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forest management influences charcoal formation and
discuss the implications for long-term carbon storage in forest ecosystems of the Rocky Mountain region.
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Zhejiang University, Hangzhou – 15/16 December 2008 How to get published
mussels in Lake Mead, MV, which has lead to a
lot of management-related initiatives.
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou – 15/16 December 2008
How to get published
Explanation of article contents (short)
What is new Why it is important Why this journal? Why now?
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou – 15/16 December 2008 How to get published
Explanation of article contents (short)
What is new Why it is important Why this journal? Why now?
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou – 15/16 December 2008 How to get published
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou – 15/16 December 2008
How to get published
What goes in a cover letter?
Scwk.baidu.comentific information
Background (workshop, interdisciplinary collaboration) Scientific background information (short)
and restoration…..
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou – 15/16 December 2008
How to get published
What goes in a cover letter?
Scientific information
Background (workshop, interdisciplinary collaboration) Scientific background information (short)
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou – 15/16 December 2008 How to get published
What goes in a cover letter?
Author of a paper criticizing the UN Convention on
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou – 15/16 December 2008 How to get published
What goes in a cover letter?
Scientific information
Background (workshop, interdisciplinary collaboration) Scientific background information (short)
What goes in the cover letter
Sue Silver
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou – 15/16 December 2008
How to get published
What goes in a cover letter?
No cover letter
What goes in a cover letter?
Our findings (on dramatic increases in nitrogen
and phosphorus in freshwater ecosystems)
have direct implications for stream management
What goes in a cover letter?
These findings should be of great interest to
both applied scientists and policy makers. We
therefore believe Frontiers would be the ideal
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou – 15/16 December 2008 How to get published
What goes in a cover letter?
We think this is timely and of broad interest
because of the recent discovery of quagga
A brief note A short letter A long letter
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou – 15/16 December 2008 How to get published
What goes in a cover letter?
Basic information
manuscript, we summarize the existing literature on
charcoal deposition, ecological function, and storage in forest ecosystems. We also provide an analysis of how
How to get published
What goes in a cover letter?
Scientific information
Background (workshop, interdisciplinary collaboration) Scientific background information (short)
What goes in a cover letter?
Charcoal is generated in all biomass burning events and is
one of the only legacies of forest fire. However, to date, it has received very little scientific attention. In this
What goes in a cover letter?
In this manuscript we attempt to explain why,
although the ecological processes that create treeline patterns across western North America are mechanistically similar, and are linked to climate, actual patterns differ greatly. We discuss what this means in terms of treeline response to climate change.
Explanation of article contents (short)
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Zhejiang University, Hangzhou – 15/16 December 2008 How to get published
What goes in a cover letter?
This manuscript is the product of a workshop
which took place at the ESA’s meeting in Merida,
Mexico, “Ecology in an Era of Globalization”….
Desertification: I would like to take this opportunity to mention a possible conflict of interest. I undertook some consultancy work for the UN Convention on Desertification and did discuss
Background (workshop, interdisciplinary collaboration) Scientific background information (short)
Explanation of article contents (short)
What is new Why it is important Why this journal? Why now?
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou – 15/16 December 2008 How to get published
What goes in a cover letter?
Scientific information
Background (workshop, interdisciplinary collaboration) Scientific background information (short)
What goes in a cover letter?
Ethical information
Declare conflicts of interest Assure Editor that the rules have been followed (study Instructions to Authors) Contribution of each author Mention peer reviewers who should or should not be approached
Explanation of article contents (short)
What is new Why it is important Why this journal? Why now?
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou – 15/16 December 2008 How to get published
forum to highlight these new insights.
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou – 15/16 December 2008
How to get published
What goes in a cover letter?
Scientific information
Title Names of all authors Contact information for corresponding author The correct journal name!
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou – 15/16 December 2008