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Traditional manual bookkeeping and computerized accounting and Differences

[Abstract]With the development of technology, the traditional manual bookkeeping is no longer able to meet the needs of enterprises, and by means of computerized accounting finance staff, computer hardware and software, information resources and other elements of composition, taking full advantage of modern computer data processing technology, and applied to the accounting practice, thereby replacing the traditional financial personnel account, afterwards and accounting links, greatly improved work efficiency. However, the national level, there are many units do not operate out of hand, did not implement computerization. Addition to the reasons for the lack of awareness of the work, there do not realize the advantages of computerization. This paper compares the traditional manual bookkeeping and computerized accounting links and differences will help the further development of the accounting profession.

[Keywords] manual bookkeeping computerized accounting the financial statements


一、相关概念 (1)

(一)传统手工记账的概述 (1)

(二)会计电算化的概念 (1)

1.广义会计电算化 (1)

2.狭义会计电算化 (1)

(三)会计电算化的优缺点 (2)

1.会计电算化的优点 (2)

2.会计电算化的缺点 (2)

二、传统手工记账与会计电算化的联系 (3)

(一)目的一致 (3)

(二)都要遵循基本会计理论与方法 (3)

(三)都需要保存会计档案 (3)

(四)基本会计工作的要求相同 (3)

(五)系统基本功能相同 (3)

(六)会计报表的编制要求相同 (3)

三、传统手工记账与会计电算化的区别 (4)

(一)系统初始化工作有差异 (4)

(二)科目设置与使用存在差异 (4)

(三)账务处理的程序上存在差异 (4)

(四)账簿格式的差异 (5)

(五)运算工具的差异 (5)

(六)信息载体不同 (5)

(七)账薄的规则不同 (5)

(八)会计工作的组织体制不同 (5)

(九)内部控制不同 (6)

四、会计电算化对传统手工记账的影响 (6)
