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Lesson 129-130 Seventy Miles an Hour 时速70英里


1 You can’ t have forgotten me . (forget)

2 He must have been working late. (work)

3 Tommy waved to us when we came across the field. (wave)

4 The blue car had overtaken the red one in yesterday’s race. (overtake)

5 The restaurant charged us forty pounds for the wine the day before yesterday. (charge)

6 I was careful not to say anything about it to the boss. (carefully)

7 The time passed slowly .(slow)

8 Amy took my advice and went to the doctor’s .(take)

9 We dream of buying our own house. (buy)

10 Alan, we will certainly help you as much as we can. (certain)


telling read been must can’t overtook dreamed waving at track

1. The man waving _to you is my father.

2. We must have red the same book.

3. We walked along a track _ at the side of the field.

4. Peter is driving at _

sixty miles an hour.

5. She can’t h ave left early last night.

6. He _overtook Tony and won the


7. I dreamed that I was in a boat on a big lake. 8. She can’t have been watering the garden.

9. You must have been thinking of something. 10 My wife can’t be telling

the truth.


(1)Ann was telling Gary to drive slowly. (针对划线部分提问)

What was Ann telling Gary to do

(2)I must have been dreaming. (变成否定句)

I can’t have been dre aming.

(3)You’d better take your wife’s advice. (变成否定句)

You’d better not take your wife’s advice.

(4)Tom drove in the street at seventy miles an hour. (针对划线部分提问)

How fast did Tom drive in the street

(5)That policeman is waving to you. (针对划线部分提问)

Who is waving to you


1 我们一定是走错路了。

We must have taken the wrong road.

2 他不可能说过那些话。

He can’t have said that.

3 我哥哥刚才一定是以每小时80英里的速度开车。

My brother must have been driving at eighty miles an hour .

4 他们昨晚准是在搞聚会。

They must have been having a party yesterday evening.

5 汤姆不可能把它拿上楼了。

Tom can’t have taken it upstairs.

Lesson 131-132 Don’t Be So Sure! 别那么肯定!


1 She may have made up her mind to offer Sam this job. (make)

2 May I spend the night here. (spend)

3 This is the cheapest TV in the shop. (cheap)

4 It took me three hours to repair the washing machine yesterday. (take)

5 We might not go anywhere .(somewhere)

6 I’m worried about what is going to happen next. (worry)

7 Susan looked after us very well last Saturday. (look)

8 Do you have any problems (problem)

9 She may have been watching television at that moment. (watch)

10 We are going to Spain for our holidays. (Spanish)


waiting been sure over job abroad made worry after end

1. She has never been abroad _ in her life.

2. Tom looks after _ his son during

the day.

3. My sister may have found a new job .

4. They can’t have been sleeping.

5. In the end _ , they had to work late to finish it.

6. He has made up his mind

to be a doctor.

7. ---Are you all right ---Don’t worry _ . I am fine.

8. He may be in his room, I am not sure . 9. Our guests may be waiting for

the bus.

10. Tom’s mother my have been over forty years old.


1. Martin wants to go to Egypt to spend his holiday. (针对划线部分提问)

Where does Martin want go to spend his holiday 2. It takes a long time to travel by sea. (变成一般疑问句)

Does it take a long time to travel by sea 3. We may go abroad. (变成否定句)

We may not go abroad.

4. Gary’s wife always worries too much, so she and Gary have to stay at home in the end.


Why do Gary and his wife have to stay at home in the end 5. We can’t make up our minds. (变成反意疑问句)

We can’t make up our minds, can we


1 安娜可能知道汤姆的地址。
