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from the first day of school,the teacher taught us a poem:"the hoe and the middle of the day,sweat and dirt,who only dishes,a journey"of the poem,then i knew the grain be not easily won,we want to save food.because we have to understand a truth,farmers uncle a year working in the field,flow a lot of sweat,can irrigate we cannot do without food.how hard,how can we not cherish food?


into the school,if careful attention to words,it is not difficult to find a bucket of the school every day was piled with leftovers,leftovers,and the whole steamed buns,each one came to it in front of the people,will use a very handsome posture,gives the white steamed buns a beautiful arc.although we lived in the countryside,long in the countryside,the food is brought about by its own,does not need to spend money to buy,but we don't have such a waste of it,this is also our parents the sun overhead,on land,the effort to them.if all this let parents see,they also think,in addition to deplore,what?.

也许有人说:“这是小题大做,不就是点粮食吗?”是的,虽然扔掉的粮食不多,可是扔掉的却是中华民族的传统美德,一个不爱惜粮食的人,也会不爱惜其他的一切,到头来只能成为一个自私自利的人。这样的人,最终会被社会抛弃,就像你把馒头扔进泔水桶一样some people may say:"this is a big deal,not just some food?"yes,although throw away food is not much,but throw away is the traditional virtues of the chinese nation,a people do not cherish the food,also do not cherish everything else,the end can only e an egoistic person.such a person,will eventually be abandoned by society,you like steamed buns into the swill bucket.



saves the grain,is our bounden duty of every citizen,not that your life is good,you can afford to waste waste.waste is a shameful act.so long as has the frugal consciousness,actually very simple to do:eat how much to eat much,don't throw the leftovers;in the restaurant to order to right amount,and should not be put on the dog,chaotic spot gas;do not eat meals packaged to take home.save food should e a new fashion,a new era of people should have the quality of.
