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一. 用括号里单词的适当形式填空

1. Can you help kids with _____________(swim)?

2. Let’s _____________( sing) an English song.

3. I want ____________(join) the soccer club.

4. John often helps his mother___________(do) the housework.

5. We (take ) the train to Shanghai yesterday.

6. We (have) fun ____ (sing) and ______(dance) at your birthday party last night.

7. He _____(not eat ) breakfast this morning because he _______ (get) up late.

8. Last Sunday afternoon we __(play) tennis and __ (clean ) the room.

9. Last night I ________ (stay) up late (study) geography for an hour.

10. My grandfather always _________ (watch) CCTV news at 7:00 pm. Look! It’s 7:15 now. He ___________ (watch) it.

11. _________ she _________(practice) her guitar yesterday? No, she _________.

12. I (study) for today’s math test last night.

13. My brother usually ________ (get) up early. But he ________ (get) up late this morning because he _________ (stay) up late last night.

14. It usually_______ (take) me 20 minutes to get to school but it ________ (take) me half an hour this morning because my bike _______ (be) broken(坏了) on the way.

15. I saw Tom _____ (sit) in front of the classroom when I ______ (get)into the classroom.

16. -- Listen! Can you hear Lucy ________ (sing)?

-- Yes, you’re right. She ___________ (sing) in the next room.

17.-- Did you enjoy ________ (visit) the farm last weekend?

-- Yeah. The farmer _________ (teach) us how __________ (grow) strawberries.

18.I’d like some beef _______ noodles. Do you have noodles with _______(potato)?

19.Every year, quite a lot of _________ (visit) come to the village.

20.Every summer vacation Tom ______ (go) to the countryside _______ (visit) his aunt.


visit, surprise, start, stay, language,drink, answer, idea, meat, blow

1. —What did you do yesterday?

—We __________ at home and studied.

2. The guide showed the three __________ around the museum.

3. I __________ to do my homework on Sunday afternoon.

4. John can speak two __________ — English and Chinese.

5. When Jane saw the snake this morning, she got a terrible __________.

6. Jenny never ________ her teacher’s questions.

7. Alan’s father wants to buy some ________ in the food store.

8. It is snowing and the wind is ________.

9. Do you have the same ________?

10. He would like ________ some tea.

三. 翻译下列句子

1. 我过了一个忙碌但却刺激的周末。

I _________ _________ __________ __________ exciting weekend.

2. Jenny喜欢看书。昨晚她看了一本英语书。

Jenny likes _________ __________. She _________ an English book last night.

3. Emma每天都看电视。可是昨天他没有看。

Emma __________ TV every day. But he _________ ___________ yesterday.

4. 上周六他们做什么了?他们做作业和购物了。

What ________ they _________ _________ Saturday?

They _________ __________ homework and _________ __________。

5. 那个农民带领我们参观了农场。农场上的一切对我们来说都是新奇的。我们学到了很多农业知识。

The _______ ________ _______ ________ the farm. Everything on the farm ______ _______ for us. We ________ _______ _______ _______ ________.


There are _________ ________ _______ _______ ________ in the forest.

7. 街道如此吵闹以至于我没有听见你。

The street was ________ noisy ________ I didn’t hear you.

8. 我们正在搭帐篷。

We _______ ________ ________ the tent.

9. 你们必须互相帮助才能完成这项工作。

You have to help ________ ________ to finish the work.

10. 不要把我弄醒,我想多睡一会儿。

Don’t ________ _______ ________. I want to sleep a lot.

11. 他们上周去野营了吗?

Did they ________ ________ last week?


If you ________ _______, your _______ will ________ ________.

13. 请在第一个十字路口处向右拐。

Please ________ ________ _______ the first _________.




______ a student, we have to __________ ________ ________ ________.

16.Jim 很善于与老人相处,而且擅长讲故事,所以他经常去敬老院看望老人。

Jim _____ _______ ______ people and _______ _______ ________ _________, so he often _______ to the old people’s home _______ _______ the old people.
