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马曹庙中学2015-2016学年七年级下学期英语Unit 11单元测试卷We`d better work hard for the future rather than regret for the past. 一、听力(共三节,计25分)


听句子。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最恰当的应答语。每个句子读一遍。( )1. A. It was great. B. I’m very happy. C. That is OK.

( )2. A. No, there weren’t.B. No, he didn’t. C. Yes, they were.

( )3. A. Yes, I did. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, it is.

( )4. A. Do homework. B. On Sunday. C. Playing tennis.

( )5. A. I’m watching cartoons.

B. I did some shopping.

C. It was a lovely day.



( )6. A.



( )7. A.



( )8. A.



( )9. A.

B. C.

( )10.A. B. C.





( )11. What did Jane do last weekend?

A. She visited a museum.

B. She helped on a farm.

C. She visited her friends.

( )12. What was the weather like?

A. It was hot.

B. It was cool.

C. It was cold.


( )13. How was Amy’s school trip?

A. It was terrible.

B. It was excellent.

C. It was boring.

( )14. What did Amy see there?

A. She saw cows, chickens and horses.

B. She saw cows, chickens and dogs.

C. She saw cows, cats and horses.

( )15. What did Amy do there?

A. She helped the farmers pick some apples.

B. She milked the cows and fed the chickens.

C. She walked around the farm and talked with a farmer.


( )16. Where did Amy go last week?

A. To the countryside.

B. To a forest.

C. To a mountain.

( )17. What did Amy do every afternoon?

A. She helped on the farm.

B. She went shopping.

C. She went fishing.

( )18. What did Amy do with her grandmother?

A. She fed sheep.

B. She milked cows.

C. She went to the movies.

( )19. Why were there so many birds?

A. There were many animals.

B. There were much food.

C. The air there was clean.

( )20. Where did Amy like to watch stars?

A. On the mountains.

B. By the river.

C. In her neighborhood.





( )26. Thursday is ____ excellent day because we have ____ Chinese all afternoon long. You know, Chinese is my favorite subject.

A. a; a

B. an; a

C. a; /

D. an; /

( )27. Children mean(意味着) ____ to parents. Parents are happy when we are happy. Also, parents are unhappy because we are unhappy. Their love are around us and we can always hear they say, “You are my life.”

A. something

B. everything

C. anything

D. nothing

( )28. - Can you tell me something about your trip?

- Oh, I ____ fishing every day with my grandpa when I was in the countryside.

A. go

B. goes

C. went

D. going

( )29. At night, we like ____ the stars in the night sky. The stars are just like my dreams. So in daytime, we must work hard to make these dreams come true step by step(一步一个脚印).

A. to see

B. to watch

C. to look

D. to read

( )30. I usually get up at half past five in summer. But this week I ____ up

late every day. I went to the playground after you began to do morning exercises.

A. get

B. gets

C. got

D. am getting

( )31. - Why do you look so happy?

- Well, I am ____ in the ____ news. You know, one of the students in Grade

9 got to Huanggang Middle School.

A. interesting; exciting

B. interesting; excited

C. interested; exciting

D. interested; excited

( )32. Last week, I visited my grandparents in the countryside. I had a great time, and they ____, too.

A. have

B. has

C. had

D. did

( )33. Mr. Dai asked us not to bring phones to school yesterday. But today I ____ my phone to school. I was so afraid. What a terrible day! I can’t bring it to school again!

A. bring

B. bought

C. brought

D. took

( )34. Farmers ___ strawberries in winter and then they can ____ them in summer.

A. grow; pick

B. grew; picked

C. pick; grow

D. picked; grew

( )35. I never eat ice-cream because I don’t want to ____ fat!

A. be

B. get

C. grow

D. A, B and C

( )36. - A new movie ____ last Friday. Do you want to go to the movie with me?

- Sure, I’d love to.

A. got out

B. came out

C. made of

D. cut down

( )37. - How can we get to Beijing?

- I think we can get there by plane. It is expensive but ____.

A. cheap

B. fast

C. quickly

D. hard

( )38. -Can you tell me ____?

- Well, you can take the bus there. Look! Here comes the bus!

A. how to get to the countryside

B. how can I get to the countryside

C. where is the countryside

D. where the countryside is

( )39. - How was your winter vacation?

- ____.

A. That sounds great.

B. I’m fine, thanks.

C. It was great.

D. Yes, it was great.

( )40. - We went to the mountains yesterday but it rained and rained all day long. We didn’t have a great time.

- ____.

A. Lucky you!

B. Bad luckily!

C. I’m sorry to hear that.

D. Haha!


