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过敏时的“反应” 对…做出反应

Book4 Unit3 A taste of English humour



1. humour (n.) 幽默---humorous (adj.)

2. depress(v.)使消沉---depression(n.) ---depressed/depressing (adj.)

3. performer(n.) 表演者

---perform (v.) 表演;履行,执行;做 ---performance (n.) 表演,表现 4. a stonish (v.)使惊诧--- astonishment (n.) ---astonished/astonishing (adj.) 5.bored (adj.) 厌烦的,厌倦的 ---boring (adj.) ---boredom (n.)厌倦 6. entertain (vt.) 使欢乐,款待

---entertaining (adj.) 令人愉快的,有趣的 ---entertainment(n.)---entertainer(n.)艺人

7.direct (vt.) 导演,指示/ (adj.)直接的,直率的

(adv.) 直接地

--- director (n.)指导者;导演;

---direction (n)方向,指挥,说明书(常用复数) --- directly(adv.) 立即/(conj.) 一…就…

8. confidence (n.) 信心,信念---confident (adj.) 9.actress (n.) 女演员---actor (n.) 男演员 二、重点单词

1. react v 对…做出反应

n. reaction

---act (v.) 表演,行动/ (n.) 法令,行动

---action(n.) 行动

10. amuse (v.) 使…发笑---amusement(n.) ---amusing/ amused (adj.)

11. explanation (n.) 解释---explain (v.) 12. react (v.) 对…作出反应,回应 ---reaction (n.) 回应,作出反应 13. bright(adj.) 明亮的

---brighten(v.) 使明亮,使开心 14. fortunate(adj.)---fortunately(adv.) ---fortune(n.)幸运---unfortunate(adj.) 15. enjoyment(n.)享受---enjoy(v.) ---joy (n.) 高兴---enjoyable(adj.) 16. f ail(v.)---failure(n)失败

17. mess(n.)脏乱 ---messy(adj.) 18. drink(v/n)---drunk(adj.)喝醉的

19. detective(n.)侦探—detect(v)查明;发现20.optimism(n.)---optimistic(adj.)乐观的 ---optimist(n.)乐观主义者

①*How did the students react to the monitor’s suggestion? ②Q uite a lot of children react b a d ly to anti-biotic s .(抗生素)) ③It shows us how iron reacts with air and with water


(react to sth.= respond to sth.) (= be allergic to sth.)


sb’s first / immedia te reaction; the public reaction to the news

1) The most challenging part is ___

we react when we experience problems and difficulties.

2) The only intelligent reaction ___ defeat must be: next year we will do our best to come out on top.

2. fail v

①We tried but failed.

②*I never fail to phone my parents on their birthdays. ③I passed history but failed chemistry

④Her work was so bad that the teacher had no choice but to fail her ⑤He saw a terrible accident in which a tram’s brakes failed. ⑥His eyesight is failing.

⑦*Words failed me when I wanted to express my thanks to him.


n. reaction


react 基本义



failure n

①She is depressed by her continued failure to find a job.

②*The art show was far from being a failure ; it was a great success. ③the power failure/ engine failure/ heart failure


机器等运转失灵 身体各项功能等失败未能达到期望




n 1)

All his efforts ended in failure.

2) In fact, he thought of himself as ___ failure. 3) _(fail) to observe all Park rules could result in being driven out of the Park. 4)She has suffered from ___ (fail) health.

5)I failed __ ________(pass) the English test last term because I was not good at English. 3. content adj. 满足的,满意的 vt. 使满足 n.(书)目录;内容,容量 1) If you are not content ____ the progress you’ve made, you will have greater success. 2) That rich man is tired of city life, so he is content ( live) in the country. She dropped her handbag and the contents fell out on the floor. Look at the contents page of the book

before buying it. The content of your speech is excellent. food with a high fat content 1)As I emptied out the old wallet, I was amazed at how much it held. Carefully I went through its_ _ piece by piece and moved them to their new home. A. papers B .belongings C .pockets D .contents 2)Oranges have a high vitamin C content.

3)The teacher returned his paper and said the content was very interesting. 4. astonish vt. 使惊讶,使震惊

(1) astonish sb. with/by sth. 用某事使某人惊讶

(2) astonished adj.感到惊讶的 astonishing adj. 令人吃惊的

be astonished at sth. / to do sth. / that 从句 对做……感到惊讶 (3) astonishment n. 惊讶 (much )to one’s astonishment 使某人惊讶的是

v n


书刊 书籍,文章, 演讲



词源义 包含的东西 ❹

❸ be/feel content with sth = be/feel satisfied/pleased with 对……满意/ 满足be content to do sth = be willing to do sth=be pleased to do sth 乐意做某事content oneself with 满足于…(动词只记这一个句型)



⍓ fail

(基本义) ❶失败, 未能做
