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2. central
5. amusement/entertainment
3. famous
4. fantasy
6. He walked briskly along the path _________ ( 摆 动 )his rolled-up umbrella.
7. I’d recognized your handwriting anywhere. It’s __________ (独特的).
I was a weekend guest at a friend’s home recently where the hostess didn’t make it up in time for breakfast. I couldn’t have been 7 (happy). I went ahead, made myself coffee and found some fruit in her fridge. I tried to make her feel normal once she finally walked into the kitchen.
6. Swinging 7. unique 8. engine 9. deeds 10. advance
11. These beautifully old towns have remained relatively untouched by __________(旅游业).
12. Eyesight should be carefully _____________ (保护). 13. His ____________ (承认) that he was to blame kept the
_H_e_h_a_d__b_e_e_n_w_o_r_k_i_n_g_h_a_r_d_;_(i_t_i_s)__n_o_w__o_n_d_er__th_a_t_h_e__g_o_t _a_r_is_e_a_g_ain. 3.他在这住了很长时间了,所以他对这里很熟悉。
(be familiar with) _H_e__h_a_s_l_iv_e_d_h_e_r_e_f_o_r_a__lo_n_g__ti_m_e__s_o_h_e_i_s_f_a_m_i_li_a_r_w_i_t_h_t_h_e_p_l_ac_e_. 4.这个铁路系统是参照其他国家的成功规划建立起来的。
7. happier 8. ones
9. which 10. then
V. 书面表达。(20分)
1. 香港迪士尼乐园是香港的一个度假区,是全球第五个迪士 尼乐园。香港迪士尼乐园主题曲Let the Magic Fly由香港迪 士尼乐园名誉大使张学友主唱。公园的官方沟通语言为英 语和中文(普通话和粤语)。
1. The __________(主题) of loss runs through most of his
2. Community is ____________(中心的) to our plan.
3. Marie Curie is ___________(闻名) for her contribution to
作状语,it is no wonder(主句)]
With such a busy work schedule, it is no wonder that he always _l_o_o_k_s_s_o_t_ir_e_d_. ________________________________________
吸引物) to tourists.
16. various 17. Whichever 20. attraction
18. souveБайду номын сангаасir 19. brochures
Ⅲ. 翻译下列句子。(25分) 1.美国的报纸除了要提供信息, 还试图娱乐大众。(as well as) A_m__e_r_ic_a_n_n_e_w__sp_a_p_e_r_s_t_ry__to__e_n_te_r_t_ai_n_a_s__w_e_l_l _as__g_iv_e__in_f_o_r_m_a_t_io_n_. 2.他工作一直很努力,难怪他又加了薪。(it is no wonder
物;纪念品) of America. 19. We have been given a lot of travel _______________(小册子;
小册) after a trip to the agency. 20. The Tower of London is a great ________________(吸引;
16. I did that for _____________(各种各样的;不同的) reasons. 17. ______________(不论哪一个……) you (may) choose, you
won’t be satisfied. 18. He brought back a cowboy hat as a ______________(纪念礼
For two years now, I have lived with someone who goes to work before 6 a.m. I hope he 4 (continue) doing this for another two so I can continue to have breakfast alone 5 only my dog and newspaper, no one 6 (sit) across the table asking me how my night was. 1. which 2. being 3. either 4. continues 5. with 6. sitting
4. Steve’s favorite __________(梦想) was to win a house and a
flashy car.
5. I looked on in ______________(娱乐、消遣) as they started
to argue.
1. theme
Good guests also know when to disappear. I’m good at that. And the best hosts are the 8 who say, “Be back in time for cocktails(鸡尾酒)!”, 9 means they don’t want to see you until 10 .
8. My car’s been having ______(机械;引擎) trouble recently. 9. She’s always helping other people and doing other good
__________(好事), 10. If you are going to come, please let me know in _____(事先;
others from being punished. 14. She looks very _________(健壮的). 15. The Yanomami people live in the south American ______(丛
11. tourism 12. preserved 13. admission 14. athletic 15. jungle
(be modeled after) _T_h_e_r_a_il_w_a_y__sy_s_t_e_m__w_a_s_m__o_d_e_le_d__a_ft_e_r _th_e__s_u_cc_e_s_s_fu_l_p_l_a_n_u_s_e_d__in _o_th_e_r_c_o_u_n_t_ri_e_s.________________________________________ 5.不论你给我看哪一个,我都没有足够的钱买。(状语从句) _W_h_i_c_h_e_v_e_r _y_o_u_s_h_o_w_e_d__m_e_,_I_d_i_d_n_’_t _h_a_v_e_e_n_o_u_g_h_m__o_n_e_y_t_o_b_u_y_._
2.香港迪士尼乐园有一些独特的景点,两个迪士尼主题酒店 以及令人兴奋的购物、餐饮和娱乐设施。特色景点包括: 梦公园景区、美国小镇大街、探险世界、幻想世界及明日 世界。
3.游客到访香港迪士尼乐园将会暂时远离现实世界进入到丰 富多彩的童话故事王国,感受神秘的幻想土地的未来和世 界的冒险刺激。
4. 他因为迟到向老师道歉,老师一句话没说就接受了他的道 歉。(make an apology to sb. for…; without doing …)
He made an apology to the teacher for being late and the teacher _a_c_c_e_p_te_d_i_t_w__it_h_o_u_t _sa_y_i_n_g_a__w_o_r_d_.________________________ 5. 他的工作时间表如此繁忙,难怪他这么疲惫。[with+名词
Unit 5 Theme Parks
Ⅰ.翻译下列短语。(20分) 1. 以……而闻名_______1_._b_e_f_a_mous for... 2. 难怪;不足为奇_____2_._n_o__w_o_nder 3. 仿造;根据……模仿_3_._b_e_m__o_deled after 4. 接近 _______________4_. _g_et_c_lose to 5. 活跃起来 ___________5_. _co_m__e to life 6. 提前_______________6_._i_n_a_dvance 7. 对……熟悉的_______7_._b_e_f_amiliar with 8. 使梦想成真_________8_._m__ak_e one’s e true 9. 做……有趣_________9_._h_a_v_e fun doing sth. 10. 选择做某事________1_0_. choose to do sth.
Ⅳ. 语法填空。(15分) Many of us will have, or be, house guests this holiday
season. I’m not sure 1 is worse. Most people would say 2 (be) the host is harder. I’m not so sure. Being a guest isn’t all it’s imagined to be, 3 . You have to, like, share the talk.
11.太空旅行_____1_1_. _ta_k_e_a__tr_ip__i_n_to space 12. 到处闲逛____1_2_._w_a_n_d_e_r_a_r_o_u_n_d 13.有机会做……_13_._h_a_v_e__a_c_h_a_n_c_e to do... 14. 引进________1_4_._b_r_in_g__in_t_o____ 15. 全世界______1_5_._a_ll_o_v_e_r__th_e_w__o_rld 16. 当然________1_6_._o_f_c_o_u_r_s_e 17. 骑车 ________1_7_. _ta_k_e a ride 18. 实现________1_8_._c_o_m_e__tr_u_e___ 19. 经营农场____1_9_._r_u_n_a__fa_r_m_____ 20. 距离……近__2_0_._w_i_t_h_in__ea_s_y__re_a_ch of