小学英语《Unit3 weather Part B let’s learn》优质课教学设计、教案

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Unit3 weather Part B let’s learn

教学内容:人教版pep 小学英语四年级下册第28 页教学内容分析




① 知识与技能:能听、说、认读词汇:sunny, rainy, cloudy, snowy, windy

② 过程与方法:能在真实的语境中灵活使用What’s the weather like in

Sydney? It’s hot and sunny.



1.掌握词汇:sunny, rainy, cloudy, snowy, windy


What’s the weather like in Sydney? It’s hot and sunny.





Step 1: Warming up.

(Greetings)T: Good afternoon, boys and girls!

S: Good afternoon, Teacher!

Now let’s sing a song together. (if you are happy and you know i t)

After that, Ss will enjoy a video called “How is the weather?”

Then we will learn some words about weather.

Step 2 Presentation.

教师呈现放风筝的图片,并播放一段大风呼啸的音频,学生猜测天气现象,板书并领读windy。学生听windy 的mp3,试读单词,教师呈现单词卡片,学生读出单词。教师呈现雨中的图片,堆雪人的场景,多云的图片,晴朗的图片,由图片引出单词rainy、snowy、cloudy、sunny,学生听这些单词的


Activity 1: 打地鼠

I will ask ss to say out the words they see as quickly as they can, Activity

2: Activity 2:猜一猜


Activity 3: Let’ say

Show several pictures about the weather. Ss try to guess the words.

Activity 4: 找规律

Ss’ watch the combinat ions of these words, and sum up the rules.

Step 3 Practice.


First a situation will be set: John and his family will travel around the

world. 让我们随着约翰去环游世界吧。

Show a world map.让学Th能够整体感知这四个城市“London, Singapore, Moscow, Sydney”

Show several pictures about the cities and introduce them. For example “Moscow is the capital of Russia.”

Activity2: listen and choose

John’s father is packing. ( 打包行李) .John’s mother is watching the weather report.

Ss watch the video and answer” What’s the weather like in Sydney?”

Activity3: emotional aims (德育渗透)

The weather always changes. Please take care of yourself.

Step 4: Consolidation.

Activity1: Let’s chant.

运用“两只老虎”的旋律,chant drills about weather.

Activity2: role-play

Ss try to talk about the weather in four cities. One is

John’s mother. One is John’s father.

Activity3: watch a video

The world weather reporter is a tiger. Ss watch and enjoy it. (学Th能够感受动物播报员的Th动,并能从中学很有乐趣的学到很多城市名,感受不同城市的特色和天气状况)

Activity4: turn the wheel

Ss turn the wheel twice and be able to choose two words.

Then they can say out the sentence. For example, “It is windy and cold in Jinan”

Activity5: play a card game. (make a sentence)

I prepared five bags of disordered words. Ss work in groups and try to put them in the right order.

Step 5: summary

make a summary of this lesson and count the group smiles.

Step 6: Homework.

一星级:listen and repeat.会读今天所学的单词和句子。

二星级:能在情景中运用句型What's the weather like in...? It’s ...进行询问和回答某地天气。

