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The unusual events date back in recorded history to 1493 and the first voyage of Christopher Columbus (1451–1506) to the New World. It is recorded in his log(航行日志) that the reading of the compass was askew(歪斜的) within the area. Later from the year 1880 to 1976, there were some 158 disappearances occurred in this region. The disappearance in 1945 might be better known to us. Five navy aircrafts took off from a naval airport in southern Florida in perfect flying weather, on a routine training mission. Less than two hours later, they were completely lost, and the rescue plane sent to search for the missing aircraft, disappeared without trace,too.
Notable incidents
List of Bermuda Triangle incidents Aircraft incidents
1945: Flight 19 was a training flight of TBM Avenger bombers that went missing on December 5, 1945, while over the Atlantic.
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The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Sea, is a triangle-shaped stretch of ocean between Miami (迈阿密), Bermuda and Puerto Rico(波 多黎各) in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean.
The area is one of the most heavily traveled shipping lanes in the world, with ships crossing through it daily for ports in the Americas, Europe, and the Caribbean Islands.
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Methane hydrates 可燃冰
An explanation for some of the disappearances has focused on the presence of vast fields of methane hydrates (a form of natural gas) on the continental shelves . It has been hypothesized that periodic methane eruptions (sometimes called “mud volcanoes ") may produce regions of frothy water that are no longer capable of providing adequate buoyancy for ships. If this were the case, such an area forming around a ship could cause it to sink very rapidly and without warning.
Death valley in Napoli(死亡谷)
Naples death valley is located in Italy .It is called "animal cemetery" . The scenery is very beautiful. But somehow, in this valley ,the number of dead animals is as much as more than thirty-seven thousand every year . Scientists and the zoologists go into the valley many times, but they can't find out the answer .
1948 :On December 28, 1948, a Douglas DC-3 aircraft, number NC16002, disappeared while on a flight from San Juan, Puerto Rico, to Miami.
1963:On August 28, 1963, a pair of US Air Force KC135 Stratotanker aircraft collided and crashed into the Atlantic.
1 Pig called stone
2 mystery
3 Yangtze Rivers
7 What’s more
6 earthquake
5 Death
4 Tower of Babel
What and where is the deathly Bermuda Triangel
Natural explanations
1.Compass variations 指南针的变化 2.Deliberate acts of destruction 人为蓄意破坏 3.Gulf Stream 墨西哥湾流 4.Human error 人为错误 5.Hurricanes 飓风 6.Methane hydrates 可燃冰 7.Rogue waves 潮汐波