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目录 .................................................................. I 摘要 ................................................................. IV ABSTRACT .............................................................. V 第一章绪论 .. (6)

1.1项目背景 (6)

1.2项目研究内容和任务 (6)

1.3论文各部分主要内容 (6)

第二章曼彻斯特码的原理及其编码规则 (8)

2.1曼彻斯特码简介及其编码规则 (8)

2.2曼彻斯特码原理 (8)

2.3曼彻斯特码的应用范围 (10)

2.3.1 曼彻斯特码在LAN中的应用 (12)

2.3.2 曼彻斯特码在测井系统中的应用 (12)

第三章曼彻斯特编解码方案 (14)

3.1编码电路 (14)

3.2解码电路 (20)

3.3同步信号提取电路 (21)

3.3.1 利用电压比较器整形曼码 (23)

3.3.2 利用微分电路检出曼码跳变沿 (24)

3.3.3 全波整流电路 (26)

3.3.4 窄带滤波电路 (29)

3.3.5 锁相环 (32)

第四章运用VHDL语言对同步方法仿真 (35)

4.1VHDL语言简介 (35)

4.2VHDL语言仿真 (35)

第五章 PROTEL软件绘制电路图简介 (38)

5.1P ROTEL软件简介 (38)

5.2电路图绘制 (38)

第六章结论与展望 (41)

参考文献 (42)

致谢 (43)

附录 (44)


在电信领域,曼彻斯特码是一种数据通讯线性码,它的每一个数据比特都是由至少一次电压转换的形式所表示的。曼彻斯特编码因此被认为是一种自定时码。自定时意味着数据流的精确同步是可行的。每一个比特都准确的在一预先定义时间时期的时间中被传送。曼彻斯特编码已经被许多高效率且被广泛使用的电信标准所采用,例如以太网电讯标准. 曼彻斯特编码是一种超越传统数字传输的信道编码技术,由于其具有隐含时钟、去除了零频率信号的特性使得它在石油勘探测井中得到广泛的应用。




The Manchester code is one kind of data communication linearity codes. All its dada bits are shown by at least once voltage changing. This is why Manchester code is called self-acting timing code. Self-acting timing means the feasibility of the precise synchronization of data stream. Each bit is transmitted accurately in the period that defined in advance. Manchester codes have been adopted by many telecom standards that have high efficiency and are been used widely, such as Ethernet communication standard. Manchester code is a coding technology for channel that exceeds the traditional data transmission. The characteristics that including crytic clock and eliminating the signals in zero frequency have made it been used in the detecting well of oil widely.

The thesis mainly discusses the theory of the Manchester code and its coding rules, it also explains its characteristics and use range. The theory puts forward the Manchester coding and decoding proposals and conducts the hardware simulating on the synchronized signal pick-up module with the VHDL language , it also uses the Protel software to make the system circuit diagram. This proposal has successfully met the requirement of Manchester code date transfer and it is also sample in the circuit and stable in the capability.

KEY WORDS:Manchester code,VHDL,Synchronism signal
