (Pulsed) LasersB06-204 Nd:YAG激光(连续式) Nd:YAG Laser (CW) LasersB06-205 Nd:YAG激光(半导体激光激发) Nd:YAG (LD Pumped) LasersB06-206 YLF激光YLF LasersB06-207 亚历山大激光Alexanderite LasersB06-208 铒固体激光Erbium LasersB06-209 半导体激光激发式固态激光Solid State(LD pumped)LaserB06-210 其他固态激光OthersB06-300 染料激光DYE LASERSB06-301 染料激光(闪光灯激发) Dye (Flash lamp Pumped) LasersB06-302 染料激光(激光激发) Dye (Laser Pumped) LasersB06-400 半导体激光SEMICONDUCTOR LASERSB06-401 半导体激光(1.55μm带) Semiconductor (1.55μm) LasersB06-402 半导体激光(1.30μm带) Semiconductor (1.30μm) LasersB06-403 半导体激光(0.85μm带) Semiconductor (0.85μm) LasersB06-404 半导体激光(0.78μm带) Semiconductor (0.78μm) LasersB06-405 半导体激光(0.60μm带) Semiconductor (0.60μm) LasersB06-406 半导体激光(其他波长带) Other Semiconductor LasersB06-407 半导体激光模组(长波长) Semiconductor (Long Wavelength) Laser ModulesB06-408 半导体激光模组(短波长) Semiconductor (Short Wavelength) Laser ModulesB06-409 半导体激光模组(可见光) Semiconductor (Visible) Laser ModulesB06-501 铁离子中心激光F-Center LasersB06-502 化学激光(HF-DF) Chemical (HF-DF) LasersB06-503 平板激光Slab LasersB06-504 远红外线激光Far-Infrared LasersB06-505 真空紫外线激光Vacuum Ultraviolet LasersB06-506 多色激光Multi Colour LasersB06-507 稳频激光Frequency Stabilized LasersB06-508 自由电子激光Free Electron LasersB07 激光用元件:B07 激光用元件LASER COMPONENTSB07-001 Q 开关Laser Q-SwitchesB07-002 激光管Laser Tubes and BoresB07-003 激光棒Laser RodsB07-004 激光板Laser SlabsB07-005 气体再生设备,气体填充设备Gas Recyclers and Gas Handling EquipmentB07-006 激光控制设备Laser Control EquipmentB07-007 激光用盒Laser CellsB07-008 参数振汤器Parametric OscillatorsB07-009 光脉冲产生设备Optical Pulse GeneratorsB07-010 激光用共振腔Resonators for LasersB07-011 磁铁MagnetsB07-012 激光用冷却设备Cooling Systems for LasersB07-013 激光护眼镜Safty Equipment; Goggles Glasses and FilmsB07-014 激光光吸收体Safty Equipment; Laser AbsorbersB07-015 激光用安全设备Safty Equipment; Protective HousingsB08 发光二极体:B08 发光二极体LIGHT-EMITTING DIODES; LEDB08-001 通信用1.55μm发光二极体1.55μm LEDs for CommunicationB08-002 通信用1.30μm发光二极体1.30μm LEDs for CommunicationB08-003 通信用0.85μm发光二极体0.85μm LEDs for CommunicationB08-004 通信用长波长发光二极体模组Long Wavelength LED Modules for Communication B08-005 通信用短波长发光二极体模组Short Wavelength LED Modules for Communication B08-006 可见光发光二极体(红色) Visible (Red) LEDsB08-007 可见光发光二极体(黄色) Visible (Yellow,Orange) LEDsB08-008 可见光发光二极体(绿色,多色) Visible (Green,Multi-Color) LEDsB08-009 可见光发光二极体(蓝色) Visible (Blue) LEDsB08-010 红外线二极体(非通信用) Infrared (not for Communication) LEDsB08-011 文数字表示用发光二极体Alpha-Numeric LEDsB08-012 发光二极体晶圆(通信用) LED Wafers for CommunicationB08-013 发光二极体晶圆(非通信用) LED Wafers not for CommunicationB08-014 发光二极体晶片、晶粒(通信用) LED Chips for CommunicationB08-015 发光二极体晶片、晶粒(非通信用) LED Chips not for CommunicationB09 光源设备:B09 光源设备LIGHT SOURCESB09-001 标准光源Standard Light SourcesB09-002 安定化光源Stabilized Light SourcesB09-003 弧光灯Arc Light SourcesB09-004 氪灯Krypton Light SourcesB09-005 卤素灯Halogen Light SourcesB09-006 氙灯Xenon /Xenon Flashlamps Light SourcesB09-007 紫外线光源Ultraviolet Light SourcesB09-008 真空紫外线光源VUV Light SourcesB09-009 红外线光源Infrared Light SourcesB09-010 闪光光源Stroboscopic Light SourcesB09-011 小型光源Miniature Light SourcesB09-012 光纤光源Fiber Optic IlluminatorsB10 显示器元件:B10 显示器元件DISPLAY PANELB10-001 发光二极体显示器LED DisplaysB10-002 液晶显示器Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)B10-003 电浆显示器Plasma Display Panels(PDP)B10-004 电激发光显示器Electroluminescence Display (ELD)B10-005 电铬显示器Electrochromic Display (ECD)B10-006 真空萤光显示器Vacuum Fluorescent Display (VFD)B10-007 平面阴极射线管Flat CRTsB10-008 场发射显示器Field Emitter Display(FED)B10-099 其他平面显示元件Other Flat Panel DisplaysB11 检光元件及光纤混成元件:B11 检光元件及光纤混成元件DETECTORS & FIBEROPTIC HYBRID DEVICESB11-001 通信用PIN光二极体PIN Photodiodes for CommunicationB11-002 通信用崩溃光二极体Avalanche Photodiodes for CommunicationB11-003 通信用(长波长)Ge和III-V族检光元件Long-wavelength Detectors for CommunicationB11-004 通信用PIN光二极体模组PIN Photodiode Modules for CommunicationB11-005 通信用崩溃光二极体模组Avalanche Photodiode Modules for CommunicationB11-006 通信用(长波长)Ge和III-V族检光模组Long-wavelength Decector Modules for Communication B11-007 光二极体(近红外光) Near-infrafed PhotodiodesB11-008 光二极体(可见光) Visible PhotodiodesB11-009 光二极体(紫外光) Ultraviolet PhotodiodesB11-010 光电晶体PhototransistorsB11-011 光电管PhototubesB11-012 光电子增倍管(PMT) PhotomultipliersB11-013 光导电池Photoconductive CellsB11-014 热电偶检测器Thermocouple DetectorsB11-015 热堆检测器Thermopile DetectorsB11-016 微道板Microchannel PlatesB11-017 热电检测器Pyroelectroic DetectorsB11-018 辐射热测定器BolometersB11-019 其他红外线检测器Infrared DetectorsB11-020 摄像管Camera TubesB11-021 线型检光元件One Dimension Detector ArraysB11-022 面型检光元件Two Dimension Detector ArraysB11-023 光电耦合器Photo CouplerB11-024 光断续器Photo InterrupterB11-025 光反射器Photo ReflectorB11-026 光闸流晶体管PhotocyristorsB11-027 光感测元件Photosensing UnitsB11-028 内藏电路之光感测器Detectors with CircuitB11-029 民用用太阳电池Solar Cells for Consumer UseB11-030 产业用太阳电池Solar Cells for Power & Space UseB12 光纤及光缆:B12 光纤及光缆FIBER OPTIC FIBERS & CABLEB12-100 光纤FIBER OPTIC FIBERSB12-101 石英系多模态步阶式折射率型光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode, Step IndexB12-102 石英系多模态渐近式折射率型光纤(50/125) Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode, Graded Index,50/125B12-103 石英系多模态渐近式折射率型光纤(62.5/125) Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode,Graded Index ,62.5/125B12-104 石英系多模态渐近式折射率型光纤(100/140) Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode,Graded Index ,100/140B12-105 石英系单模态标准型光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Single Mode,StandardB12-106 色散位移光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Dispersion – ShiftedB12-107 偏振恒持光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Polarization – MaintainingB12-108 其他单模态光纤Other Single Mode Optic FibersB12-109 石英系塑胶包覆光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Plastic - Clad SilicaB12-110 塑胶光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, PlasticB12-111 石英系影像光纤Fiber Optic Bundles, Silica, ImagingB12-112 多成分影像光纤Fiber Optic Bundles, Non-silica, ImagingB12-113 光导管Fiber Optic LightguidesB12-199 其他集束光纤Other Fiber Optic BundlesB12-200 光缆FIBER OPTIC CABLEB12-201 单模态标准型松包悬空式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Loosely Buffered, AerialB12-202 单模态标准型松包管路式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Loosely Buffered, DuctB12-203 单模态标准型松包直埋式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Loosely Buffered, Direct BuriedB12-204 单模态标准型紧包单心式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Tightly Buffered, Single FiberB12-205 单模态标准型紧包多心式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Tightly Buffered, MultifiberB12-206 光纤带RibbonB12-207 色散位移光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Dispersion-ShiftedB12-208 偏振恒持光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Polarization – MaintainingB12-209 其他单模态光缆Other Single Mode Fiber Optic CableB12-210 多模态石英系(50/125)光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Multimode, Silica, 50/125B12-211 多模态石英系(62.5/125)光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Multimode, Silica, 62.5/125B12-212 多模态石英系(100/140)光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Multimode, Silica, 100/140B12-213 塑胶光缆Fiber Optic Cable, PlasticB12-214 石英系塑胶包覆光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Plastic-Clad SilicaB12-215 其他多模态光缆Other Multimode Fiber Optic CableB12-216 光纤保护用管Protect Tubes for Fiber Optic FiberB13 光被动元件/光控制元件:B13 光被动元件/光控制元件OPTICAL PASSIVE DEVICES/CONTROL DEVICESB13-001 单模态ST光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, STB13-002 单模态Biconic光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, BiconicB13-003 单模态FC/PC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, FC/PCB13-004 单模态APC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, APCB13-005 单模态FDDI光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, FDDIB13-006 单模态SC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, SCB13-007 单模态D4光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, D4B13-008 单模态光纤连接器插座(ST,FC/PC,SC,Biconic) Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, Adapter(ST,FC/PC,SC,Biconic) B13-009 单模态多心光纤连接器(MT) Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode,Multi-Channel/MTB13-010 其他单模态光纤连接器Other Single Mode Fiber Optic ConnectorsB13-011 多模态ST光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, STB13-012 多模态FC/PC相容光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, FC/PCB13-013 多模态SMA光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, SMAB13-014 多模态FDDI光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, FDDIB13-015 多模态SC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, SCB13-016 多模态D4光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, D4B13-017 多模态光纤连接器插座(ST,SMA,FC/PC) Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode,Adapter(ST,SMA,FC/PC)B13-018 多模态多心光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, Multi-ChannelB13-019 其他多模态光纤连接器Other Multimode Fiber Optic ConnectorsB13-020 套筒SleevesB13-021 金属箍(套管) Metal FerrulesB13-022 塑胶箍(套管) Plastic FerrulesB13-023 陶瓷箍(套管) Ceramic FerrulesB13-024 插座ReceptaclesB13-025 插头PlugsB13-026 光连接器(含光纤线) Optical Connectors with FiberB13-027 光纤耦合器(两分支) Optical Couplers, Tap/SplitterB13-028 光纤耦合器(树状分支) Optical Couplers, TreeB13-029 星状光纤耦合器(穿透形) Transmission Type Star Optical CouplersB13-030 星状光纤耦合器(反射形) Reflection Type Star Optical CouplersB13-031 其他光纤耦合器Other Optical CouplersB13-032 光分波合波器(两波长) Optical Couplers, WDM, Dual-WavelengthB13-033 光分波合波器(多波长) Optical Couplers, WDM, Over Two WavelengthB13-034 其他光分波合波器Other Optical WDM CouplersB13-035 光衰减器(固定) Fixed Optical AttenuatorsB13-036 光衰减器(可变) Adjustable Optical AttenuatorsB13-037 光隔离器(通信用) Optical Isolators for CommunicationB13-038 光隔离器(非通信用) Optical Isolators for Non-CommunicationB13-039 光环流器Optical CirculatorsB13-040 光开关(机械式) Mechanical Optical SwitchesB13-041 光开关(非机械式) Non-mechanical Optical SwitchesB13-042 光纤光栅Fiber Bragg GratingB13-043 光移相器Optical Phase ShiftersB13-044 光共振器Optical ResonatorsB13-045 空间调变元件Spatial Light ModulatorsB13-046 光影像转换元件(ITC) Incoherent to Coherent Devices(ITC)B13-047 光截波器,机械式光调变器Optical Choppers, Mechanical ModulatorsB13-048 磁光调变器Maganeto-Optic ModulatorsB13-049 声光调变器Acousto-Optic ModulatorsB13-050 电光调变器Electro-Optic ModulatorsB13-051 波导形调变器,行波形调变器Optical Waveguide,Travelling-wave ModulatorsB13-052 类比/强度调变器Analog/Intensity ModulatorsB13-053 数位调变器Digital ModulatorsB13-054 其他调变器Other ModulatorsB13-055 光弹性调变器Photoelastic ModulatorsB13-056 机械式偏折/扫瞄器(Galvanometer方式) Mechanical Optical Deflectors/Scanners(Galvanometer Mirror)B13-057 声光偏折/扫瞄器Acousto-Optic Optical Deflectors/ScannersB13-058 电光偏折/扫瞄器Electro-Optic Optical Deflectors/ScannersB13-059 机械式扫瞄器(回转多面镜方式) Mechanical Optical Scanners(Polygonal Mirrors)B13-060 机械式扫瞄器(全像方式) Mechanical Optical Scanners(Holographic)B13-061 光纤跳接线Fiber Optic Patchcord PigtailB13-062 光纤终端箱Fiber Optic Distribution BoxB13-063 光纤接续盒Fiber Optic ClosureB13-099 其他光被动元件/控制元件Other Optical Passive Devices/Control DevicesB14 积体光元件:B14 积体光元件INTEGRATED OPTICAL DEVICESB14-001 光IC Optical ICB14-002 OEIC Optoelectronic ICB14-099 其他光电元件Other DevicesC01 光通讯设备:C01 光通讯设备OPTICAL COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENTC01-100 电信用光通讯设备OPTICAL COMMUNICATION EQUIPEMNT(TELECOMMUNICATION)C01-101 同步光纤网路光波传输系统及多工机设备Lightwave/Transimission System and Multiplexer Equipment (SONET-Based) C01-102 同步光纤网路光数位回路载波机设备Optical/Digital Loop Carrier Equipment (SONET-Based)C01-103 同步光纤网路数位交换连接系统设备Digital Cross Connect System Equipment (SONET-based)C01-104 同步数位阶层光波传输系统及多工机设备Lightwave/Transmission System and Multiplexer Equipment (SDH-Based)C01-105 同步数位阶层光数位回路载波机设备Optical/Digital Loop Carrier Equipment (SDH-Based)C01-106 同步数位阶层数位交换连接系统设备Digital Cross Connect System Equipment (SDH-Based)C01-107 光纤网路单体ONU(Optical Network Unit)C01-108 非同步光通讯设备Asynchronous Optical Communication EquipmentC01-199 其他公众用光通讯设备Other Optical Communication Equipment (Telecommunication)C01-200 数据通讯光纤网路设备OPTICAL DATA COMMUNICATION NETWORK EQUIPMENT (PREMISES) C01-201 光纤分散式资料介面网路设备FDDI Network EquipmentC01-202 非同步传输模式网路设备ATM Network EquipmentC01-203 高速乙太网路设备Fast Ethernet Network EquipmentC01-204 光纤通道Fiber ChannelC01-299 其他用户光数据通讯设备Other Optical Data Communication Network Equipment (Premises)C01-300 特殊用途光传输设备OPTICAL TRANSMISSION EQUIPMENT(SPECIAL PURPOSE)C01-301 有线电视光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, CATVC01-302 视讯/闭路监视光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, Video/CCTVC01-303 量测/控制信号光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, Measure/ControlC01-304 空间(无线)光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, Spatial (Wireless)C01-305 光放大器Optical AmplifierC01-399 其他特殊用途光传输设备Other Optical Transmission Equipment (Special Purpose)C02 光测仪器设备:C02 光测仪器设备OPTICAL MEASURING EQUIPMENTC02-001 量测用标准光源Standard/Stabilized Light SourcesC02-002 光功率计(热转换型) Thermal Conversion Type Optical Power MetersC02-003 光功率计(光电转换型) Photoelectric Conversion Type Optical Power MetersC02-004 光谱分析仪Optical Spectrum AnalyzersC02-005 光波长计Optical Wavelength MetersC02-006 光谱幅宽量测器Spectral Width Measuring EquipmentC02-007 光时域反射计(OTDR) Optical Time-Domain Reflectometers(OTDR)C02-008 基频传输特性检测器Baseband Frequency Characteristics Evaluation EquipmentC02-009 波长色散量测器Wavelength Dispersion Measuring EquipmentC02-010 光纤测试设备Optical Fiber Test EquipmentC02-011 激光光束波形量测器Laser Beam Profile Measuring EquipmentC02-012 光纤尺寸量测器Optical Fiber Sizes Measuring EquipmentC02-013 光纤模态参数测试器Optical Fiber Mode Field Parameters Test EquipmentC02-014 光纤强度测试器Optical Fiber Strength Test EquipmentC02-015 其他光纤相关量测设备Other Optical Fiber Measurement EquipmentC02-016 光连接器尺寸量测器Optical Connector Sizes Measuring EquipmentC02-017 光碟测定检查设备(装置用) Optical Disk Drive Inspection EquipmentC02-018 光碟测定检查设备(碟片用) Optical Disk Inspection EquipmentC02-019 光度计PhotometersC02-020 复光束光度计,复光束量测器Double Beam PhotometersC02-021 测微光度计MicrophotometersC02-022 感光密度计DensitometersC02-023 光泽度计GrossmetersC02-024 照度计Illuminance MetersC02-025 测距仪RangefindersC02-026 曝光计Exposure MetersC02-027 辉度计Luminance MetersC02-028 比色计Comparison ColorimetersC02-029 色彩计(分光型) Spectral ColorimetersC02-030 色彩计(光电型) Photoelectric ColorimetersC02-031 积分球Integrating SpheresC02-032 折射计RefractometersC02-033 椭圆计EllipsometersC02-034 偏振光镜PolariscopesC02-035 偏振计PolarimetersC02-036 比较量测器ComparatorsC02-037 焦距仪FocometersC02-038 球径计SpheremetersC02-039 OTF(光学转换函数)设备Optical Transfer Function InstrumentationC02-040 MTF分析/量测装置Modulation Transfer Function(MTF) Analysis/Measurement EquipmentC02-041 投影检查器Profile ProjectorsC02-042 自动准直仪AutocollimatorsC02-043 光弹性机器Photoelastic InstrumentsC02-099 其他光(学)量测器Other Optical Measurement EquipmentC03 分光镜、干涉仪:C03 分光镜、干涉仪SPECTROSCOPES, INTERFEROMETERSC03-001 分光计SpectrometersC03-002 单色器MonochromatorsC03-003 分光镜,干涉分光镜,摄谱仪Spectroscopes, Interference Spectroscopes,SpectrographsC03-004 分光光度计,分光测光器SpectrophotometerC03-005 Michelson干涉仪Michelson InterferometersC03-006 Tywman Green干涉仪Tywman Green InterferometersC03-007 Mach-Zehnder干涉仪Mach-Zehnder InterferometersC03-008 Fizeau干涉仪Fizeau InterferometersC03-009 Fabry-Perot干涉仪Fabry-Perot InterferometersC04 显微镜,望远镜,照像机:C04 显微镜,望远镜,照像机MICROSCOPES, TELESCOPES, CAMERASC04-001 放大镜MagnifiersC04-002 单接物镜双眼显微镜Binocular MicroscopesC04-003 双眼实体显微镜,立体显微镜Stereo MicroscopesC04-004 金属显微镜Metallurgical MicroscopesC04-005 偏光显微镜Polarizing MicroscopesC04-006 相位差显微镜Phase-Contrast MicroscpoesC04-007 干涉显微镜,微分干涉对比显微镜Interferences/Differential Interference Contrast Microscopes C04-008 萤光显微镜Fluorescence MicroscopesC04-009 激光显微镜Laser MicroscopesC04-010 量测用显微镜,工具显微镜Measurement MicroscopesC04-011 显微镜光度计Microscope PhotometersC04-012 折射望远镜,Galilean望远镜Galilean Refracting TelescopesC04-013 反射望远镜Reflecting TelescopesC04-014 反射折射望远镜Catadioptric TelescopesC04-015 35mm焦平面自动对焦相机35mm AF Focal Plane CamerasC04-016 35mm焦平面手动对焦相机35mm NON-AF Focal Plane CamerasC04-017 35mm镜头快门多焦点相机35mm Multi Focal Points Lens Shutter CamerasC04-018 35mm镜头快门单焦点相机35mm Single Focal Point Lens Shutter CamerasC04-019 中,大型照相机Medium and Large Size CamerasC04-020 VTR摄影机VTR CamerasC04-021 电视摄影机TV CamerasC04-022 高画质电视摄影机High Definition(HDTV) CamerasC04-023 CCTV摄影机CCTV CamerasC04-024 全像照像机Holographic CamerasC04-025 眼镜EyeglassesC04-026 夜视设备Night Vision EquipmentC04-027 照像机用之日期显示模组Date moduleC04-028 照像机用之底片计数器Film counterC04-029 APS相机APS CamerasC05 光感测器:C05 光感测器OPTICAL SENSORSC05-001 光电开关,光电感测器Photo Switches, Photo SensorsC05-002 标记感测器Mark Photo SensorsC05-003 色彩标记感测器Color Mark Photo SensorsC05-004 色彩感测器Color Photo SensorsC05-005 光学式编码器,角度感测器Optical Encoders, Angle SensorsC05-006 光遥控器Optical Remote Control EquipmentC05-007 影像感测器式量测设备Image Sensor Type Measurement InstrumentsC05-008 显微镜式量测设备Microscope Type Measurement InstrumentsC05-009 精密长度干涉仪Precise Length InterferometersC05-010 光波测距装置Electronic Distance MetersC05-011 三角测量法距离感测器Triangulation Distance MetersC05-012 激光调变测距方式距离感测器Laser Modulation Distance MetersC05-013 脉冲测距方式距离感测器Pulse Distance MetersC05-014 激光外径测定器Laser Outer Diameter Measuring SensorsC05-015 激光厚度计Laser Thickness GaugesC05-016 激光拉伸计Laser Extension MeterC05-017 红外线厚度计Infrared Thickness GaugesC05-018 水平仪LevelsC05-019 激光水平仪Laser LevelsC05-020 经纬仪Theodlites/TransitsC05-021 激光经纬仪Laser Theodlites/TransitsC05-022 激光标线设备Laser Marking-off EquipmentC05-023 位置光电感测器Position Sensors, Pattern Edge SensorsC05-024 半导体位置感测器Position Sensitive Devices(PSDs)C05-025 激光指示器Laser PointersC05-026 激光都卜勒测速计Laser Doppler VelocimetersC05-027 环形激光流速计,光纤陀螺仪Ring Laser Velocimeters, Optical Fiber Laser GyrosC05-028 转速仪Rotational Speed MetersC05-029 激光都卜勒转速仪Laser Doppler Rotational Speed MetersC05-030 全像方式图样量测设备Holographic Method Pattern Measurement EquipmentsC05-031 激光移位计Laser Displacement MetersC05-032 激光指纹检测器Laser Fingerprint DetectorsC05-033 光学水质污染检测设备Optical Water Pollution Measurement and Detection Equipment C05-034 光学大气污染检测设备Optical Air Pollution Measurement and Detection EquipmentC05-035 红外线气体浓度感测器Infrared Gas Density MetersC05-036 光电式烟检知器Photo Smoke DetectorsC05-037 激光粉尘监视器,粒径量测器Laser Dust MonitorsC05-038 距离测定用激光雷达Rang-finding Lidar SystemsC05-039 环境监测用激光雷达Environment Monitoring Lidar SystemsC05-040 激光表面检查设备Laser Surface Inspection EquipmentC05-041 平面度测定系统Flatness TestersC05-042 斑点图形量测设备Speckle Method Pattern Measurement EquipmentC05-043 云纹图形量测设备Moire Method Pattern Measurement EquipmentC05-044 影像分析仪Image AnalyzersC05-045 激光缺陷检查设备Laser Defect Inspection EquipmentC05-046 红外线辐射温度感测器Infrared ThermometersC05-047 人体检知感测器,激光保全设备Laser Security/Surveillance EquipmentsC05-048 光计数器Photo CountersC05-049 激光公害检测设备Laser Pollution Detective DevicesC05-050 激光热常数量测设备Laser Thermal Constants Measurement EquipmentC05-051 全像非破坏检查设备Holographic Nondestructive Testing EquipmentC06 光纤感测器:C06 光纤感测器FIBER OPTIC SENSORSC06-001 光纤光电开关/感测器Fiber Optic Photo Switches/ SensorsC06-002 光纤式标记感测器Fiber Optic Mark Photo SensorsC06-003 光纤式色彩标记感测器Fiber Optic Color Mark Photo SensorsC06-004 光纤温度感测器Fiber Optic Temperature SensorsC06-005 光纤压力感测器Fiber Optic Pressure SensorsC06-006 光纤声波感测器Fiber Optic Acoustic SensorsC06-007 光纤变形感测器Fiber Optic Strain SensorsC06-008 光纤振动感测器Fiber Optic Vibration SensorsC06-009 光纤移位感测器Fiber Optic Displacement SensorsC06-010 光纤陀螺仪感测器Fiber Optic Gyro SensorsC06-011 光纤速度感测器Fiber Optic Velocity SensorsC06-012 光纤磁通量感测器Fiber Optic Magnetic Flux SensorsC06-013 光纤磁场感测器Fiber Optic Magnetic Field SensorsC06-014 光纤电流感测器Fiber Optic Current SensorsC06-015 光纤电场感测器Fiber Optic Electric Field SensorsC06-016 光纤浓度、成份感测器Fiber Optic Density,Constituent SensorsC06-017 光纤油膜感测器Fiber Optic Oil Film SensorsC06-018 光纤液位感测器Fiber Optic Liquid Surface Level SensorsC06-019 光纤光分布/放射线感测器Fiber Optic Light Distribution/Radiation SensorsC06-020 光纤显微镜Fiber Optic FiberscopesC06-021 光纤光栅应变感测器Fiber Grating Strain SensorC07 光储存装置:C07 光储存装置OPTICAL STORAGE PRODUCTC07-100 消费性光碟机CONSUMER OPTICAL DISC PLAYERSC07-101 激光唱盘Compact Disc (CD) PlayersC07-102 激光音响组合Products Incorporated CD(CD-Radio-Cassette Tape Recorders)C07-103 LD 影碟机Laser Disc (LD) PlayersC07-104 影音光碟机Video CD PlayersC07-105 DVD DVD 影碟机Digital Versatile Disc (DVD) PlayersC07-106 迷你音碟机Mini Disc (MD) PlayersC07-200 资讯用仅读型光碟机READ-ONLY OPTICAL DISC DRI597VESC07-201 CD-ROMCD-ROM光碟机CD-ROM DrivesC07-202 DVD-ROM DVD-ROM 光碟机DVD-ROM DrivesC07-300 资讯用仅写一次型光碟机RECORDABLE OPTICAL DISC DRIVESC07-301 CD-R CD-R 光碟机CD-R DrivesC07-399 其他仅写一次型光碟机Other Recordable Optical Disc DrivesC07-400 资讯用可覆写型光碟机REWRITABLE OPTICAL DISC DRIVESC07-401 3.5" MO 光碟机3.5" MO Disc DrivesC07-402 5.25" MO 光碟机5.25" MO Disc DrivesC07-403 PD 光碟机PD DrivesC07-404 CD-RW光碟机CD-RW DrivesC07-499 其他可覆写型光碟机Other Rewritable Optical Disc DrivesC07-500 光碟机零组件DEVICES OF OPTICAL DISC DRIVESC07-501 光学头,光学读取头Optical Heads , Pick-up HeadsC07-502 光学头伺服装置,伺服用IC模组Optical Head Controllers, Control ICs/Modules C07-503 光学头驱动装置Optical Head ServomotorsC07-504 光碟匣Optical Disc CartridgesC07-505 主轴马达Spindle MotorC07-600 光碟片OPTICAL DISCSC07-601 CD 音碟片Compact DiscsC07-602 LD 影碟片Laser DiscsC07-603 影音光碟片Video CDsC07-604 DVD光碟片Digital Versatile Discs : DVDsC07-605 迷你音碟片Mini Discs : MDsC07-606 CD-ROM 光碟片CD-ROMsC07-607 DVD-ROM光碟片DVD-ROMsC07-608 CD-R 光碟片CD-RsC07-609 其他可写仅读型光碟片Other Recordable Optical DiscsC07-610 3.5" MO 光碟片3.5" MO DiscsC07-011 5.25" MO 光碟片5.25" MO DiscsC07-612 PD 光碟片PD DiscsC07-613 CD-RW 光碟片CD-RW DiscsC07-699 其他可复写型光碟片Other Rewritable Optical DiscsC08 光输出入装置:C08 光输出入装置OPTICAL INPUT &OUTPUT DEVICESC08-100 数位相机Digital Still CameraC08-200 光学印表机OPTICAL PRINTERSC08-201 彩色激光印表机Laser Color PrintersC08-202 单色激光印表机Laser Monochrome PrintersC08-203 彩色LED印表机LED Color PrintersC08-204 单色LED印表机LED Monochrome PrintersC08-299 其他光学式印表机Other Optical PrintersC08-300 影印机COPY MACHINESC08-301 彩色激光数位影印机Laser Digital Color Copy MachinesC08-302 单色激光数位影印机Laser Digital Monochrome Copy MachinesC08-400 传真机FACSIMILESC08-401 热感纸传真机Termal Paper Facsimiles。



纳米技术用于眼镜的作文英文回答:Nanotechnology has brought about significant advancements in various fields, including the development of eyeglasses. The application of nanotechnology in eyeglasses has revolutionized the way we correct vision and protect our eyes. One of the most notable uses of nanotechnology in eyeglasses is the development of anti-reflective coatings.These coatings are made up of nano-sized layers that are designed to reduce glare and reflections on the surface of the lenses. By reducing glare, these coatings improve vision clarity and comfort, especially when driving at night or working on a computer for extended periods. Furthermore, the anti-reflective coatings also make the lenses more resistant to scratches and smudges, thus increasing their durability.Another remarkable use of nanotechnology in eyeglasses is the development of photochromic lenses. These lenses contain nanoparticles that react to UV light, causing the lenses to darken when exposed to sunlight and return to their clear state when indoors. This technology provides the convenience of having prescription eyeglasses and sunglasses in one, eliminating the need to switch between the two.Furthermore, nanotechnology has also been employed in the development of self-cleaning coatings for eyeglasses. These coatings utilize nano-sized particles to create a hydrophobic surface that repels water, oil, and dirt. As a result, the lenses stay cleaner for longer periods and are easier to clean when necessary, providing users withhassle-free maintenance.In addition to these advancements, nanotechnology has enabled the production of ultra-thin and lightweight lenses that offer improved comfort for the wearer. By manipulating materials at the nanoscale, eyeglass manufacturers are able to create lenses that are thinner and lighter withoutcompromising on optical performance.In conclusion, the integration of nanotechnology in eyeglasses has led to significant improvements in terms of functionality, durability, and comfort. The development of anti-reflective coatings, photochromic lenses, self-cleaning coatings, and ultra-thin lenses has transformedthe eyeglass industry, providing users with enhanced visual experiences and convenience.中文回答:纳米技术在各个领域都带来了重大进展,包括眼镜的发展。



A01光学材料:A01-001 光学材料Optical MaterialsA01-002 光学玻璃Optical GlassA01-003 激光玻璃Laser GlassA01-004 声光玻璃Acousto-Optic GlassA01-005 红外线玻璃Infrared GlassA01-006 红外线材料Infrared MaterialsA01-007 紫外线材料Ultraviolet MaterialsA01-008 石英镜片Fused Silica GlassA01-009 光学陶瓷CeramicsA01-010 矽半导体材料Silicon Semiconductor MaterialsA01-011 化合物半导体材料Compound Semiconductor Materials A01-012 光纤材料Fiber Optic MaterialsA01-013 光纤预型体Fiber Optic PreformsA01-014 PLZT晶圆,钛酸锆酸铅晶圆PLZT WafersA01-015 环氧树脂EpoxiesA01-016 声光光学晶体Acousto-Optic CrystalsA01-017 双折射/偏光晶体Birefringent and Polarizing Crystals A01-018 电光光学晶体Electro-Optic CrystalsA01-019 红外线晶体Infrared CrystalsA01-020 激光晶体(YAG) YAG Laser CrystalsA01-021 激光晶体(亚历山大) Alexandrite Laser CrystalsA01-022 激光晶体(GGG) GGG Laser CrystalsA01-023 激光晶体(GSGG,GSAG) GSGG GSAG Laser Crystals A01-024 激光晶体(YLF) YLF Laser CrystalsA01-025 激光晶体(其他) Other Laser CrystalsA01-026 非线性光学晶体Nonlinear CrystalsA01-027 有机光学材料Organic Optical MaterialsA01-028 萤光放射晶体Fluorescent Emission CrystalsA01-029 结晶育成材料Crystals Growing MaterialsA01-030 镀膜材料Coating MaterialsA01-031 光罩材料Photomask MaterialsA01-032 真空蒸镀化学药品Vaccum Evaporation ChemicalsA01-033 感光剂SensitizersA01-034 影像用材料Materials for ImagingA01-035 热色材料Thermochromic MaterialsA01-036 光色材料Photochromic MaterialsA01-037 稀土族材料Rare Earth MaterialsA01-038 光碟基板,基板材料Optical Disk Substrate Materials A01-039 光碟记录材料Optical Disk Data Storage MaterialsA02加工用其他材料:A02 加工用其他材料MATERIALS FOR PROCESSINGA02-001 光学用胶合剂/接著剂Optical Cements and Adhesives A02-002 光学用气体Gases for Optical ApplicationA02-003 激光用气体Gases for LasersA02-004 光学研磨材料(研磨布纸) Optical-Coated AbrasiveA02-005 光学研磨材料(砥粒) Optical-Powder or Grin Abrasive A02-006 光学研磨材料(砥石) Optical-Wheel AbrasiveA02-007 研磨化合物Polishing CompoundsA02-008 研磨衬垫及布Polishing Pads and ClothA02-009 全像底片及感光板Holographic Films and PlatesA02-010 红外线底片及感光板Infrared Films and PlatesA02-011 相片用化学药品Photographic Chemicals激光产品网A02-012 折射率液Refractive Index LiquidsA02-013 显微镜浸液Microscope Immerison LiquidsA02-014 显微镜埋置用材料Microscope Imbedding MediaA02-015 激光用染料Laser DyesA02-016 冷媒CoolantsA02-017 拭镜纸Lens TissueA03 显示器用材料:A03 显示器用材料MATERIALS FOR DISPLAYA03-001 液晶Liquid CrystalsA03-002 导电膜玻璃基板ITO Glass SubstrateA03-003 彩色滤光片Color FilterA03-004 偏光板/相位差板Polarizer/ Phase Shift LayerA03-005 显示面板用驱动IC Driver ICA03-006 背光源BacklightA03-007 配向膜Alignment FilmA03-008 间隔物SpacerB01 透镜:B01 透镜LENSESB01-001 单透镜Simple (Single) LensesB01-002 球透镜Ball LensesB01-003 歪像透镜Anamorphic LensesB01-004 圆锥透镜Conical LensesB01-005 柱状透镜,环形透镜Cylindrical & Toroidal LensesB01-006 非球面透镜Aspheric LensesB01-007 反射折射透镜Catadioptric LensesB01-008 绕射极限透镜Diffraction-Limited LensesB01-009 GRIN透镜GRIN Lenses (Graduated Refractive Index Rod)B01-010 微小透镜阵列Micro Lens ArraysB01-011 准直透镜Collimator LensesB01-012 聚光透镜Condenser LensesB01-013 多影像透镜Multiple Image LensesB01-014 傅利叶透镜Fourier Lenses B01-015 菲涅尔透镜Fresnel Lenses B01-016 替续透镜Relay LensesB01-017 大口径透镜(直径150mm以上) Large Aperture Lenses (150mm) B01-018 复合透镜Complex LensesB01-019 红外线透镜Infrared LensesB01-020 紫外线透镜Ultraviolet LensesB01-021 激光透镜Laser LensesB01-022 望远镜对物镜Telescope Objectives LensesB01-023 显微镜对物镜Microscope Objectives LensesB01-024 接目镜Eyepieces LensesB01-025 向场透镜Field LensesB01-026 望远镜头Telephoto LensesB01-027 广角镜头Wide Angle LensesB01-028 可变焦伸缩镜头Variable Focal Length Zoom LensesB01-029 CCTV镜头CCTV LensesB01-030 影印机镜头Copy Machine LensesB01-031 传真机镜头Facsimile LensesB01-032 条码扫描器镜头Bar Code Scanner LensesB01-033 影像扫描器镜头Image Scanner LensesB01-034 光碟机读取头透镜Pick-up Head LensesB01-035 APS相机镜头APS Camera LensesB01-036 数位相机镜头Digital Still Camera Lenses激光产品网B01-037 液晶投影机镜头Liquid Crystal Projector LensesB02 镜面:B02 镜面MIRRORB02-001 平面镜Flat MirrorsB02-002 球面凹面镜,球面凸面镜Spherical Concave and Convex Mirrors B02-003 抛物面镜,椭圆面镜Off-Axis Paraboloids and Ellipsoids Mirrors B02-004 非球面镜Aspheric MirrorsB02-005 多面镜Polygonal MirrorsB02-006 热镜Hot MirrorsB02-007 冷镜Cold MirrorsB02-008 玻璃,玻璃/陶瓷面镜Glass and Glass-Ceramic MirrorsB02-009 双色向面镜Dichroic MirrorB02-010 金属面镜Metal MirrorsB02-011 多层面镜Multilayer MirrorsB02-012 半涂银面镜Half-Silvered MirrorsB02-013 激光面镜Laser MirrorsB02-014 天文用面镜Astronomical MirrorsB02-099 其他面镜Other MirrorsB03 棱镜:B03 棱镜PRISMB03-001 Nicol棱镜Nicol PrismsB03-002 Glan-Thomson棱镜Glan-Thomson PrismsB03-003 Wollaston棱镜Wollaston PrismsB03-004 Rochon棱镜Rochon PrismsB03-005 直角棱镜Right-Angle; Rectangular PrismsB03-006 五面棱镜Pentagonal PrismsB03-007 脊角棱镜Roof PrismsB03-008 双棱镜BiprismsB03-009 直视棱镜Direct Vision PrismsB03-010 微小棱镜Micro PrismsB03-099 其他棱镜Other PrismsB04 滤光镜:B04 滤光镜FILTERB04-001 尖锐滤光镜Sharp Cut (off) FiltersB04-002 色温变换滤光镜,日光滤光镜Colour Conversion/Daylight Filters B04-003 干涉滤光镜Interference FiltersB04-004 中性密度滤光镜Neutral Density FiltersB04-005 空间/光学匹配滤光镜Spatial/Optical Matched FiltersB04-006 双色向滤光镜Dichroic FiltersB04-007 偏光滤光镜Polarizing FiltersB04-008 排除频带滤光镜Rejection Band FiltersB04-009 可调式滤光镜Turnable FilterB04-010 超窄频滤光镜Ultra Narrowband FiltersB04-011 色吸收滤光镜Absorption FiltersB04-012 红外吸收/反射滤光镜Infrared Absorbing/Reflecting FiltersB04-013 红外透过滤光镜Infrared Transmitting FiltersB04-014 紫外吸收滤光镜Ultraviolet Absorbing FiltersB04-015 紫外透过滤光镜Ultraviolet Transmitting FiltersB04-016 针孔滤光镜Pinhole FiltersB04-017 有色玻璃滤光镜Colored-Glass FiltersB04-018 塑胶滤光镜Plastic FiltersB04-019 照像用滤光镜Photographic Filters激光产品网B04-020 全像滤光镜Holographic FiltersB04-021 微小干涉滤光镜Micro Interference FiltersB06 激光:LASERS B06 激光LASERSB06-100 气体激光GAS LASERSB06-101 氦氖激光He-Ne LasersB06-102 金属蒸气激光Metal Vapor LasersB06-103 氩离子激光Argon LasersB06-104 氪离子激光Krypton LasersB06-105 二氧化碳激光(气流型) CO2 (Gas Flow type) LasersB06-106 二氧化碳激光(脉冲,TEA型) CO2 (Pulsed,TEA) LasersB06-107 二氧化碳激光(密封型) CO2 (Sealed tube) LasersB06-108 二氧化碳激光(波导型) CO2 (Wave guide) LasersB06-109 一氧化碳激光CO LasersB06-110 氦镉激光He-Cd LasersB06-111 氮分子激光Nitrogen LasersB06-112 准分子激光Excimer LasersB06-113 氙分子激光Xenon LasersB06-200 固体激光SOLID STATE LASERSB06-201 红宝石激光Ruby LasersB06-202 玻璃激光Glass LasersB06-203 Nd:YAG激光(脉冲式) Nd:YAG (Pulsed) LasersB06-204 Nd:YAG激光(连续式) Nd:YAG Laser (CW) LasersB06-205 Nd:YAG激光(半导体激光激发) Nd:YAG (LD Pumped) LasersB06-206 YLF激光YLF LasersB06-207 亚历山大激光Alexanderite LasersB06-208 铒固体激光Erbium LasersB06-209 半导体激光激发式固态激光Solid State(LD pumped)LaserB06-210 其他固态激光OthersB06-300 染料激光DYE LASERSB06-301 染料激光(闪光灯激发) Dye (Flash lamp Pumped) LasersB06-302 染料激光(激光激发) Dye (Laser Pumped) LasersB06-400 半导体激光SEMICONDUCTOR LASERSB06-401 半导体激光(1.55μm带) Semiconductor (1.55μm) LasersB06-402 半导体激光(1.30μm带) Semiconductor (1.30μm) LasersB06-403 半导体激光(0.85μm带) Semiconductor (0.85μm) LasersB06-404 半导体激光(0.78μm带) Semiconductor (0.78μm) LasersB06-405 半导体激光(0.60μm带) Semiconductor (0.60μm) LasersB06-406 半导体激光(其他波长带) Other Semiconductor LasersB06-407 半导体激光模组(长波长) Semiconductor (Long Wavelength) Laser Modules B06-408 半导体激光模组(短波长) Semiconductor (Short Wavelength) Laser Modules B06-409 半导体激光模组(可见光) Semiconductor (Visible) Laser ModulesB06-501 铁离子中心激光F-Center LasersB06-502 化学激光(HF-DF) Chemical (HF-DF) LasersB06-503 平板激光Slab LasersB06-504 远红外线激光Far-Infrared LasersB06-505 真空紫外线激光Vacuum Ultraviolet LasersB06-506 多色激光Multi Colour LasersB06-507 稳频激光Frequency Stabilized LasersB06-508 自由电子激光Free Electron LasersB07 激光用元件:B07 激光用元件LASER COMPONENTSB07-001 Q 开关Laser Q-Switches激光产品网B07-002 激光管Laser Tubes and BoresB07-003 激光棒Laser RodsB07-004 激光板Laser SlabsB07-005 气体再生设备,气体填充设备Gas Recyclers and Gas Handling EquipmentB07-006 激光控制设备Laser Control EquipmentB07-007 激光用盒Laser CellsB07-008 参数振汤器Parametric OscillatorsB07-009 光脉冲产生设备Optical Pulse GeneratorsB07-010 激光用共振腔Resonators for LasersB07-011 磁铁MagnetsB07-012 激光用冷却设备Cooling Systems for LasersB07-013 激光护眼镜Safty Equipment; Goggles Glasses and FilmsB07-014 激光光吸收体Safty Equipment; Laser AbsorbersB07-015 激光用安全设备Safty Equipment; Protective HousingsB08 发光二极体:B08 发光二极体LIGHT-EMITTING DIODES; LEDB08-001 通信用1.55μm发光二极体1.55μm LEDs for CommunicationB08-002 通信用1.30μm发光二极体1.30μm LEDs for CommunicationB08-003 通信用0.85μm发光二极体0.85μm LEDs for CommunicationB08-004 通信用长波长发光二极体模组Long Wavelength LED Modules for Communication B08-005 通信用短波长发光二极体模组Short Wavelength LED Modules for Communication B08-006 可见光发光二极体(红色) Visible (Red) LEDsB08-007 可见光发光二极体(黄色) Visible (Yellow,Orange) LEDsB08-008 可见光发光二极体(绿色,多色) Visible (Green,Multi-Color) LEDsB08-009 可见光发光二极体(蓝色) Visible (Blue) LEDsB08-010 红外线二极体(非通信用) Infrared (not for Communication) LEDsB08-011 文数字表示用发光二极体Alpha-Numeric LEDsB08-012 发光二极体晶圆(通信用) LED Wafers for CommunicationB08-013 发光二极体晶圆(非通信用) LED Wafers not for CommunicationB08-014 发光二极体晶片、晶粒(通信用) LED Chips for CommunicationB08-015 发光二极体晶片、晶粒(非通信用) LED Chips not for CommunicationB09 光源设备:B09 光源设备LIGHT SOURCESB09-001 标准光源Standard Light SourcesB09-002 安定化光源Stabilized Light SourcesB09-003 弧光灯Arc Light SourcesB09-004 氪灯Krypton Light SourcesB09-005 卤素灯Halogen Light SourcesB09-006 氙灯Xenon /Xenon Flashlamps Light SourcesB09-007 紫外线光源Ultraviolet Light SourcesB09-008 真空紫外线光源VUV Light SourcesB09-009 红外线光源Infrared Light SourcesB09-010 闪光光源Stroboscopic Light SourcesB09-011 小型光源Miniature Light SourcesB09-012 光纤光源Fiber Optic IlluminatorsB10 显示器元件:B10 显示器元件DISPLAY PANELB10-001 发光二极体显示器LED DisplaysB10-002 液晶显示器Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)B10-003 电浆显示器Plasma Display Panels(PDP)B10-004 电激发光显示器Electroluminescence Display (ELD)B10-005 电铬显示器Electrochromic Display (ECD)B10-006 真空萤光显示器Vacuum Fluorescent Display (VFD)激光产品网B10-007 平面阴极射线管Flat CRTsB10-008 场发射显示器Field Emitter Display(FED)B10-099 其他平面显示元件Other Flat Panel DisplaysB11 检光元件及光纤混成元件:B11 检光元件及光纤混成元件DETECTORS & FIBEROPTIC HYBRID DEVICESB11-001 通信用PIN光二极体PIN Photodiodes for CommunicationB11-002 通信用崩溃光二极体Avalanche Photodiodes for CommunicationB11-003 通信用(长波长)Ge和III-V族检光元件Long-wavelength Detectors for CommunicationB11-004 通信用PIN光二极体模组PIN Photodiode Modules for CommunicationB11-005 通信用崩溃光二极体模组Avalanche Photodiode Modules for CommunicationB11-006 通信用(长波长)Ge和III-V族检光模组Long-wavelength Decector Modules for CommunicationB11-007 光二极体(近红外光) Near-infrafed PhotodiodesB11-008 光二极体(可见光) Visible PhotodiodesB11-009 光二极体(紫外光) Ultraviolet PhotodiodesB11-010 光电晶体PhototransistorsB11-011 光电管PhototubesB11-012 光电子增倍管(PMT) PhotomultipliersB11-013 光导电池Photoconductive CellsB11-014 热电偶检测器Thermocouple DetectorsB11-015 热堆检测器Thermopile DetectorsB11-016 微道板Microchannel PlatesB11-017 热电检测器Pyroelectroic DetectorsB11-018 辐射热测定器BolometersB11-019 其他红外线检测器Infrared DetectorsB11-020 摄像管Camera TubesB11-021 线型检光元件One Dimension Detector ArraysB11-022 面型检光元件Two Dimension Detector ArraysB11-023 光电耦合器Photo CouplerB11-024 光断续器Photo InterrupterB11-025 光反射器Photo ReflectorB11-026 光闸流晶体管PhotocyristorsB11-027 光感测元件Photosensing UnitsB11-028 内藏电路之光感测器Detectors with CircuitB11-029 民用用太阳电池Solar Cells for Consumer UseB11-030 产业用太阳电池Solar Cells for Power & Space UseB12 光纤及光缆:B12 光纤及光缆FIBER OPTIC FIBERS & CABLEB12-100 光纤FIBER OPTIC FIBERSB12-101 石英系多模态步阶式折射率型光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode, Step IndexB12-102 石英系多模态渐近式折射率型光纤(50/125) Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode, Graded Index,50/125B12-103 石英系多模态渐近式折射率型光纤(62.5/125) Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode,Graded Index ,62.5/125 B12-104 石英系多模态渐近式折射率型光纤(100/140) Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Multimode,Graded Index ,100/140 B12-105 石英系单模态标准型光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Silica, Single Mode,StandardB12-106 色散位移光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Dispersion – ShiftedB12-107 偏振恒持光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Polarization – MaintainingB12-108 其他单模态光纤Other Single Mode Optic FibersB12-109 石英系塑胶包覆光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, Plastic - Clad SilicaB12-110 塑胶光纤Fiber Optic Fibers, PlasticB12-111 石英系影像光纤Fiber Optic Bundles, Silica, ImagingB12-112 多成分影像光纤Fiber Optic Bundles, Non-silica, ImagingB12-113 光导管Fiber Optic LightguidesB12-199 其他集束光纤Other Fiber Optic BundlesB12-200 光缆FIBER OPTIC CABLE激光产品网B12-201 单模态标准型松包悬空式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Loosely Buffered, AerialB12-202 单模态标准型松包管路式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Loosely Buffered, DuctB12-203 单模态标准型松包直埋式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Loosely Buffered, Direct BuriedB12-204 单模态标准型紧包单心式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Tightly Buffered, Single FiberB12-205 单模态标准型紧包多心式光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Single Mode, Standard, Tightly Buffered, MultifiberB12-206 光纤带RibbonB12-207 色散位移光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Dispersion-ShiftedB12-208 偏振恒持光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Polarization – MaintainingB12-209 其他单模态光缆Other Single Mode Fiber Optic CableB12-210 多模态石英系(50/125)光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Multimode, Silica, 50/125B12-211 多模态石英系(62.5/125)光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Multimode, Silica, 62.5/125B12-212 多模态石英系(100/140)光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Multimode, Silica, 100/140B12-213 塑胶光缆Fiber Optic Cable, PlasticB12-214 石英系塑胶包覆光缆Fiber Optic Cable, Plastic-Clad SilicaB12-215 其他多模态光缆Other Multimode Fiber Optic CableB12-216 光纤保护用管Protect Tubes for Fiber Optic FiberB13 光被动元件/光控制元件:B13 光被动元件/光控制元件OPTICAL PASSIVE DEVICES/CONTROL DEVICESB13-001 单模态ST光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, STB13-002 单模态Biconic光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, BiconicB13-003 单模态FC/PC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, FC/PCB13-004 单模态APC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, APCB13-005 单模态FDDI光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, FDDIB13-006 单模态SC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, SCB13-007 单模态D4光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, D4B13-008 单模态光纤连接器插座(ST,FC/PC,SC,Biconic) Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode, Adapter(ST,FC/PC,SC,Biconic) B13-009 单模态多心光纤连接器(MT) Fiber Optic Connectors, Single Mode,Multi-Channel/MTB13-010 其他单模态光纤连接器Other Single Mode Fiber Optic ConnectorsB13-011 多模态ST光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, STB13-012 多模态FC/PC相容光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, FC/PCB13-013 多模态SMA光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, SMAB13-014 多模态FDDI光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, FDDIB13-015 多模态SC光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, SCB13-016 多模态D4光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, D4B13-017 多模态光纤连接器插座(ST,SMA,FC/PC) Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode,Adapter(ST,SMA,FC/PC)B13-018 多模态多心光纤连接器Fiber Optic Connectors, Multimode, Multi-ChannelB13-019 其他多模态光纤连接器Other Multimode Fiber Optic ConnectorsB13-020 套筒SleevesB13-021 金属箍(套管) Metal FerrulesB13-022 塑胶箍(套管) Plastic FerrulesB13-023 陶瓷箍(套管) Ceramic FerrulesB13-024 插座ReceptaclesB13-025 插头PlugsB13-026 光连接器(含光纤线) Optical Connectors with FiberB13-027 光纤耦合器(两分支) Optical Couplers, Tap/SplitterB13-028 光纤耦合器(树状分支) Optical Couplers, TreeB13-029 星状光纤耦合器(穿透形) Transmission Type Star Optical CouplersB13-030 星状光纤耦合器(反射形) Reflection Type Star Optical CouplersB13-031 其他光纤耦合器Other Optical CouplersB13-032 光分波合波器(两波长) Optical Couplers, WDM, Dual-WavelengthB13-033 光分波合波器(多波长) Optical Couplers, WDM, Over Two WavelengthB13-034 其他光分波合波器Other Optical WDM CouplersB13-035 光衰减器(固定) Fixed Optical Attenuators激光产品网B13-036 光衰减器(可变) Adjustable Optical AttenuatorsB13-037 光隔离器(通信用) Optical Isolators for CommunicationB13-038 光隔离器(非通信用) Optical Isolators for Non-CommunicationB13-039 光环流器Optical CirculatorsB13-040 光开关(机械式) Mechanical Optical SwitchesB13-041 光开关(非机械式) Non-mechanical Optical SwitchesB13-042 光纤光栅Fiber Bragg GratingB13-043 光移相器Optical Phase ShiftersB13-044 光共振器Optical ResonatorsB13-045 空间调变元件Spatial Light ModulatorsB13-046 光影像转换元件(ITC) Incoherent to Coherent Devices(ITC)B13-047 光截波器,机械式光调变器Optical Choppers, Mechanical ModulatorsB13-048 磁光调变器Maganeto-Optic ModulatorsB13-049 声光调变器Acousto-Optic ModulatorsB13-050 电光调变器Electro-Optic ModulatorsB13-051 波导形调变器,行波形调变器Optical Waveguide,Travelling-wave ModulatorsB13-052 类比/强度调变器Analog/Intensity ModulatorsB13-053 数位调变器Digital ModulatorsB13-054 其他调变器Other ModulatorsB13-055 光弹性调变器Photoelastic ModulatorsB13-056 机械式偏折/扫瞄器(Galvanometer方式) Mechanical Optical Deflectors/Scanners(Galvanometer Mirror)B13-057 声光偏折/扫瞄器Acousto-Optic Optical Deflectors/ScannersB13-058 电光偏折/扫瞄器Electro-Optic Optical Deflectors/ScannersB13-059 机械式扫瞄器(回转多面镜方式) Mechanical Optical Scanners(Polygonal Mirrors)B13-060 机械式扫瞄器(全像方式) Mechanical Optical Scanners(Holographic)B13-061 光纤跳接线Fiber Optic Patchcord PigtailB13-062 光纤终端箱Fiber Optic Distribution BoxB13-063 光纤接续盒Fiber Optic ClosureB13-099 其他光被动元件/控制元件Other Optical Passive Devices/Control DevicesB14 积体光元件:B14 积体光元件INTEGRATED OPTICAL DEVICESB14-001 光IC Optical ICB14-002 OEIC Optoelectronic ICB14-099 其他光电元件Other DevicesC01 光通讯设备:C01 光通讯设备OPTICAL COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENTC01-100 电信用光通讯设备OPTICAL COMMUNICATION EQUIPEMNT(TELECOMMUNICATION)C01-101 同步光纤网路光波传输系统及多工机设备Lightwave/Transimission System and Multiplexer Equipment (SONET-Based) C01-102 同步光纤网路光数位回路载波机设备Optical/Digital Loop Carrier Equipment (SONET-Based)C01-103 同步光纤网路数位交换连接系统设备Digital Cross Connect System Equipment (SONET-based)C01-104 同步数位阶层光波传输系统及多工机设备Lightwave/Transmission System and Multiplexer Equipment (SDH-Based)C01-105 同步数位阶层光数位回路载波机设备Optical/Digital Loop Carrier Equipment (SDH-Based)C01-106 同步数位阶层数位交换连接系统设备Digital Cross Connect System Equipment (SDH-Based)C01-107 光纤网路单体ONU(Optical Network Unit)C01-108 非同步光通讯设备Asynchronous Optical Communication EquipmentC01-199 其他公众用光通讯设备Other Optical Communication Equipment (Telecommunication)C01-200 数据通讯光纤网路设备OPTICAL DATA COMMUNICATION NETWORK EQUIPMENT (PREMISES)C01-201 光纤分散式资料介面网路设备FDDI Network EquipmentC01-202 非同步传输模式网路设备ATM Network EquipmentC01-203 高速乙太网路设备Fast Ethernet Network EquipmentC01-204 光纤通道Fiber ChannelC01-299 其他用户光数据通讯设备Other Optical Data Communication Network Equipment (Premises)C01-300 特殊用途光传输设备OPTICAL TRANSMISSION EQUIPMENT(SPECIAL PURPOSE)激光产品网C01-301 有线电视光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, CATVC01-302 视讯/闭路监视光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, Video/CCTVC01-303 量测/控制信号光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, Measure/ControlC01-304 空间(无线)光传输设备Optical Transmission Equipment, Spatial (Wireless)C01-305 光放大器Optical AmplifierC01-399 其他特殊用途光传输设备Other Optical Transmission Equipment (Special Purpose)C02 光测仪器设备:C02 光测仪器设备OPTICAL MEASURING EQUIPMENTC02-001 量测用标准光源Standard/Stabilized Light SourcesC02-002 光功率计(热转换型) Thermal Conversion Type Optical Power MetersC02-003 光功率计(光电转换型) Photoelectric Conversion Type Optical Power MetersC02-004 光谱分析仪Optical Spectrum AnalyzersC02-005 光波长计Optical Wavelength MetersC02-006 光谱幅宽量测器Spectral Width Measuring EquipmentC02-007 光时域反射计(OTDR) Optical Time-Domain Reflectometers(OTDR)C02-008 基频传输特性检测器Baseband Frequency Characteristics Evaluation EquipmentC02-009 波长色散量测器Wavelength Dispersion Measuring EquipmentC02-010 光纤测试设备Optical Fiber Test EquipmentC02-011 激光光束波形量测器Laser Beam Profile Measuring EquipmentC02-012 光纤尺寸量测器Optical Fiber Sizes Measuring EquipmentC02-013 光纤模态参数测试器Optical Fiber Mode Field Parameters Test EquipmentC02-014 光纤强度测试器Optical Fiber Strength Test EquipmentC02-015 其他光纤相关量测设备Other Optical Fiber Measurement EquipmentC02-016 光连接器尺寸量测器Optical Connector Sizes Measuring EquipmentC02-017 光碟测定检查设备(装置用) Optical Disk Drive Inspection EquipmentC02-018 光碟测定检查设备(碟片用) Optical Disk Inspection EquipmentC02-019 光度计PhotometersC02-020 复光束光度计,复光束量测器Double Beam PhotometersC02-021 测微光度计MicrophotometersC02-022 感光密度计DensitometersC02-023 光泽度计GrossmetersC02-024 照度计Illuminance MetersC02-025 测距仪RangefindersC02-026 曝光计Exposure MetersC02-027 辉度计Luminance MetersC02-028 比色计Comparison ColorimetersC02-029 色彩计(分光型) Spectral ColorimetersC02-030 色彩计(光电型) Photoelectric ColorimetersC02-031 积分球Integrating SpheresC02-032 折射计RefractometersC02-033 椭圆计EllipsometersC02-034 偏振光镜PolariscopesC02-035 偏振计PolarimetersC02-036 比较量测器ComparatorsC02-037 焦距仪FocometersC02-038 球径计SpheremetersC02-039 OTF(光学转换函数)设备Optical Transfer Function InstrumentationC02-040 MTF分析/量测装置Modulation Transfer Function(MTF) Analysis/Measurement Equipment C02-041 投影检查器Profile ProjectorsC02-042 自动准直仪AutocollimatorsC02-043 光弹性机器Photoelastic InstrumentsC02-099 其他光(学)量测器Other Optical Measurement Equipment激光产品网C03 分光镜、干涉仪:C03 分光镜、干涉仪SPECTROSCOPES, INTERFEROMETERSC03-001 分光计SpectrometersC03-002 单色器MonochromatorsC03-003 分光镜,干涉分光镜,摄谱仪Spectroscopes, Interference Spectroscopes,SpectrographsC03-004 分光光度计,分光测光器SpectrophotometerC03-005 Michelson干涉仪Michelson InterferometersC03-006 Tywman Green干涉仪Tywman Green InterferometersC03-007 Mach-Zehnder干涉仪Mach-Zehnder InterferometersC03-008 Fizeau干涉仪Fizeau InterferometersC03-009 Fabry-Perot干涉仪Fabry-Perot InterferometersC04 显微镜,望远镜,照像机:C04 显微镜,望远镜,照像机MICROSCOPES, TELESCOPES, CAMERASC04-001 放大镜MagnifiersC04-002 单接物镜双眼显微镜Binocular MicroscopesC04-003 双眼实体显微镜,立体显微镜Stereo MicroscopesC04-004 金属显微镜Metallurgical MicroscopesC04-005 偏光显微镜Polarizing MicroscopesC04-006 相位差显微镜Phase-Contrast MicroscpoesC04-007 干涉显微镜,微分干涉对比显微镜Interferences/Differential Interference Contrast Microscopes C04-008 萤光显微镜Fluorescence MicroscopesC04-009 激光显微镜Laser MicroscopesC04-010 量测用显微镜,工具显微镜Measurement MicroscopesC04-011 显微镜光度计Microscope PhotometersC04-012 折射望远镜,Galilean望远镜Galilean Refracting TelescopesC04-013 反射望远镜Reflecting TelescopesC04-014 反射折射望远镜Catadioptric TelescopesC04-015 35mm焦平面自动对焦相机35mm AF Focal Plane CamerasC04-016 35mm焦平面手动对焦相机35mm NON-AF Focal Plane CamerasC04-017 35mm镜头快门多焦点相机35mm Multi Focal Points Lens Shutter CamerasC04-018 35mm镜头快门单焦点相机35mm Single Focal Point Lens Shutter CamerasC04-019 中,大型照相机Medium and Large Size CamerasC04-020 VTR摄影机VTR CamerasC04-021 电视摄影机TV CamerasC04-022 高画质电视摄影机High Definition(HDTV) CamerasC04-023 CCTV摄影机CCTV CamerasC04-024 全像照像机Holographic CamerasC04-025 眼镜EyeglassesC04-026 夜视设备Night Vision EquipmentC04-027 照像机用之日期显示模组Date moduleC04-028 照像机用之底片计数器Film counterC04-029 APS相机APS CamerasC05 光感测器:C05 光感测器OPTICAL SENSORSC05-001 光电开关,光电感测器Photo Switches, Photo SensorsC05-002 标记感测器Mark Photo SensorsC05-003 色彩标记感测器Color Mark Photo SensorsC05-004 色彩感测器Color Photo SensorsC05-005 光学式编码器,角度感测器Optical Encoders, Angle SensorsC05-006 光遥控器Optical Remote Control EquipmentC05-007 影像感测器式量测设备Image Sensor Type Measurement InstrumentsC05-008 显微镜式量测设备Microscope Type Measurement InstrumentsC05-009 精密长度干涉仪Precise Length Interferometers激光产品网C05-010 光波测距装置Electronic Distance MetersC05-011 三角测量法距离感测器Triangulation Distance MetersC05-012 激光调变测距方式距离感测器Laser Modulation Distance MetersC05-013 脉冲测距方式距离感测器Pulse Distance MetersC05-014 激光外径测定器Laser Outer Diameter Measuring SensorsC05-015 激光厚度计Laser Thickness GaugesC05-016 激光拉伸计Laser Extension MeterC05-017 红外线厚度计Infrared Thickness GaugesC05-018 水平仪LevelsC05-019 激光水平仪Laser LevelsC05-020 经纬仪Theodlites/TransitsC05-021 激光经纬仪Laser Theodlites/TransitsC05-022 激光标线设备Laser Marking-off EquipmentC05-023 位置光电感测器Position Sensors, Pattern Edge SensorsC05-024 半导体位置感测器Position Sensitive Devices(PSDs)C05-025 激光指示器Laser PointersC05-026 激光都卜勒测速计Laser Doppler VelocimetersC05-027 环形激光流速计,光纤陀螺仪Ring Laser Velocimeters, Optical Fiber Laser GyrosC05-028 转速仪Rotational Speed MetersC05-029 激光都卜勒转速仪Laser Doppler Rotational Speed MetersC05-030 全像方式图样量测设备Holographic Method Pattern Measurement EquipmentsC05-031 激光移位计Laser Displacement MetersC05-032 激光指纹检测器Laser Fingerprint DetectorsC05-033 光学水质污染检测设备Optical Water Pollution Measurement and Detection Equipment C05-034 光学大气污染检测设备Optical Air Pollution Measurement and Detection EquipmentC05-035 红外线气体浓度感测器Infrared Gas Density MetersC05-036 光电式烟检知器Photo Smoke DetectorsC05-037 激光粉尘监视器,粒径量测器Laser Dust MonitorsC05-038 距离测定用激光雷达Rang-finding Lidar SystemsC05-039 环境监测用激光雷达Environment Monitoring Lidar SystemsC05-040 激光表面检查设备Laser Surface Inspection EquipmentC05-041 平面度测定系统Flatness TestersC05-042 斑点图形量测设备Speckle Method Pattern Measurement EquipmentC05-043 云纹图形量测设备Moire Method Pattern Measurement EquipmentC05-044 影像分析仪Image AnalyzersC05-045 激光缺陷检查设备Laser Defect Inspection EquipmentC05-046 红外线辐射温度感测器Infrared ThermometersC05-047 人体检知感测器,激光保全设备Laser Security/Surveillance EquipmentsC05-048 光计数器Photo CountersC05-049 激光公害检测设备Laser Pollution Detective DevicesC05-050 激光热常数量测设备Laser Thermal Constants Measurement EquipmentC05-051 全像非破坏检查设备Holographic Nondestructive Testing EquipmentC06 光纤感测器:C06 光纤感测器FIBER OPTIC SENSORSC06-001 光纤光电开关/感测器Fiber Optic Photo Switches/ SensorsC06-002 光纤式标记感测器Fiber Optic Mark Photo SensorsC06-003 光纤式色彩标记感测器Fiber Optic Color Mark Photo SensorsC06-004 光纤温度感测器Fiber Optic Temperature SensorsC06-005 光纤压力感测器Fiber Optic Pressure SensorsC06-006 光纤声波感测器Fiber Optic Acoustic SensorsC06-007 光纤变形感测器Fiber Optic Strain SensorsC06-008 光纤振动感测器Fiber Optic Vibration SensorsC06-009 光纤移位感测器Fiber Optic Displacement Sensors激光产品网C06-010 光纤陀螺仪感测器Fiber Optic Gyro SensorsC06-011 光纤速度感测器Fiber Optic Velocity SensorsC06-012 光纤磁通量感测器Fiber Optic Magnetic Flux SensorsC06-013 光纤磁场感测器Fiber Optic Magnetic Field SensorsC06-014 光纤电流感测器Fiber Optic Current SensorsC06-015 光纤电场感测器Fiber Optic Electric Field SensorsC06-016 光纤浓度、成份感测器Fiber Optic Density,Constituent SensorsC06-017 光纤油膜感测器Fiber Optic Oil Film SensorsC06-018 光纤液位感测器Fiber Optic Liquid Surface Level SensorsC06-019 光纤光分布/放射线感测器Fiber Optic Light Distribution/Radiation SensorsC06-020 光纤显微镜Fiber Optic FiberscopesC06-021 光纤光栅应变感测器Fiber Grating Strain SensorC07 光储存装置:C07 光储存装置OPTICAL STORAGE PRODUCTC07-100 消费性光碟机CONSUMER OPTICAL DISC PLAYERSC07-101 激光唱盘Compact Disc (CD) PlayersC07-102 激光音响组合Products Incorporated CD(CD-Radio-Cassette Tape Recorders)C07-103 LD 影碟机Laser Disc (LD) PlayersC07-104 影音光碟机Video CD PlayersC07-105 DVD DVD 影碟机Digital Versatile Disc (DVD) PlayersC07-106 迷你音碟机Mini Disc (MD) PlayersC07-200 资讯用仅读型光碟机READ-ONLY OPTICAL DISC DRI597VESC07-201 CD-ROMCD-ROM光碟机CD-ROM DrivesC07-202 DVD-ROM DVD-ROM 光碟机DVD-ROM DrivesC07-300 资讯用仅写一次型光碟机RECORDABLE OPTICAL DISC DRIVESC07-301 CD-R CD-R 光碟机CD-R DrivesC07-399 其他仅写一次型光碟机Other Recordable Optical Disc DrivesC07-400 资讯用可覆写型光碟机REWRITABLE OPTICAL DISC DRIVESC07-401 3.5" MO 光碟机3.5" MO Disc DrivesC07-402 5.25" MO 光碟机5.25" MO Disc DrivesC07-403 PD 光碟机PD DrivesC07-404 CD-RW光碟机CD-RW DrivesC07-499 其他可覆写型光碟机Other Rewritable Optical Disc DrivesC07-500 光碟机零组件DEVICES OF OPTICAL DISC DRIVESC07-501 光学头,光学读取头Optical Heads , Pick-up HeadsC07-502 光学头伺服装置,伺服用IC模组Optical Head Controllers, Control ICs/Modules C07-503 光学头驱动装置Optical Head ServomotorsC07-504 光碟匣Optical Disc CartridgesC07-505 主轴马达Spindle MotorC07-600 光碟片OPTICAL DISCSC07-601 CD 音碟片Compact DiscsC07-602 LD 影碟片Laser DiscsC07-603 影音光碟片Video CDsC07-604 DVD光碟片Digital Versatile Discs : DVDsC07-605 迷你音碟片Mini Discs : MDsC07-606 CD-ROM 光碟片CD-ROMsC07-607 DVD-ROM光碟片DVD-ROMsC07-608 CD-R 光碟片CD-RsC07-609 其他可写仅读型光碟片Other Recordable Optical DiscsC07-610 3.5" MO 光碟片3.5" MO DiscsC07-011 5.25" MO 光碟片5.25" MO DiscsC07-612 PD 光碟片PD DiscsC07-613 CD-RW 光碟片CD-RW Discs激光产品网。



Leuze electronic GmbH + Co KG Post-box 1111 D-73277 Owen-Teck Tel. ++49 7021 5730www.leuze.deW e r e s e r v e t h e r i g h t t o m a k e c h a n g e s • 97_b 02e .f m!Polarised retro-reflective photoelectric sen-sors with visible red light!Small construction with glass cover and robust metal housing for protection against environmental influences!Adjustable sensitivity with high resolution allows detection of transparent objects !Connection via M12 connector, plug or cable!Activation input for testing and interlinking0.1 …6m10 - 30 V DCAccessories:(available separately)!Mounting systems(BT 92, UMS 1, UMS 96-95)!Diaphragm (BL 97.1)!M12 connectors (KD …)!Ready-made cables (KB …)!Reflectors!Reflective tapesDimensioned drawingA Sensitivity adjustment (only PRK 97/4L.1)B Indicator diode COptical axisElectrical connectionPRK 97Retro-reflective photoelectric sensors with polarisation filterPRK 97… - 05PRK 97… - 050501SpecificationsOptical dataTyp. operating range limit (TK(S) 100x100) 1)1)T yp. operating range limit: max. attainable range without performance reserve 0.1 …6m Operating range 2)2)Operating range: recommended range with performance reservesee tableLight source LED (modulated light)Wavelength660nm (visible red light, polarised)TimingSwitching frequency 200Hz Response time2.5ms Delay before start-up≤100msElectrical dataOperating voltage U B 10…30VDC (incl. residual ripple) Residual ripple ≤15% of U B Bias current≤30mASwitching outputPNP or NPN transistor output Function characteristicslight/dark switching(PRK 97/44L with complementary outputs)Signal voltage high/low ≥(U B -2V)/≤2V Output current max.100mASensitivityadjustable with 12-turn potentiometer for PRK 97/4 L.1IndicatorsLED yellowlight path freeLED yellow flashinglight path free, no performance reserveMechanical dataHousing diecast zinc Optics cover glassWeight 85g Connection type M12 connector 4-pin, stainless steel,connector 4-pin or cable 2m (cross section 3x0.25mm²)Environmental dataAmbient temp. (operation/storage) -20°C …+60°C/-30°C …+70°C Protective circuit 3)3)2=polarity reversal protection, 3=short-circuit protection for all outputs 2,3VDE safety class 4)4)Rating voltage 250VACI (for S types)II, all-insulated (for all L and cable types)Protection class IP 67/IP 65 (for all S types)LED class1 (acc. to EN 60825-1)Standards appliedIEC 60947-5-2OptionsActivation input active Transmitter active/not active≥8V/≤2V or not connectedOrder guideSelection tableOrder code "Equipment #P R K 97/4.8 L P a r t N o . 500 80474P R K 97/4 L P a r t N o . 500 19663P R K 97/4 S P a r t N o . 500 17092P R K 97/4 D S .1P a r t N o . 500 25686P R K 97/4 D L P a r t N o . 500 29642P R K 97/4P a r t N o . 500 80994P R K 97/4 L .1P a r t N o . 500 25324P R K 97/2 L P a r t N o . 500 29641P R K 97/44 L P a r t N o . 500 35301P R K 97/4 D S P a r t N o . 500 81305Switching output PNP transistor!!!!!!!!!NPN transistor!Switching light switching!!!!!!dark switching!!!compl. switch. outputs!Connection M12 connector!!!!!!cable !!!plug!Features activation input!sensitivity !UL!!!!!?!?!!TablesTK …= adhesive TKS …= screw type T ape 2= adhesiveReflectorsOperating range 1TK(S)100x1000.1…4m 2MTK(S)50x500.1…3m 3TK(S)30x500.1…1.7m 4TK(S)20x400.1…1.4m 5Tape 2100x1000.15…1.4m10.14620.13 4.530.1 1.7 2.640.1 1.4 range [m]T yp. operating range limit [m]Diagrams-150-100-500501001500123456y2y1M i s a l i g n m e n t y [m m ]Typ. response behaviour (TK 100x100)Distance x [m]Remarks!PRK 97/4S and PRK 97/4DS are shipped with cable connector.PRK 97。



纳米多功能眼镜作文英语Title: The Marvel of Nanotechnology: Multi-functional Eyewear。

Introduction:In the realm of technological innovation, nanotechnology stands as a titan, revolutionizing various industries with its microscopic prowess. Among its myriad applications, the development of multi-functional eyewearis particularly intriguing. These nano-enhanced spectacles offer a glimpse into a future where convenience, efficiency, and style converge seamlessly.Enhanced Visual Experience:At the core of these multi-functional spectacles lies their ability to augment the visual experience of the wearer. Through embedded nanotechnology, these glasses can adjust their tint and polarization in real-time, adaptingto changing light conditions effortlessly. Whether under the blazing sun or in dimly lit environments, wearers can enjoy optimal clarity without the need for manual adjustments.Furthermore, the incorporation of nanoscale sensors enables these glasses to track eye movements and pupil dilation, facilitating dynamic focus adjustments. This feature proves invaluable for individuals with varying visual needs, ensuring unparalleled comfort and precisionin every glance.Health Monitoring:Beyond mere visual enhancement, these spectacles double as personal health monitors, thanks to their integration of biosensors at the nanoscale. By analyzing sweat composition and skin conductivity, they provide real-time insights into hydration levels and stress indicators. This functionality empowers wearers to proactively manage their well-being, receiving timely alerts and recommendations for lifestyle adjustments.Moreover, the inclusion of miniature cameras within the frame allows for non-intrusive monitoring of vital signs such as heart rate and blood oxygen saturation. This continuous health surveillance offers peace of mind, especially for individuals with chronic conditions or those engaged in strenuous activities.Smart Connectivity:In the age of interconnected devices, multi-functional eyewear serves as a seamless extension of one's digital ecosystem. Utilizing nanoscale antennas, these glasses establish robust connections with smartphones, tablets, and other smart devices. This connectivity enables wearers to access a myriad of applications and services directly from their eyewear, from navigation assistance to real-time language translation.Furthermore, through integrated augmented reality (AR) technology, these spectacles overlay digital information onto the wearer's field of view, revolutionizing how weinteract with our surroundings. Whether browsing contextualized information or experiencing immersive entertainment, users are no longer confined to thelimitations of traditional screens.Customization and Style:Despite their advanced functionality, multi-functional eyewear does not compromise on aesthetics or personal style. Nanotechnology allows for the creation of ultra-lightweight frames with customizable designs, catering to diversetastes and preferences. Moreover, the use of nanomaterials imbues these glasses with exceptional durability and resilience, ensuring longevity without sacrificing comfort.Additionally, the lenses themselves can be tailored to suit individual needs, whether for prescription correction, blue light filtration, or enhanced UV protection. This versatility ensures that multi-functional eyeweartranscends mere utility, becoming a fashion statement synonymous with sophistication and innovation.Conclusion:In conclusion, the advent of multi-functional eyewear propelled by nanotechnology heralds a new era of convenience, connectivity, and well-being. From enhancing visual acuity to monitoring health metrics and facilitating seamless digital integration, these spectacles epitomize the boundless potential of nanoscale engineering. As technology continues to evolve, so too will thecapabilities of these marvels, promising a future where the line between the physical and digital worlds blurs ever further.。



DESCRIPTIONSThe Blue source color devices are made with InGaN Light Emitting DiodeElectrostatic discharge and power surge could damage the LEDsIt is recommended to use a wrist band oranti-electrostatic glove when handling the LEDs All devices, equipments and machineries must be electrically groundedFEATURES2.0 mm x 1.25 mm SMD LED, 1.05 mm thickness Low power consumptionIdeal for backlight and indicator Package: 3000 pcs / reel Moisture sensitivity level: 3RoHS compliantAPPLICATIONSBacklightStatus indicatorHome and smart appliances Wearable and portable devicesHealthcare applicationsATTENTIONObserve precautions for handlingelectrostatic discharge sensitive devicesPACKAGE DIMENSIONSSELECTION GUIDENotes:1. θ1/2 is the angle from optical centerline where the luminous intensity is 1/2 of the optical peak value.2. Luminous intensity / luminous flux: +/-15%.3. Luminous intensity value is traceable to CIE127-2007 standards.Part NumberEmitting Color (Material)Lens TypeIv (mcd) @ 20mA [2] Viewing Angle [1]Min.Typ.2θ1/2KPTD-2012VBC-DWater Clear ■ Blue (InGaN)300 600 30°KPTD-2012VBC-D2.0 x 1.25 mm SMD Chip LED LampRECOMMENDED SOLDERING PATTERN(units : mm; tolerance : ± 0.1)Notes:1. All dimensions are in millimeters (inches).2. Tolerance is ±0.15(0.006") unless otherwise noted.3. The specifications, characteristics and technical data described in the datasheet are subject to change without prior notice.4. The device has a single mounting surface. The device must be mounted according to the specifications.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS at T A =25°CELECTRICAL / OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS at T A =25°CParameterSymbolEmitting ColorValue UnitTyp. Max. Wavelength at Peak Emission I F = 20mA λpeak Blue 465 - nm Dominant Wavelength I F = 20mA λdom [1] Blue470-nmSpectral Bandwidth at 50% Φ REL MAX I F = 20mA ΔλBlue 22 - nmCapacitanceC Blue 100 - pFForward Voltage I F = 20mA V F [2]Blue 3.3 4 VReverse Current (V R = 5V) I R Blue - 50 uATemperature Coefficient of λpeak I F = 20mA, -10°C ≤ T ≤ 85°C TC λpeak Blue 0.04 - nm/°CTemperature Coefficient of λdom I F = 20mA, -10°C ≤ T ≤ 85°C TC λdom Blue 0.03 - nm/°CTemperature Coefficient of V F I F = 20mA, -10°C ≤ T ≤ 85°CTC V Blue -2.9 - mV/°CParameterSymbolUnit Power Dissipation P D 120 mW Reverse Voltage V R 5 V Junction Temperature T j 115 °C Operating Temperature T op -40 to +85 °C Storage Temperature T stg -40 to +85°C DC Forward Current I F 30 mA Peak Forward CurrentI FM [1]100 mA Thermal Resistance (Junction / Ambient) R th JA [2] 470 °C/W Thermal Resistance (Junction / Solder point)R th JS [2]360°C/WValue Electrostatic Discharge Threshold (HBM) -250 V Notes:1. The dominant wavelength (λd) above is the setup value of the sorting machine. (Tolerance λd : ±1nm. )2. Forward voltage: ±0.1V.3. Wavelength value is traceable to CIE127-2007 standards.4. Excess driving current and / or operating temperature higher than recommended conditions may result in severe light degradation or premature failure.Notes:1. 1/10 Duty Cycle, 0.1ms Pulse Width.2. R t h JA ,R t h JS Results from mounting on PC board FR4 (pad size ≥ 16 mm 2 per pad).3. Relative humidity levels maintained between 40% and 60% in production area are recommended to avoid the build-up of static electricity – Ref JEDEC/JESD625-A and JEDEC/J-STD-033.TECHNICAL DATABLUETAPE SPECIFICATIONS (units : mm)REEL DIMENSION (units : mm)REFLOW SOLDERING PROFILE for LEAD-FREE SMD PROCESSNotes:1. Don't cause stress to the LEDs while it is exposed to high temperature.2. The maximum number of reflow soldering passes is 2 times.3. Reflow soldering is recommended. Other soldering methods are not recommended as they mightcause damage to the product.PACKING & LABEL SPECIFICATIONSPRECAUTIONARY NOTES1. The information included in this document reflects representative usage scenarios and is intended for technical reference only.2. The part number, type, and specifications mentioned in this document are subject to future change and improvement without notice. Before production usage customer should refer tothe latest datasheet for the updated specifications.3. When using the products referenced in this document, please make sure the product is being operated within the environmental and electrical limits specified in the datasheet. Ifcustomer usage exceeds the specified limits, Kingbright will not be responsible for any subsequent issues.4. The information in this document applies to typical usage in consumer electronics applications. If customer's application has special reliability requirements or have life-threateningliabilities, such as automotive or medical usage, please consult with Kingbright representative for further assistance.5. The contents and information of this document may not be reproduced or re-transmitted without permission by Kingbright.6. All design applications should refer to Kingbright application notes available at /application notes。



特殊的眼镜英语作业### 特殊的眼镜英语作业Vocabulary List:1. Spectacles - 眼镜2. Vision - 视力3. Prescription - 处方4. Lens - 镜片5. Frame - 镜框6. Bifocal - 双光镜片7. Progressive - 渐进镜片8. Anti-reflective - 抗反射9. UV Protection - 防紫外线10. Optometrist - 验光师Reading Comprehension:Read the passage below and answer the following questions:Passage:"In the modern world, glasses have become more than just a tool to correct vision. They are a fashion statement and a reflection of one's personality. With advancements in technology, glasses now come with various lens options such as bifocals, progressives, and lenses with anti-reflective and UV protection coatings. To get the perfect pair, one must visit an optometrist who can provide a prescription tailored to the individual's specific needs."Questions:1. What is the primary function of glasses?2. Why are glasses considered a fashion statement?3. What are some of the technological advancements in glasses?4. What is a prescription and why is it important?5. Who can provide a prescription for glasses?Grammar Exercise:Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.1. She wears (wear) glasses to improve her vision (vision).2. The optometrist (optometrist) recommends (recommend) progressive lenses for those who have difficulty seeing both near and far.3. The glasses come (come) with UV protection (UV protection) to protect the eyes from harmful rays.4. He needs (need) a new prescription (prescription) because his vision (vision) has changed.5. The frame (frame) of the glasses is (be) made oflightweight material for comfort.Writing Prompt:Write a short essay (100-150 words) describing the importance of choosing the right glasses for your eyes. Include details about the type of lenses and frames that would suit different needs and lifestyles.Example Answer:Choosing the right glasses is crucial for both vision correction and personal comfort. The type of lenses oneselects should align with their daily activities. For instance, those who frequently switch focus between close and distant objects may benefit from progressive lenses, which provide a seamless transition without the need for reading glasses. Anti-reflective coatings are essential for reducing glare and improving visual clarity, especially for those who work with screens or drive at night. The frames should not only complement one's face shape but also be durable and comfortable for long-term wear. An optometrist can guide individuals in selecting the most suitable glasses, ensuring both functionality and style.。



Training and Practice for English for Academic PurposesPart I1.Discuss the following questions.What are basic principles the researchers must try to follow when they write their research papers? And would you please list some deadly sins a researcher must avoid when they want to publish a research paper? What are the main contents of a research paper?2. Translate the following Chinese introduction into English.提高起重机生产力和安全性的设备研究近些年来,就用研究人员对起重机(crane)的研究兴趣与日俱增。

起重机种类繁多,从樱桃采摘机(cherry pickers)到巨型塔式起重机(huge tower cranes) ,是建筑工地不可或缺的重要设备之一。

由于建筑用起重机工作环境多变(constantly changing working environment), 操作者(operator)责任重大(heavy reliance)。



In recent years, researchers have become more interested in crane research.The variety of cranes, from cherry pickers to giant tower cranes, is one of the most important equipment on construction sites.As a result of the changing working environment of the construction crane, operator is responsible for heavy reliance.Over the past few decades, the technology of overweight machines has been changing rapidly, but the operators have been slow to cooperate with other workers in collaboration.The pace of development of cranes is so rapid that we seem to be asking whether in some respects, the outstrip has exceeded the ability of people to safely use it.This paper aims to explore how to improve crane productivity and raise related security measures through the introduction of new equipment, so as to provide new ideas for the application and case of new cranes.3. You are writing a research paper entitled “The Effects of Radiation from the Sun on Life o n Earth”. In your introduction you need to review, in general terms, how the sun supports life on the earth. Prepare an Introduction section for your paper based on the information below.⏹Distance from the earth: 92,976,000 miles⏹The Sun’s energy comes from nuclear fusion of hydrogen to helium.⏹Intense radiation, including lethal ultraviolet radiation, arrives at the earth’s outer atmosphere.⏹Ozone in the stratosphere protects life on earth from excessive ultraviolet radiation.⏹The seasons of the earth’s climate results from (1) the 23.30tilt of the earth’s axis of rotation from the normal to the plane of the earth’s orbit around the Sun, (2) the large coverage area of water on the earth (about 75% of the earth’s surface), an d (3) the rotation of the earth with associated generation of jet-stream patterns.⏹Radiation passing through the earth’s atmosphere loses most short-wave radiation, butsome arriving at the surface is converted into infrared radiation which is then trapped by water vapor and other tri-atomic molecules in the troposphere and stratosphere, causing global warming.Life on earth is maintained from photosynthesis and conversion of carbon dioxide to oxygen by plants.4.Translate the following parts of sentences in Introduction into proper English.(1)过去对……的研究工作说明……The previous work on … has indicated that…(2)A在1932年做了关于……的早期研究。



光在玻璃体和三棱柱中的折射英文回答:Refraction of light in glass and prism.Light is an electromagnetic wave that can undergo refraction when it passes from one medium to another with a different refractive index. The refractive index of a medium determines how much the light bends when it enters that medium. In the case of glass and prism, both materials have different refractive indices, leading to interesting phenomena.When light enters a glass medium, such as a glass window or a glass lens, it undergoes refraction. The change in speed of light as it passes from air to glass causes the light to change direction. This change in direction is dueto the change in the refractive index between the two media. The refractive index of glass is typically higher than that of air, which causes the light to bend towards the normalline when it enters the glass. This bending of light is what allows us to see objects through a glass window or focus light with a glass lens.On the other hand, when light enters a prism, it undergoes multiple refractions and reflections. A prism is a transparent solid with flat, polished surfaces that are inclined to each other. The shape of a prism causes the light to bend and separate into its component colors, creating a beautiful phenomenon known as dispersion. This is why we see rainbows when sunlight passes through raindrops in the atmosphere, as the water droplets act as tiny prisms.In summary, the refraction of light in glass and prism is a fascinating phenomenon. Glass allows light to bend and change direction due to its higher refractive index compared to air. This property is essential for various applications, such as lenses and windows. Prisms, on the other hand, cause light to undergo multiple refractions and reflections, resulting in the separation of colors and the creation of rainbows.中文回答:光在玻璃体和三棱柱中的折射。

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According to Nonimaging Optical principle, when the light source is much smaller than the minimum distance from it to the reflection or refraction surface, its size can be ignored, this is "point-source approximation. " In this paper, we will only discuss the point-source situation. For a point-source and considering the case of refraction,
I Key laboratory of spectrum imaging technology Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics. CAS Shaanxi Xi'an, China, 710119 20raduate School of CAS Beijing, China, 10039 ytop31@
rotationally symmetric peculiarity, the LED emission angle is divided into N parts in Two-dimensional coordinate system, and the energy contained in each part is equal; Secondly, the target plane is divided into N equal areas along its radii, and the discrete points are corresponding to the N parts of emission angle. So that if the energy in each divided solid angle is controlled to illuminate the equal divided area, the illumination of each corresponding micro-belt on the target plane will be uniform; Finally, to avoid the total reflection of large emission angle rays, the designed lens will refract the rays with 0-450 emission angle and reflect the rays with 450-900emission angle. Choosing an initial point on the freeform generatrix, and using Snell equation and tangent iteration method, the coordinates of all points on the freeform generatrix are obtained, which could be rotated into the freeform surface of the lens. The simulation results using the designed LED lens show that for a rotationally symmetric target plane the illumination uniformity is near to 90% and the energy efficiency is higher than 95%.
Keywords-Applied optics; Nonimaging optics; Uniform illumination; FreeforUCTION
High power white light emitting diodes (LEOs) have begun to play an important role in many illumination systems due to their excellent performance, such as small volume, high light output efficiency, long life and environmentalist capability. However, as the radiation pattern of single traditional packaging LED chip yields Lambertian distribution, LED light sources can not be applied in traditional illumination systems directly. However if we design a compact lens which can generate an application-specific light beam, this disadvantage can be avoided. Thus the secondary optical design for LEOs is essential to LED illumination systems [1]. It belongs to the
Abstract-Traditional LED (light emitting diode) packaging always adopts hemisphere lens, and can ensure high light output efficiency, but its radiation pattern yields Lambert distribution and is non-uniformity. To enable LED light sources be applied in uniform illumination system, a method to obtain freeform LED lens based on energy equipartition and tangent iteration is proposed. of Firstly, light according intensity to and the its Lambertian distribution LED
category of Nonimaging Optics and can be divided into design for point source and design for extended source [2,3]. For a problem of point source and given illumination distribution pattern, it can be abstracted into a mathematical model. This method is widely used at present. But for extended source, there will be many difficulties. A design method for the extended source is the SMS (Simultaneous Multiple Surface) method, which can design several refraction or reflection surfaces simultaneously [4]. To achieve uniform illumination, there are mainly two methods: overlap method and tailoring method [5]. Because of the relatively low uniformity, overlap method is rarely used recently. H.Ries and 1.Muschaweck introduced tailored freeform lens surface design method in their papers [6,7]. In the case of the light intensity distribution is known, the mirrors' or lenses' surface can be tailored to control the vectors of output rays, and uniform illumination can be obtained. Based on Snell equation and energy conservation theorem, a first order partial differential equation can be established, whose numerical solution can be obtained into freeform surface for uniform illumination optical components [8]. However, the solution process is too complicated. In this paper, in terms of rotationally symmetric target uniform illumination, a method to obtain freeform LED lens based on tailoring method and Nonimaging Optical design principle is proposed. The solution process of the freeform is much easier. Numerical simulation results indicate that the small size novel LED lens has high light output efficiency of more than 95% and the illumination performances are in good agreement with the design target. The designed secondary lens can be directly used in LED illumination systems. II.