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果表明: 在 杀 菌 剂 单 剂 中,以 嘧 菌 酯 和 百 菌 清 对 玉 米 螟 赤 眼 蜂 的 毒 性 最 高,LR50 分 别 为 1. 31 × 10 - 4 和 9. 59 × 10 - 4 a. i. mg / cm2 ,为高风险药剂; 丙环唑、苯醚甲环唑和己唑醇对玉米螟赤眼蜂的毒性较低,LR50 分别是 2. 34 × 10 - 3 、4. 83 × 10 - 3 和 2. 60 × 10 - 3 a. i. mg / cm2 ,为中等风险性药剂; 戊唑醇和烯酰吗啉的毒性最低,为低风 险性药剂。在混配制剂中,只有嘧菌酯·百菌清对玉米螟赤眼蜂不安全,LR50 是 1. 85 × 10 - 3 a. i. mg / cm2 ,为高 风险性药剂; 嘧菌酯·己唑醇、嘧菌酯·烯酰吗啉和嘧菌酯·苯醚甲环唑对玉米螟赤眼蜂的毒性较低,LR50 分 别是 8. 96 × 10 - 4 、3. 17 × 10 - 3 和 1. 65 × 10 - 2 a. i. mg / cm2 。嘧菌酯·丙环唑和嘧菌酯·戊唑醇对玉米螟赤眼蜂安
徐华强,薛 明* ,赵海朋,刘艳艳
( 山东农业大学植物保护学院,山东泰安 271018)
摘要: 为明确嘧菌酯等杀菌剂及其混配制剂对赤眼蜂的毒性,评价含嘧菌酯混配制剂的风险性,本文采用管测药
膜法测定了嘧菌酯等杀菌剂及其混配制剂对玉米螟赤眼蜂 Trichogramma ostriniae 的毒性,并进行安全性评价。结
环 境 昆 虫 学 报 Journal of Environmental Entomology,May 2014,36 ( 3) : 381 - 387
doi: 10. 3969 / j. issn. 1674 - 0858. 2014. 03. 15
ISSN 1674-0858
中图分类号: Q965. 8; S476
文献标识码: A
文章编号: 1674 - 0858 ( 2014) 03 - 0381 - 07
Safety evaluation of Azoxystrobin and it,s mixtures to Trichogramma spp.
XU Hua-Qiang1 , XUE Ming* , ZHAO Hai-Peng, LIU Yan-Yan ( College of Plant Protection, Shandong Agricultural University,Tai'an 271018,Shandong Province,China) Abstract: To clarify the effects of selected herbicides and it,s mixtures on Trichogramma spp. ,acute toxicities of suchherbicides to adult Trichogramma ostriniae were determined by using the dry film residue method,and the safety of selected herbicides were also evaluated. Among the result of selected herbicides,Azoxystrobin and Chlorothalonil showed higher intrinsic toxicity to T. ostriniae with the LR50 values of 1. 31 × 10 - 4 and 9. 59 × 10 - 4 a. i. mg / cm2 ,respectively. As to Propiconazole,Difenoconazole and Hexaconazole,they also had lower toxicity to T. ostriniae with the LR50 values of 2. 34 × 10 - 3 , 4. 83 × 10 - 3 and 2. 60 × 10 - 3 a. i. mg / cm2 , respectively. Tebuconazole and Dimethomorph had low toxicity to T. ostriniae. Among the mixtures of herbicides,Azoxystrobin·Chlorothaloni had the highest toxicty to T. ostriniae with the LR50 values of 1. 85 × 10 - 3 a. i. mg / cm2 . Azoxystrobin · Hexaconazole, Azoxystrobin· Dimethomorph and Azoxystrobin · Difenoconazole had lower toxicity to T. ostriniae with the LR50 values of 8. 96 × 10 -4 ,3. 17 × 10 -3 and 1. 65 × 10 -2 a. i. mg / cm2 ,respectively. Azoxystrobin· Propiconazole and Azoxystrobin · Tebuconazole were safe to T. ostriniae. The intrinsic toxicity and ecological risk of the mixtures of herbicides were related not only with the other herbicides but also with the content of other herbicides. Azoxystrobin mixing with other herbicides which was high toxicity to
剂混用,其混剂的风险性高; 嘧菌酯和低风Байду номын сангаас药剂混用,其混剂的风险性会低于嘧菌酯。因此,在大田释放赤
关键词: 嘧菌酯; 杀菌剂; 混配制剂; 玉米螟赤眼蜂; 安全性